About myself.

Hello. I am what I am. As I post more here you will see that I hold firm to my principles. I believe in God, family and country. I know right from wrong and detest those that do not. I am pro-military, pro-gun rights, pro Rule of Law and a defender of our Constitution. I have little patience for the fools that believe they can improve on the foundation of this nation by revising the Constitution and enacting "progressive concepts" into laws that steal our freedoms inch by inch, step by step.
Instead of , "Don't tread on me" , I say , "By God you'll not tread on me"!
Extremely skilled in the use of weapons and never afraid to use weapons to protect myself, my family and others if need arises.
In short, I am exactly the kind of man the liberals hate. I rather take pride in that....any true patriot does.

You really had to start another introduction thread? Who give a shit you freaking attention whore.
They aren't governing according to my will. So much for that huh pal?

And they didn't govern according to the will of the anti war crowd during the Iraq War huh pal?

Are you going to offer anything other than boring platitudes and James Carville talking points?

Democracy, dipshit....look it up
Did Christ not say " render unto Ceasar that which is Ceasars"? You are such an idiot.

Do you understand what he meant and what he was talking about? The Romans were capitalizing in every way, on the Christians and Jews holy sacrifices and religious practices. A disciple suggested they 'boycott' for lack of a better word, and refuse to pay for sacrificial lambs and such, because, why should they be giving their hard earned money to this tyrant who was making life hard for them? This is when Jesus asked the disciple whose picture was on the coin, and he replied, "Caesar's!" Thus the response from Jesus; "Then render unto Caesar, that which is his." It had absolutely NOTHING to do with supporting statist government or liberalism. It was pertaining to what is more "important" to a Christian, coins... gold... money... or GOD?

If you are going to throw the Scriptures up at religious people, you should at least educate yourself on them, so you know what the fuck you're talking about, because you sound like a goddamn idiot. ...LITERALLY!
Do you understand what he meant and what he was talking about? The Romans were capitalizing in every way, on the Christians and Jews holy sacrifices and religious practices. A disciple suggested they 'boycott' for lack of a better word, and refuse to pay for sacrificial lambs and such, because, why should they be giving their hard earned money to this tyrant who was making life hard for them? This is when Jesus asked the disciple whose picture was on the coin, and he replied, "Caesar's!" Thus the response from Jesus; "Then render unto Caesar, that which is his." It had absolutely NOTHING to do with supporting statist government or liberalism. It was pertaining to what is more "important" to a Christian, coins... gold... money... or GOD?

If you are going to throw the Scriptures up at religious people, you should at least educate yourself on them, so you know what the fuck you're talking about, because you sound like a goddamn idiot. ...LITERALLY!

Shut up moron. Jesus said everyone has to pay their taxes. Twist it all you want, I don't give a shit.
Do you understand what he meant and what he was talking about? The Romans were capitalizing in every way, on the Christians and Jews holy sacrifices and religious practices. A disciple suggested they 'boycott' for lack of a better word, and refuse to pay for sacrificial lambs and such, because, why should they be giving their hard earned money to this tyrant who was making life hard for them? This is when Jesus asked the disciple whose picture was on the coin, and he replied, "Caesar's!" Thus the response from Jesus; "Then render unto Caesar, that which is his." It had absolutely NOTHING to do with supporting statist government or liberalism. It was pertaining to what is more "important" to a Christian, coins... gold... money... or GOD?

If you are going to throw the Scriptures up at religious people, you should at least educate yourself on them, so you know what the fuck you're talking about, because you sound like a goddamn idiot. ...LITERALLY!

You're right. It was about what is more important....and it's pretty obvious where a lot of Conservative Christians hung their hats....oh....unless it comes to judging sins that don't affect them. THEN they turn to cherry picked passages of the bible to soothe their own sins and make them feel better about themselves. Because somewhere along the line, SELF righteousness became more important than God's righteousness.
Do you understand what he meant and what he was talking about? The Romans were capitalizing in every way, on the Christians and Jews holy sacrifices and religious practices. A disciple suggested they 'boycott' for lack of a better word, and refuse to pay for sacrificial lambs and such, because, why should they be giving their hard earned money to this tyrant who was making life hard for them? This is when Jesus asked the disciple whose picture was on the coin, and he replied, "Caesar's!" Thus the response from Jesus; "Then render unto Caesar, that which is his." It had absolutely NOTHING to do with supporting statist government or liberalism. It was pertaining to what is more "important" to a Christian, coins... gold... money... or GOD?

If you are going to throw the Scriptures up at religious people, you should at least educate yourself on them, so you know what the fuck you're talking about, because you sound like a goddamn idiot. ...LITERALLY!

Who are "religious people"?
You're right. It was about what is more important....and it's pretty obvious where a lot of Conservative Christians hung their hats....oh....unless it comes to judging sins that don't affect them. THEN they turn to cherry picked passages of the bible to soothe their own sins and make them feel better about themselves. Because somewhere along the line, SELF righteousness became more important than God's righteousness.

The author of Mark was writing for a gentile audience. In order to convert them, he would naturally tell them that they could remain good citizens and pay Caesar, because the things of must importance were due to God.
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