Ain't it the truth! Part II


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Between her desire to soak the rich and give tax money to the (voting) poor, her tendency to have a large, central government take over more and more functions of our formerly-private lives, and her numerous attempts to nationalize whole segments of the U.S. economy, Papa Joe is indeed smiling down on her.

This is only funny to conservatives: Who accept the idea of state-legislated religion and regulation of personal life, but find it morally reprehensible that healthcare or lead paint in toys should be regulated.

The grandest hypocrites of them all.
This is only funny to conservatives: Who accept the idea of state-legislated religion and regulation of personal life, but find it morally reprehensible that healthcare or lead paint in toys should be regulated.

The grandest hypocrites of them all.

When did a conservative propose a national church? Never. What aspects of regulating personal life are you concerned about? Abortion? Until you have something of substance STFU.
When did a conservative propose a national church? Never. What aspects of regulating personal life are you concerned about? Abortion? Until you have something of substance STFU.

I was thinking of double digit jail sentences for the sale of a plant, but yeah I guess abortion is mildly important as well.
I was thinking of double digit jail sentences for the sale of a plant, but yeah I guess abortion is mildly important as well.

How is that "conservative"???? Have Dems changed the law? Did prison populations not swell under Clowntoon for selling these plants?

No question the law should be revoked and non-violent offenders released... but you are kidding no one by acting as though the drug war is purely conservative.
As for abortion.... it is the ending of a human life. Genetics proves that. So you are either of the position that an unborn progeny is entitled to basic human rights protections or you are of the position that the unborn progeny is not entitled. Just because the religious right brings religion into the discussion doesn't make it solely a religious issue.
As for abortion.... it is the ending of a human life. Genetics proves that. So you are either of the position that an unborn progeny is entitled to basic human rights protections or you are of the position that the unborn progeny is not entitled. Just because the religious right brings religion into the discussion doesn't make it solely a religious issue.

Clearly, every religious nutcase that shoots an animal for sport doesn't think that all life should be protected. So, what we are talking about is what makes us human. A zygote may have a blueprint to become a human, but that doesn't make them one yet. You are delusional if you say that a zygote is every bit as much of a person as a nine-month old.

They are a pre-human, developing. It's an ethical question but it's odd that so many conservatives want the government to come in and decide it for us, instead of the indivdual.

Anyway... a sperm has half a blueprint. Why should the government force mothers to fully develop a blueprint just because two pieces have been put together?
I was thinking of double digit jail sentences for the sale of a plant, but yeah I guess abortion is mildly important as well.

I personally have come to view the slaughter of millions of innocents as mildly funny and amusing. As for drugs, a lot of people support the current system on both sides. I say legalize 'em and clean up the gene pool.
I personally have come to view the slaughter of millions of innocents as mildly funny and amusing. As for drugs, a lot of people support the current system on both sides. I say legalize 'em and clean up the gene pool.

I say you're a disgusting ignorant fool. Of course if I thought that decriminalization was going to lead to massive deaths I wouldn't be for it, but it's not. The current system kills more people than it saves.

I was thinking of double digit jail sentences for the sale of a plant, but yeah I guess abortion is mildly important as well.

How cute toppy has a girl friend...he(epicurus) even quotes his lover in his sig line...:rolleyes:
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I personally have come to view the slaughter of millions of innocents as mildly funny and amusing. As for drugs, a lot of people support the current system on both sides. I say legalize 'em and clean up the gene pool.
The SLAUGHTER of millions? Do they pile them up like cord wood after. Do the millions suffer horrible pain and trauma? As the majority of them occur in the first 12-16 weeks of life that answer would be no since there is NO PAIN receptors at that point of life. I understand what you mean, but your slaughter comment is pure emotionalist tripe. I have read your posts long enough to know that you are not so stupid as to label this a slaughter in any sense of the ordinary meaning of the word. Late term abortions are barbaric and anyone that has ever read about them cannot possibly support them. If the child can be delivered to the head without killing the woman it can be delivered completly. Anacephaly is the only reason I can see that woman might remove a child at the end of the pregnancy. But please refrain from the emotionalistic tripe.
The SLAUGHTER of millions? Do they pile them up like cord wood after. Do the millions suffer horrible pain and trauma? As the majority of them occur in the first 12-16 weeks of life that answer would be no since there is NO PAIN receptors at that point of life. I understand what you mean, but your slaughter comment is pure emotionalist tripe. I have read your posts long enough to know that you are not so stupid as to label this a slaughter in any sense of the ordinary meaning of the word. Late term abortions are barbaric and anyone that has ever read about them cannot possibly support them. If the child can be delivered to the head without killing the woman it can be delivered completly. Anacephaly is the only reason I can see that woman might remove a child at the end of the pregnancy. But please refrain from the emotionalistic tripe.

The data reports that they do suffer, but why does that matter?
I say you're a disgusting ignorant fool. Of course if I thought that decriminalization was going to lead to massive deaths I wouldn't be for it, but it's not. The current system kills more people than it saves.

Hang on, you would oppose people making decisions if it adversely affected their health and well-being? Hypocrite.
The data reports that they do suffer, but why does that matter?
There is not a brain that is advanced enough at that point that they can feel pain. They do begin to exhibit REM behavior but neurologists will tell you it is probably not dreams until well into the second trimester. I want you to understand, I don't think anyone can honestly say that a fetus at 20 weeks for further is not a being that the law should protect. But particularly in the first 12 weeks, no, just not enough of a person and just to much mechanistic life. Would you argue that an anacephalitic child was a person is the philosophical meaning of the word? It possesses no brain and therefore cannot think or feel. That is what a 12 week fetus is like. After that the protections should favor the fetus survival.
There is not a brain that is advanced enough at that point that they can feel pain. They do begin to exhibit REM behavior but neurologists will tell you it is probably not dreams until well into the second trimester. I want you to understand, I don't think anyone can honestly say that a fetus at 20 weeks for further is not a being that the law should protect. But particularly in the first 12 weeks, no, just not enough of a person and just to much mechanistic life. Would you argue that an anacephalitic child was a person is the philosophical meaning of the word? It possesses no brain and therefore cannot think or feel. That is what a 12 week fetus is like. After that the protections should favor the fetus survival.

We will probably just keep doing whatever we want to do, which is killing it. I find the issue to be unbelievable really, but its there nevertheless, so I will just continue to see the world in amazement. I think it is human life throughout the whole process, but since our only object of value in post-modernity is pleasure vs. pain, the child fails in its subconscious state to meet the standards of our society and is therefore oh-so expendable.
We will probably just keep doing whatever we want to do, which is killing it. I find the issue to be unbelievable really, but its there nevertheless, so I will just continue to see the world in amazement. I think it is human life throughout the whole process, but since our only object of value in post-modernity is pleasure vs. pain, the child fails in its subconscious state to meet the standards of our society and is therefore oh-so expendable.
YOu won't get disagreement from me. I am repulsed by college girls that could have easily gotten a depo shot, or taken the pill or had her boyfriend wear a condom get an abortion for reasons of convenience, and we all of know that some do.