Ain't it the truth! Part II

For me its a matter of doing what I know is right (aka [r]epubican virtue). As a cynic and a fatalist, I don't expect anything to work out, ever. I expect drug use to become more common, abortion to remain legal and regulations to recede further, and ultimately, I expect the Western World (perhaps even America) to fall to the Islamists and all of us (those alive at the time) to be exterminated. We are so damned passive, I have no expectation for anyone to stop it.

That doesn't mean I have to endorce or support any of it. I oppose abortion. That's one good thing I can do to make up for all the bad, because to me it is just such an extreme, and I can at least avoid making extreme mistakes in life.

To tell you the truth I was pro-life for a few minutes yesterday.
Atheism is growing at a far greater rate than Islam. But Islam is growing a lot faster than Christianity, simply because it is a sexier religion. It's more violent and more controlling. Think about all the controlling things you know about Christianity. Well, Islam has that, and the Jewish controls, and quite a few of it's own that it threw in there just for good measure. If I had to pick a religion I hated the most, I would definitely pick Islam. The only reason I talk so much about Christianity is that there's just not much Islam over here to bash.
Atheism is growing at a far greater rate than Islam. But Islam is growing a lot faster than Christianity, simply because it is a sexier religion. It's more violent and more controlling. Think about all the controlling things you know about Christianity. Well, Islam has that, and the Jewish controls, and quite a few of it's own that it threw in there just for good measure. If I had to pick a religion I hated the most, I would definitely pick Islam. The only reason I talk so much about Christianity is that there's just not much Islam over here to bash.

Atheism is growing in places that will not be around to brag about it for very long, such as Western Europe. I am confident Islam will have it completely taken over in the next 12 years or so.
Be depressed all you want, Three, by any measure human society is in better shape than it has ever been before, despite the doomsayers all throughout history saying it's just about to collapse into nothing.


The world is getting freer. Despite Islam. And moderate Muslims are becoming more and more common. How the hell can you say that the majority of most western European nations is going to be muslim in 10 years? That's ridiculous. Besides, most western muslims are far more liberal than even the most liberal muslim in the middle east.
I disagree about Western Muslims in Europe. I personally know some very fine Muslims though here in WA. Personally, I am cautiously optimistic about America, because a lot of positive things may be taking place. Catholic (yay) and Evangelical (yuck) Christianity are on the rise, and Latino immigrants fit predominantly into these categories. There appears to be a baby boom going on, and I think conservatives are on a path to outnumber liberals.

That said, we could still screw it up as we are still rather stupid nevertheless. Europe is lost though.
I disagree about Western Muslims in Europe. I personally know some very fine Muslims though here in WA. Personally, I am cautiously optimistic about America, because a lot of positive things may be taking place. Catholic (yay) and Evangelical (yuck) Christianity are on the rise, and Latino immigrants fit predominantly into these categories. There appears to be a baby boom going on, and I think conservatives are on a path to outnumber liberals.

That said, we could still screw it up as we are still rather stupid nevertheless. Europe is lost though.

20% of those between the age of 18-25 are atheists, compared to 5% of baby boomers. We're on our way to open-mindedness and a more liberal future.

Not ever religion in the United States can be growing at once. Radical evangeliscism is growing but only by killing mainline protestantism. Catholoscism, well, I don't know. If it is growing it's not growing by much. Islam is growing much faster than either of them, though not as fast as atheism.
20% of those between the age of 18-25 are atheists, compared to 5% of baby boomers. We're on our way to open-mindedness and a more liberal future.

Not ever religion in the United States can be growing at once. Radical evangeliscism is growing but only by killing mainline protestantism. Catholoscism, well, I don't know. If it is growing it's not growing by much. Islam is growing much faster than either of them, though not as fast as atheism.

You liberal atheists will have to start procreating. The dissappearing protestant sects are the more liberal (less inspiring) one's anyway, so they are no loss to anyone. Are ya'll open to the demise of the West?
You liberal atheists will have to start procreating. The dissappearing protestant sects are the more liberal (less inspiring) one's anyway, so they are no loss to anyone. Are ya'll open to the demise of the West?

Most liberal atheists do not pop out of liberal atheists.
3/4 children mimic their parents philosophy, genious. And those 20th C. mass murdering atheists do not appear open-minded to me at all...

Like who?

Hitler the Christian killed some Jews, and Stalin the Communist killed some communists. Neither of them were atheists.
20% of those between the age of 18-25 are atheists, compared to 5% of baby boomers. We're on our way to open-mindedness and a more liberal future.

Not ever religion in the United States can be growing at once. Radical evangeliscism is growing but only by killing mainline protestantism. Catholoscism, well, I don't know. If it is growing it's not growing by much. Islam is growing much faster than either of them, though not as fast as atheism.

Catholicism is dropping particualarially among hispanics, they like the more animated evangelistic services better apparently. Saw a segment on this on PBS a while back.
Catholicism is dropping particualarially among hispanics, they like the more animated evangelistic services better apparently. Saw a segment on this on PBS a while back.

That's because from 1911-1990, Catholicism was persecuted by the govt. and many Mexicans were not being brought up in the faith. So when they come over, they are easy targets for evangelical ministries. But the Church is again on the rise in Mexico, and many who come over are nevertheless Catholic.
The show I watched was current and specifically spoke of hispanic immigrants who converted to Evangelical after coming to the USA.
I am not sure about south of the border though.
Like who?

Hitler the Christian killed some Jews, and Stalin the Communist killed some communists. Neither of them were atheists.
Um... Hitler wasn't a Christian...

Some quotes:

Night of 11th-12th July, 1941:

National Socialism and religion cannot exist together.... The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity.... Let it not be said that Christianity brought man the life of the soul, for that evolution was in the natural order of things. (p 6 & 7)

10th October, 1941, midday:

Christianity is a rebellion against natural law, a protest against nature. Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure. (p 43)

14th October, 1941, midday:

The best thing is to let Christianity die a natural death.... When understanding of the universe has become widespread... Christian doctrine will be convicted of absurdity.... Christianity has reached the peak of absurdity.... And that's why someday its structure will collapse.... ...the only way to get rid of Christianity is to allow it to die little by little.... Christianity the liar.... We'll see to it that the Churches cannot spread abroad teachings in conflict with the interests of the State. (p 49-52)

And those are just a few of them. He was no Christian. He may have pretended to get some of the proles to follow his lead, but he was no Christian.

For a more objective view of it:
Please, I don't believe an ounce of that Christia propaganda. Hitler was a Christian through and through.
Right, you can tell by the way he says that it should "die a natural death" and other great things he says about it.

You can also tell by the actual religion he made up for the SS guys, taught only to them, only meant to be taught to the worthy Aryans....


He was no Christian by any "Christianity" that we know today.
You can also tell by the actual religion he made up for the SS guys, taught only to them, only meant to be taught to the worthy Aryans....

That was his form of Christianity. In the quotes above, a Christian translator was probably attempting to mislead by replacing what was in reference to specific Christian doctirines with "Christianity" itself.