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Anybody watch UFC? Mixed Martial Arts? Before the Main Fight, they have these Hot Euro Babes beat the shit out of each other. Then, no matter who wins, they approach each other ... and start making out. It seems odd after just watching them beat the crap out of each other, but it seems to say something.
I'm not sure what it says, but it seems to add something.
So, what if the two Women's Soccer Teams did the same thing? You know, instead of shaking hands?
It's supposed to be nice today, and a bit cooler.

Thanks. I am running out of room for the trophies! Maybe I should send one or two to Jack, just to pacify him :laugh:

Several of us have offered trophies...guess he'll just have to decide what he'd most like to see on the mantle;) He's got quite the variety to choose from;)

I've told him I have a variety to chose from, I guess none of them would apply to him (seeing he's not too competitive at any of them) :)

My MIL had a bunch of bowling trophy's along with various others we are getting rid of perhaps Jack would like those?
It's supposed to be nice today, and a bit cooler.

Thanks. I am running out of room for the trophies! Maybe I should send one or two to Jack, just to pacify him :laugh:

Several of us have offered trophies...guess he'll just have to decide what he'd most like to see on the mantle;) He's got quite the variety to choose from;)

If you're at a loss for something to do this morning, there's a little soccer match at 11 AM;)
Best of luck to our ladies;)

I'm rooting for the Netherlands they have better looking players. Just call me dirty old man.
There's no comparison when it comes to being a "provocateur" or "involvement", however...that's easy to see, even if you only reference JPP activity;) So, some really are only seeing what they choose to see, not what's actually there;) Granted, there's not as much as there was originally, with bans, removals, changes, deletions, closed threads, etc. That being said....
Everyone surely has the right to research, observe, and decide who to believe...:flagsal:

You're the victim!You're always the victim!
Everyone picks on you all the time!:(
Anybody watch UFC? Mixed Martial Arts? Before the Main Fight, they have these Hot Euro Babes beat the shit out of each other. Then, no matter who wins, they approach each other ... and start making out. It seems odd after just watching them beat the crap out of each other, but it seems to say something.
I'm not sure what it says, but it seems to add something.
So, what if the two Women's Soccer Teams did the same thing? You know, instead of shaking hands?

We watched the UFC last night!
My MIL had a bunch of bowling trophy's along with various others we are getting rid of perhaps Jack would like those?
if Jack doesn't want them, donate to a local school...If they don't want to use them for actual trophies, the art dept. can use them. Or a rec center or Boys/Girls Club program...those older ones are usually very nice;)
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I'm rooting for the Netherlands they have better looking players. Just call me dirty old man.

I kind of am too!It's my obsession with the Frank sisters.I knew millions suffer under the Nazis in the camps.But Anne Frank put a face on it.
I still struggle with how God let it happen to Anne and Margot.margot_and_anne_frank_by_tatianaromanov21-d5ymumy.jpg
There's no comparison when it comes to being a "provocateur" or "involvement", however...that's easy to see, even if you only reference JPP activity So, some really are only seeing what they choose to see, not what's actually there Granted, there's not as much as there was originally, with bans, removals, changes, deletions, closed threads, etc. That being said....
Everyone surely has the right to research, observe, and decide who to believe...
Easy, contest...
There's no comparison when it comes to being a "provocateur" or "involvement", however...that's easy to see, even if you only reference JPP activity So, some really are only seeing what they choose to see, not what's actually there Granted, there's not as much as there was originally, with bans, removals, changes, deletions, closed threads, etc. That being said....
Everyone surely has the right to research, observe, and decide who to believe...
Easy, contest...

I'm sure everyone sees you're the victim ,always have been,always will be!:(
Now STFU and watch the soccer!
I'm sure everyone sees you're the victim ,always have been,always will be!:(
Now STFU and watch the soccer!


Who was it that said "If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself"? :rofl2:

Suddenly I feel like breaking out in song!

♫ Dino dong, the clique is gone!
♫ Which old clique? The toxic clique!
♫ Ding dong the childish clique is gone!
♫ Oh no what will she do?
♫ Cry a lot? Or stalk some more?
♫ Ding dong the childish clique's no more!
I am saddened and alarmed that you would groan my generous offer to share my MIL's trophy's. What is the world coming to when people look a gift horse in the mouth. :laugh:
I am saddened and alarmed that you would groan my generous offer to share my MIL's trophy's. What is the world coming to when people look a gift horse in the mouth. :laugh:

USA-1 Ned-0.
Looks like RB will be polishing you up a 'LOSER' Trophy. (gyrating hips back and forth) :)
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