Aleinu Prayer = Elitism: More Jew stuff

Kamala Trump

Verified User
I've highlighted the particularly asshole parts.

It is our duty to praise the Master of all, to acclaim the
greatness of the One
who forms all creation. For God did not make us
like the nations of other
lands, and did not make us the same as other
families of the Earth. God did
not place us in the same situations as others, and
our destiny is not the same
as anyone else's.

And we bend our knees, and bow down, and give
thanks, before the Ruler,
the Ruler of Rulers, the Holy One, Blessed is God.
The One who spread out the heavens, and made the
foundations of the Earth,
and whose precious dwelling is in the heavens
above, and whose powerful
Presence is in the highest heights. Adonai is our
God, there is none else.
Our God is truth, and nothing else compares. As
is written in Your
Torah: "And you shall know today, and take to
heart, that Adonai is the only
God, in the heavens above and on Earth below.
There is no other."
Therefore we put our hope in You, Adonai our God,
to soon see the glory of
Your strength, to remove all idols from the Earth,
and to completely cut off
all false gods; to repair the world, You holy
empire.And for all living flesh
to call Your name,
and for all the wicked of the
Earth to turn to You. May all
the world's inhabitants recognize and know that to
You every knee must
bend and every tongue must swear loyalty.
You, Adonai, our God,
may all bow down, and give honor to Your precious
name, and may all take
upon themselves the yoke of Your rule. And may
reign over them soon
and forever and always. Because all rule is Yours
alone, and You will rule
in honor forever and ever.

As it is written in Your Torah:
"Adonai will reign forever and ever."
And it is said: "Adonai will be Ruler over the
whole Earth, and on that day,
God will be One, and God's name will be One.

The Jews view themselves as god's enforcers.

This is Elitism And Theocracy.
As my Catholic grandfather said: "they are God's chosen people". I don't understand why you hate them for that.
As my Catholic grandfather said: "they are God's chosen people". I don't understand why you hate them for that.

Im not catholic. Therefore, I can see it for what it is, racism.

If whites said they were god's chosen people, that would be considered unquestionably racist, just as the British Imperialist notion of the "White Man's Burden" has long been considered racist.

I'm sorry you're a brainwashed Noahide, southern man. And I'm sorry most organized christian churches have become vehicles of Noahide indoctrination.
Im not catholic. Therefore, I can see it for what it is, racism.

If whites said they were god's chosen people, that would be considered unquestionably racist, just as the British Imperialist notion of the "White Man's Burden" has long been considered racist.

I'm sorry you're a brainwashed Noahide, southern man. And I'm sorry most organized christian churches have become vehicles of Noahide indoctrination.
Blacks consider themselves superior and so do whites. I don't see what the problem is.
Blacks consider themselves superior and so do whites. I don't see what the problem is.

A. They don't.

B. It is always considered racism when individual whites or blacks makes such statements.

And I don't hate jews. I'm tired of otherwise thinking and just people switching off their brains when it comes to jewish racism.
A. They don't.

Of course they do. Only some have the balls to admit it, and only few have the balls to say it in public. I respect the Jews because lots of them have balls. Plus the women snipers shoot the balls off of terrorists.

You call it racism- I call it pride.
Of course they do. Only some have the balls to admit it, and only few have the balls to say it in public. I respect the Jews because lots of them have balls. Plus the women snipers shoot the balls off of terrorists.

You call it racism- I call it pride.

No they don't you fucking twit.
For God did not make us
like the nations of other
lands, and did not make us the same as other
families of the Earth. God did
not place us in the same situations as others, and
our destiny is not the same
as anyone else's.

This is not pride, it's racism.
I see your Googling for Tikkun Olam has gotten you intrigued by another thing you completely misunderstand.

what am I misunderstanding? explain it. is it merely a noble burden to bear? Whites had that notion at one point, White Man's Burden. It has been rejected as racist, for the most part.
what am I misunderstanding? explain it. is it merely a noble burden to bear? Whites had that notion at one point, White Man's Burden. It has been rejected as racist, for the most part.

The difference is that White Man's Burden is a paternalistic idea that whites were intellectually and spiritually superior and should rule over colored people around the world.

There is nothing paternalistic about being part of a nation of people who are commanded to follow a strict code of personal conduct. They aren't asking anything of others.

Now, this is all religious subject matter, obviously. A secular Jew has no need for the very concept of chosen-ness except as an artifact of their heritage.

If we want to accept a biblical account as a historical one for the sake of this discussion, Abraham was chosen to be the patriarch of the Jews, not because he was superior, but because he was willing to submit to the command of his God. He made a covenant to live on His terms.

In fact, it is not the Jews who teach or believe themselves to be the enforcers of God's law. They were chosen, instead, to be the ones to have that law enforced upon them as an example to other "nations".

I'm sure historically, in the ancient world of idolatry and human sacrifice, it was a very useful example to have. And the commandments outlined in the Torah, which relate to all manner of subjects, still retain lasting value in many people's personal conduct, as do other historic contributions to the ideas of law, justice and liberty that have found their examples incorporated into our secular laws to this day.
I read today about a Joo complaining about needing to call Swine flu something else because it offended Joos.
The difference is that White Man's Burden is a paternalistic idea that whites were intellectually and spiritually superior and should rule over colored people around the world.
So is the Aleinu Prayer.
There is nothing paternalistic about being part of a nation of people who are commanded to follow a strict code of personal conduct. They aren't asking anything of others.
They are charged with wiping out idolatry from the earth, and that they are innately different, in a superior way.
Now, this is all religious subject matter, obviously. A secular Jew has no need for the very concept of chosen-ness except as an artifact of their heritage.

If we want to accept a biblical account as a historical one for the sake of this discussion, Abraham was chosen to be the patriarch of the Jews, not because he was superior, but because he was willing to submit to the command of his God. He made a covenant to live on His terms.

In fact, it is not the Jews who teach or believe themselves to be the enforcers of God's law. They were chosen, instead, to be the ones to have that law enforced upon them as an example to other "nations".

Chosen according the lies they made up themselves. How convenient.
I'm sure historically, in the ancient world of idolatry and human sacrifice, it was a very useful example to have. And the commandments outlined in the Torah, which relate to all manner of subjects, still retain lasting value in many people's personal conduct, as do other historic contributions to the ideas of law, justice and liberty that have found their examples incorporated into our secular laws to this day.

It's elitist trash which should be burned.
To adam's lie about jewish teachings not asking anything of others

The Seven Noahide Laws


While Jews are commanded to observe hundreds of laws, non-Jews are expected to follow seven that are presumed to date from the time of Noah. Judaism regards any non-Jew who keeps these laws as a righteous person who is guaranteed a place in the world to come.

1. Not to deny God.
2. Not to blaspheme God.

3. Not to murder.

4. Not to engage in incestuous, adulterous, bestial or homosexual relationships.

5. Not to steal.

6. Not to eat a limb torn from a living animal.

7. To set up courts to ensure obedience to the other six laws.
So is the Aleinu Prayer.

They are charged with wiping out idolatry from the earth, and that they are innately different, in a superior way.

The prayer asks that idolatry MAY be wiped out from the earth, just as they pray that other nations may accept their deity. Seems they're leaving this in the hands of the Big G, which is what prayers usually are about.

And clearly, the Jews (as well as Christians and Muslims) are commanded not to worship idols.

Asking your deity that he might do something is pretty different from saying "We will wipe this from the earth."

While I have obviously heard of the Taliban destroying ancient Hindu works in Afghanistan for being idols, I don't think I've heard much of Jews going out to destroy idols since Abraham and Moses were up to things of that sort.

But then, I don't know many people anymore who worship literal idols. Monotheism pretty much won out, there.
The prayer asks that idolatry MAY be wiped out from the earth, just as they pray that other nations may accept their deity. Seems they're leaving this in the hands of the Big G, which is what prayers usually are about.

And clearly, the Jews (as well as Christians and Muslims) are commanded not to worship idols.

Asking your deity that he might do something is pretty different from saying "We will wipe this from the earth."

While I have obviously heard of the Taliban destroying ancient Hindu works in Afghanistan for being idols, I don't think I've heard much of Jews going out to destroy idols since Abraham and Moses were up to things of that sort.

But then, I don't know many people anymore who worship literal idols. Monotheism pretty much won out, there.

Oh did it? what about the millions of hindus or others that are not monotheists?

Do jews consider jesus worship idolatry?

And you missed where I posted the noahide laws, which clearly are a commandment to impose their views. through law. Scroll up and behold the horror.
I see that you feel not murdering is really asking a lot of those other nations. ...Gotta go, Noahide.

There's more to it than that and you know it. It's a commandment to institute theocracy.

I understand why you're leaving; you've been owned.
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