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They aren't quoting and posting about "the other person" over and over, each and every day.

I don't know what happened at Amazon, but it's clear who wants to keep it going right here and now.

Are you sure about that; because I believe you've missed or just ignored numerous comments made, concerning Top, and who in actuality is keeping this going "right here and now".


Do you have pictures of when you kept your dogs in cages, like your ancestors did with their slaves??

But like Owl, please continue lying about the chain; which is just in your and Owl's imagination.

Yurt loves Jade,and hates himself because of his suppressed homosexual feelings!

Yurt's just the classic hater. I've dealt with enough, for them to be dime a dozen. Why do you think they get so upset about me talking about ailments, etc? It's because they see it as me getting what they don't. They act as if I'm actually doing it to get attention. Everyone that knows me, usually knows many of these things, as they've provided a roller coaster of stories. I don't talk about some things though, and it seems the things that allude them, they make up stuff to fill in the blanks.
Yurt's just the classic hater. I've dealt with enough, for them to be dime a dozen. Why do you think they get so upset about me talking about ailments, etc? It's because they see it as me getting what they don't. They act as if I'm actually doing it to get attention. Everyone that knows me, usually knows many of these things, as they've provided a roller coaster of stories. I don't talk about some things though, and it seems the things that allude them, they make up stuff to fill in the blanks.

I truly think Yurt suppresses "urges"!
He doesn't relate to women,they "aren't his type",if they are interested in him.
They aren't quoting and posting about "the other person" over and over, each and every day.

I don't know what happened at Amazon, but it's clear who wants to keep it going right here and now.

Jade is a good example of this. I haven't seen him respond to a single Toxic post in weeks; I think he put the skank on ignore. He rarely brings her up except when in the context of the Amazon vendetta. Yet Toxic never misses a chance to bash the shit out of him to other ppl. We all saw what happened when she summoned Tomcat to be her new posse. He spent two days whaling on Jade -- and Mason -- at her behest.
Jade is a good example of this. I haven't seen him respond to a single Toxic post in weeks; I think he put the skank on ignore. He rarely brings her up except when in the context of the Amazon vendetta. Yet Toxic never misses a chance to bash the shit out of him to other ppl. We all saw what happened when she summoned Tomcat to be her new posse. He spent two days whaling on Jade -- and Mason -- at her behest.

OH - LOOK, Owl is "just being her typical whiny gossip-girl bitchy cunt hypocritical self"??

OH - LOOK, Owl is "just being her typical whiny gossip-girl bitchy cunt hypocritical self"??


I am not surprised that female posters are pointing out your animal abuse along with pointing out your sexual harassment and stalking.

You know what would happen if you used your disgusting, degenerate language on women at work, or on your neighbor's wives?

Yep, that's right. You would get your ass kicked.
I am not surprised that female posters are pointing out your animal abuse along with pointing out your sexual harassment and stalking.

You know what would happen if you used your disgusting, degenerate language on women at work, or on your neighbor's wives?

Yep, that's right. You would get your ass kicked.

That's it Cypress.

Jump on the band wagon and try to hide your internet stalking.

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