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Then why have you been lying for so many years? You have repeatedly posted the lie that it costs $50.00 in Amazon merchandise to get a forum account. Either way, you got Owl to help you gaslight TOP by forging posts. Each of you has admitted to it.

It did cost $50 to post,that's why Top came to me for help!
She was smart enough to know,I wasn't paying $50 for all my sock army!That I knew the trick to get on free.
Bottom line,Top asked for help.
I helped her.
Then why have you been lying for so many years? You have repeatedly posted the lie that it costs $50.00 in Amazon merchandise to get a forum account. Either way, you got Owl to help you gaslight TOP by forging posts. Each of you has admitted to it.

I can see why conspiracy theories fascinate you so. You have a unique ability to twist what is said into what you want it to say. Let's begin again, shall we? I just LOVE this story of betrayal, redemption, humiliation, and hilarity!!! lol

1. At the time the Lilly W. account was created, Amazon required a $5 purchase in order to create an account able to post reviews or in customer discussions. However, there was a work-around to that requirement. A customer only had to "buy" a free e-book or download a free .mp4 to create an account. The customer could post, but had to enter stuff into one of those captcha thingies.

2. Toxic had been banned multiple times, and had no idea of the work-around and no more money for a new account. She begged Mason to give her one of his sock accounts. He sent me the emails they exchanged. She BEGGED.

3. Mason went to their local library (so as not to have the same IP) and created an account that he then sent the log-in info for to Toxic. It was called "Lilly W." He felt sorry for her, as does everyone who falls for her Mother Superior of the Holy Order of Me-So-Victimized act.

4. Toxic used the Lilly W. account for 2-3 weeks. She claimed on Amazon that it was really *MY* account that I had magically made for Mason, and that he stabbed me in the back by giving it to her because he loved her better, or something shit. Now if this was true, I would have had possession of the original creation info and would have canceled it right then and there, shutting out the stupid bitch from posting. Wouldn't you?

5. Toxic also used the account to stab Mason in the back numerous times, mocking him for being stupid, gullible, and other crap.

6. Mason PMd me, angry about all this. He told me the story of the creation of the Lilly W. account. I told him: "give me the log-in info and I'll fix that little red wagon." So he did. I logged out as me and in as Lilly W. I changed the p/w so Toxic no longer had access to it. Then I went back and changed some of her nastier posts to sweetness and light. OMG, the Apocalypse that ensued the next morning when her claws dragged across the carpet to the aging Mac, and she discovered what had happened!

7. Eventually, after a month or so, Amazon finally listened to her whining and banned the Lilly W. account from posting. But the story shall live on in infamy.

8. Toxic went w/o a posting account for another week or two, then a couple ppl posted instructions on the forum on how to create the free posting account work-around. The Toxic Sock Army was born! It promptly marched into battle with the Mason Sock Army, while in neighboring Katrinastan, the Jack Sock Army watched and waited for its turn to divide the spoils of battle.

Good times, good times. lol
It did cost $50 to post,that's why Top came to me for help!
She was smart enough to know,I wasn't paying $50 for all my sock army!That I knew the trick to get on free.
Bottom line,Top asked for help.
I helped her.

It was $5 at that time; they changed it to $50 afterwards.
I can see why conspiracy theories fascinate you so. You have a unique ability to twist what is said into what you want it to say. Let's begin again, shall we? I just LOVE this story of betrayal, redemption, humiliation, and hilarity!!! lol

1. At the time the Lilly W. account was created, Amazon required a $5 purchase in order to create an account able to post reviews or in customer discussions. However, there was a work-around to that requirement. A customer only had to "buy" a free e-book or download a free .mp4 to create an account. The customer could post, but had to enter stuff into one of those captcha thingies.

2. Toxic had been banned multiple times, and had no idea of the work-around and no more money for a new account. She begged Mason to give her one of his sock accounts. He sent me the emails they exchanged. She BEGGED.

3. Mason went to their local library (so as not to have the same IP) and created an account that he then sent the log-in info for to Toxic. It was called "Lilly W." He felt sorry for her, as does everyone who falls for her Mother Superior of the Holy Order of Me-So-Victimized act.

4. Toxic used the Lilly W. account for 2-3 weeks. She claimed on Amazon that it was really *MY* account that I had magically made for Mason, and that he stabbed me in the back by giving it to her because he loved her better, or something shit. Now if this was true, I would have had possession of the original creation info and would have canceled it right then and there, shutting out the stupid bitch from posting. Wouldn't you?

5. Toxic also used the account to stab Mason in the back numerous times, mocking him for being stupid, gullible, and other crap.

6. Mason PMd me, angry about all this. He told me the story of the creation of the Lilly W. account. I told him: "give me the log-in info and I'll fix that little red wagon." So he did. I logged out as me and in as Lilly W. I changed the p/w so Toxic no longer had access to it. Then I went back and changed some of her nastier posts to sweetness and light. OMG, the Apocalypse that ensued the next morning when her claws dragged across the carpet to the aging Mac, and she discovered what had happened!

7. Eventually, after a month or so, Amazon finally listened to her whining and banned the Lilly W. account from posting. But the story shall live on in infamy.

8. Toxic went w/o a posting account for another week or two, then a couple ppl posted instructions on the forum on how to create the free posting account work-around. The Toxic Sock Army was born! It promptly marched into battle with the Mason Sock Army, while in neighboring Katrinastan, the Jack Sock Army watched and waited for its turn to divide the spoils of battle.

Good times, good times. lol

You and Mason appear to be the only one's who give a rat's ass and it's obvious that the two of you are going to continue this vendetta, until the MOD's get tired of your shit and either ban you or put you on Forced Ignore.

You two keep "pointing out" how low you feel Top is and yet; by your standards, you're right there with her.

Personally, I hope Grind bans both you and Mason

BEG him to! Do it!

Your dog called. He needs water and some attention. Oh, and there's a scorpion in his food bowl.

I won't have to "beg" him; because if you and Mason continue he'll probably give you a warning to stop and when neither of you do, he'll just ban both of you.

Your bitch called, Go give Mason some head and swallow this time.

Too bad that you came along without understanding that it is a long-running feud. Perhaps you believe that TOP should leave the forum or at least back down from a group of forum gangbangers.
Yes indeed, you are correct. That was my mistake and I own it.

Not sure what you mean with the rest of your post. I didn't suggest anyone leave the forum. But claiming to be a victim and perpetually pursuing those she claims are stalking her makes no sense. Why is she compelled to goad and antagonize her detractors on a daily basis instead of dropping it?
Yes indeed, you are correct. That was my mistake and I own it.

Not sure what you mean with the rest of your post. I didn't suggest anyone leave the forum. But claiming to be a victim and perpetually pursuing those she claims are stalking her makes no sense. Why is she compelled to goad and antagonize her detractors on a daily basis instead of dropping it?

Are you also questioning as to why Mason and Owl feel compelled to goad and antagonize Top, on a daily basis, instead of dropping it or are they now "victims"??

You and a few others keep saying this; but I haven't seen LIG say it.

I wonder why that is??
When I first witnessed the Amazon battles here, I wasn't around often and from the few things I'd read, I wrongly assumed Top was a victim being bullied. So I started the TDS thread.

The more time I spent reading the threads and paying attention, I saw barbs and antagonism were on both sides. I noticed Top did like to goad from afar, one thing was quoting my OP in that thread over and over on a daily basis.

IMO, a "victim" would be apathetic or remove themselves completely from the situation, not throw fuel on the fire. Doesn't that make sense? That's when I realized I had gotten myself involved with something I knew nothing about. I PM'd Owl and asked for her side of the story, she didn't approach me. I had no business being involved in it any more than you do.
When I first witnessed the Amazon battles here, I wasn't around often and from the few things I'd read, I wrongly assumed Top was a victim being bullied. So I started the TDS thread.

The more time I spent reading the threads and paying attention, I saw barbs and antagonism were on both sides. I noticed Top did like to goad from afar, one thing was quoting my OP in that thread over and over on a daily basis.

IMO, a "victim" would be apathetic or remove themselves completely from the situation, not throw fuel on the fire. Doesn't that make sense? That's when I realized I had gotten myself involved with something I knew nothing about. I PM'd Owl and asked for her side of the story, she didn't approach me. I had no business being involved in it any more than you do.

One of the give aways,of Tops game is someone shits all over her.
And she proudly repost it.
Humiliation,she loves it.
Ignore her,and she will goad ,attack anything to keep things going!
When I first witnessed the Amazon battles here, I wasn't around often and from the few things I'd read, I wrongly assumed Top was a victim being bullied. So I started the TDS thread.

The more time I spent reading the threads and paying attention, I saw barbs and antagonism were on both sides. I noticed Top did like to goad from afar, one thing was quoting my OP in that thread over and over on a daily basis.

IMO, a "victim" would be apathetic or remove themselves completely from the situation, not throw fuel on the fire. Doesn't that make sense? That's when I realized I had gotten myself involved with something I knew nothing about. I PM'd Owl and asked for her side of the story, she didn't approach me. I had no business being involved in it any more than you do.

For some reason, you failed to respond to the post just before yours; but I'll reiterate it for you:

Are you also questioning as to why Mason and Owl feel compelled to goad and antagonize Top, on a daily basis, instead of dropping it or are they now "victims"??

It did cost $50 to post,that's why Top came to me for help!
She was smart enough to know,I wasn't paying $50 for all my sock army!That I knew the trick to get on free.
Bottom line,Top asked for help.
I helped her.

I will tell you what! You say it cost you $50 and Owl says $5, so, if you PM me, I will mail $25 to you.
I can see why conspiracy theories fascinate you so. You have a unique ability to twist what is said into what you want it to say. Let's begin again, shall we? I just LOVE this story of betrayal, redemption, humiliation, and hilarity!!! lol

1. At the time the Lilly W. account was created, Amazon required a $5 purchase in order to create an account able to post reviews or in customer discussions. However, there was a work-around to that requirement. A customer only had to "buy" a free e-book or download a free .mp4 to create an account. The customer could post, but had to enter stuff into one of those captcha thingies.

2. Toxic had been banned multiple times, and had no idea of the work-around and no more money for a new account. She begged Mason to give her one of his sock accounts. He sent me the emails they exchanged. She BEGGED.

3. Mason went to their local library (so as not to have the same IP) and created an account that he then sent the log-in info for to Toxic. It was called "Lilly W." He felt sorry for her, as does everyone who falls for her Mother Superior of the Holy Order of Me-So-Victimized act.

4. Toxic used the Lilly W. account for 2-3 weeks. She claimed on Amazon that it was really *MY* account that I had magically made for Mason, and that he stabbed me in the back by giving it to her because he loved her better, or something shit. Now if this was true, I would have had possession of the original creation info and would have canceled it right then and there, shutting out the stupid bitch from posting. Wouldn't you?

5. Toxic also used the account to stab Mason in the back numerous times, mocking him for being stupid, gullible, and other crap.

6. Mason PMd me, angry about all this. He told me the story of the creation of the Lilly W. account. I told him: "give me the log-in info and I'll fix that little red wagon." So he did. I logged out as me and in as Lilly W. I changed the p/w so Toxic no longer had access to it. Then I went back and changed some of her nastier posts to sweetness and light. OMG, the Apocalypse that ensued the next morning when her claws dragged across the carpet to the aging Mac, and she discovered what had happened!

7. Eventually, after a month or so, Amazon finally listened to her whining and banned the Lilly W. account from posting. But the story shall live on in infamy.

8. Toxic went w/o a posting account for another week or two, then a couple ppl posted instructions on the forum on how to create the free posting account work-around. The Toxic Sock Army was born! It promptly marched into battle with the Mason Sock Army, while in neighboring Katrinastan, the Jack Sock Army watched and waited for its turn to divide the spoils of battle.

Good times, good times. lol

Thank you for writing that wordy explanation, but you and Mason have already confessed to gaslighting TOP. Getting Amazon to delete the account sounds like it was a good idea. The fact is that you and Mason had both been banned many times. You, more than anyone else. The record spoke for itself.
Yes indeed, you are correct. That was my mistake and I own it.

Not sure what you mean with the rest of your post. I didn't suggest anyone leave the forum. But claiming to be a victim and perpetually pursuing those she claims are stalking her makes no sense. Why is she compelled to goad and antagonize her detractors on a daily basis instead of dropping it?

Are you suggesting that she should simply take such abuse? Would you?
When I first witnessed the Amazon battles here, I wasn't around often and from the few things I'd read, I wrongly assumed Top was a victim being bullied. So I started the TDS thread.

The more time I spent reading the threads and paying attention, I saw barbs and antagonism were on both sides. I noticed Top did like to goad from afar, one thing was quoting my OP in that thread over and over on a daily basis.

IMO, a "victim" would be apathetic or remove themselves completely from the situation, not throw fuel on the fire. Doesn't that make sense? That's when I realized I had gotten myself involved with something I knew nothing about. I PM'd Owl and asked for her side of the story, she didn't approach me. I had no business being involved in it any more than you do.

Some consider saying, "Good Morning" a provocation.
One of the give aways,of Tops game is someone shits all over her.
And she proudly repost it.
Humiliation,she loves it.
Ignore her,and she will goad ,attack anything to keep things going!

Thanks for admitting that you and Jade and Owl do your best to, "shit all over TOP." Yet, somehow it is she who should cease and desist.
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