Alec Baldwin Fired Prop Gun That Killed Halyna Hutchins, Injured Director


And yet two people were in the way. Why? If I were them, I'd make damn sure it's not loaded.

Why was it the responsibility of those injured and killed to make sure the gun was not loaded?
Why wasn't it the responsibility of the person who pulled the trigger?
Why are idiots thinking that being against NRA means being anti-gunner?

Man their collective IQs must be a total of 50.
I have better things to do than argue with the incompetent

You always do that when you've lost an argument. Why? Be a man and concede.

Again, being against NRA does not mean being anti guns. You cannot spin it, no matter how hard you try.
Michael Richards is the exception. ;)

Michael Richards shouted the N-word in 2006, and it has been hard to find work since then. I am not going to defend shouting the N-word, but no one died, and it was while being heckled doing stand up comedy. Tempers were running high.

Luckily for Richards, he has enough money to retire.
Cathy Scorsese
“I worked with Alec Baldwin on the set of ‘The Departed’ and ‘The Aviator.’ Alec is a good human being, and it’s written all over his face how distraught he is. It’s awful, but in addition to his role as an actor, he’s also wearing the producer hat in this case,” she said.

“The number of violations that took place to result in a death and an injury like this is beyond our comprehension,” she added, speaking on behalf of other industry colleagues who’ve been “blowing up” online message boards discussing “how this could have possibly happened when the chain of custody on set for firearms is so specific and strict.”

She hopes the incident will perhaps elicit some change.

“For years, I’ve been saying there’s got to be a better way to make movies, and everybody’s attitude is, ‘Well, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’ But it is broke. It’s very broken, as a matter of fact,” Scorsese said.

This is a good indication of how Hollywood is going on this. Baldwin is going to have to pay out big money in civil suits almost certainly, but he might be able to preserve his reputation because the negligence is so pervasive in Hollywood now.
Is being against CRT mean u are a racist?

Yes. It does not exist except in a couple of law schools. It does not exist in any other schools. Rightys made this crisis up to fire up the easily fooled Trumpys. You prove how easily fooled you guys are.