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He stalked me on the previous boards for six years. He wants to forget that ever happened but I won't forget. He can dish it out but he sure as heck can't take it.

And yet; you're the one who is so triggered, that you HAVE to keep it going. :good4u:

Not surprised in the least. His obsessions and creepy sexual harassment are fully out in the open and part of the public record.
Lot of projection on this board, and there always has been.

And now you have the audacity to talk about anyone's "supposed" behavior, when you're the one who's the creepy sexual harassment internet stalker!!

It a common symptom of haters. They have unreasonable ill towards those others are drawn to. I got the same crap on Amazon, and still get it here from some.

Yep. You have your own little group of special losers who tag after you, hang on your every post, and never miss a chance to mock you for things that you had no choice in.
WTF you talking about, Mr Fussy Britches?:laugh: Thanks for proving you don't pay attention to things very well, and just make it up as you go along. I've been the one in the middle trying to referee this stuff. Apparently you ignore all the shit I've given Mason, for his part. I tried to convince Life is Golden from the start, but Top ended up doing it for me after awhile. Mason has his issues, but to the degree you are ignoring Tops part, is riddled with your own personal disdains. It's making you a biased crybaby hack. Suck it up, and work on some social skills.

How many times have you sided with TOP? According to you, TOP is the guilty party 100% of the time. Jade, you are full of shit. You are a self-absorbed troll. You are an undisputed narcissist and a massive hypocrite. Now whine about your mental illnesses. This is where you whine about me picking on you because you are mentally ill.

So tell us, referee; when have you EVER sided with TOP? Then shut the fuck up. Btw, who needs to learn social skills more than you? When it comes to those, compared to you, CFM is Emily Post.

Naturally, Owl and Mason, have thanked your stupid post.
Referee? LOL!! Bullshit. A ref can't take sides and you're extremely biased, that, and your pathetic carcass didn't come in until long after the feud started.
As for the "biased crybaby hack" shit, your hypocrisy is strong, in that reading most of your posts, you avoid the subject matter and troll the OP.
I'd say you're the one who needs to "work on some social skills," but then, when you have no starting point, it's quite difficult to learn.

Damn! I replied to Bigfoot before I read the above.
Why would a "victim" virtually chase and antagonize said people? She cannot stop goading or talking about them. Or, haven't you noticed?

Gangbanger? No, just not a fool. I began thinking she was a victim, but as time rolled on I could she was not not one.

Anyone who is/was a victim, etc. would never pursue the big skeery people from dusk to dawn. Just doesn't compute. I think it's for attention and when no one cares, it makes her madder, hence the meltdowns.

Too bad that you came along without understanding that it is a long-running feud. Perhaps you believe that TOP should leave the forum or at least back down from a group of forum gangbangers.
How many times have you sided with TOP? According to you, TOP is the guilty party 100% of the time. Jade, you are full of shit. You are a self-absorbed troll. You are an undisputed narcissist and a massive hypocrite. Now whine about your mental illnesses. This is where you whine about me picking on you because you are mentally ill.

So tell us, referee; when have you EVER sided with TOP? Then shut the fuck up. Btw, who needs to learn social skills more than you? When it comes to those, compared to you, CFM is Emily Post.

Naturally, Owl and Mason, have thanked your stupid post.

We all know Top is the victim,and all though,she is a full grown woman!She needs a white knight to fight the battles she brings on to herself!
Too bad that you came along without understanding that it is a long-running feud. Perhaps you believe that TOP should leave the forum or at least back down from a group of forum gangbangers.

Life is Golden gave Top every possible chance.
But the true Top came to the surface!
If you had half a fucking brain,you would stop defending Top.
She loves the attention,she brings onto herself.
Who knows, or cares. He's an imbecile, like Toxic. She likes to refer to "witch" all the time too, especially if the person I'm debating with has claimed to be a Christian. Maybe she's hoping I'll get a crucifix in the eyeball or something. lol

Are you, or are you not a witch? If so, I would ask you to explain which, if any, successes you have had with it.
Excellent points. You're not alone in the initial misconception of alleged victimhood. Notice how the apologists have dwindled till all that's left is a derp who also believes that Israel was behind 9/11? That alone tells you something right there. lol

And that's about enough Acme Attention Whore Treats(tm) for today. :laugh:

Facile attempt at creating a strawman. And, mostly a lie.

But you aren't informed enough to discuss it. I don't need to discuss it. Perhaps you can tell us what you know about the upcoming federal grand jury.
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