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After Grumpy gets his 2 "I'm a Loser" Trophies from RB, could you please contact ICE. We have a Priority Deportation case that needs immediate attention.

(yes, I'm saddened like others that as soon as Grumpy got his house fixed up and put back in shape after the hurricane, he will have to relocate to the Netherlands, a socialist hellhole if there ever was one) :(
After Grumpy gets his 2 "I'm a Loser" Trophies from RB, could you please contact ICE. We have a Priority Deportation case that needs immediate attention.

(yes, I'm saddened like others that as soon as Grumpy got his house fixed up and put back in shape after the hurricane, he will have to relocate to the Netherlands, a socialist hellhole if there ever was one) :(
We can let him stay...he ultimately picked the beautiful American gal for his one and only, you know...
A day of the most deserved victories, though, isn't it?
Medal time...:)
Owl is not a victim.
Mason is not a victim.
Top is not a victim.

Any more questions?

Thank you and I hope this puts to rest the attempts to put you into choosing one side over the other; because that's exactly what I've seen, according to some of the comments made where they reference you.
I'm not taking sides. I requested the TDS thread be closed. I have nothing against any of them and I'm sure they're all nice people. Old message board battles die hard. But, it's not right for one person to paint themselves as a victim when they are as much a provocateur as everyone involved. The posts on this board prove that. It took me a while to see it but I finally did.

You keep referring to "one person" and yet you fail to address what the other "two people" are doing in the way of being provocateurs.

I'm only addressing this; because the other "two people" keep referring to you and trying to say you agree with them and you've never told them to knock it off.

Who was it that said "If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself"? :rofl2:

Suddenly I feel like breaking out in song!

♫ Dino dong, the clique is gone!
♫ Which old clique? The toxic clique!
♫ Ding dong the childish clique is gone!
♫ Oh no what will she do?
♫ Cry a lot? Or stalk some more?
♫ Ding dong the childish clique's no more!

OH - LOOK, Owl is "just being her typical whiny gossip-girl bitchy cunt hypocritical self"??

We can let him stay...he ultimately picked the beautiful American gal for his one and only, you know...
A day of the most deserved victories, though, isn't it?
Medal time...:)

(deep sigh) Let him stay? Your heart is too big, your kindness too great, your forgiveness too magnanimous. OK. DON'T call ICE.

Yeah. GREAT for Team America!

After Grumpy gets his 2 "I'm a Loser" Trophies from RB, could you please contact ICE. We have a Priority Deportation case that needs immediate attention.

(yes, I'm saddened like others that as soon as Grumpy got his house fixed up and put back in shape after the hurricane, he will have to relocate to the Netherlands, a socialist hellhole if there ever was one) :(

Ever been to the Netherlands Jack? I spent two years there and it is one of the nicer places to live, next to the good old USA. Sorry you like fugly women but winning the women's world cup for soccer isn't what I consider a crowing achievement. but go ahead and enjoy Europe's favorite wimp sport. (walks off laughing.)
Ever been to the Netherlands Jack? I spent two years there and it is one of the nicer places to live, next to the good old USA. Sorry you like fugly women but winning the women's world cup for soccer isn't what I consider a crowing achievement. but go ahead and enjoy Europe's favorite wimp sport. (walks off laughing.)

You should get on your knees and kiss TOP's feet for NOT reporting you for IMMEDIATE deportation. If you actually have been to the Netherlands, you know it's a Socialist Hellhole, filled with Starving People, and Roaming Gangs scavengering for Food.
(deep sigh) Let him stay? Your heart is too big, your kindness too great, your forgiveness too magnanimous. OK. DON'T call ICE.

If anyone is going to call ICE it's me. You forget Jack I'm native American. SO SORRY. LOL
You should get on your knees and kiss TOP's feet for NOT reporting you for IMMEDIATE deportation. If you actually have been to the Netherlands, you know it's a Socialist Hellhole, filled with Starving People, and Roaming Gangs scavengering for Food.
No need to thank me...Just being honest, as always;)
You should get on your knees and kiss TOP's feet for NOT reporting you for IMMEDIATE deportation. If you actually have been to the Netherlands, you know it's a Socialist Hellhole, filled with Starving People, and Roaming Gangs scavengering for Food.

Jack, Jack, Jack you've been watching too many Mad Max movies with your grand daughter. I'm sure it's changed since I was stationed there but I highly doubt it is a hellhole. Although knowing your home city you would know a hell hole if you saw one.
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