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You guys constantly complain about this board, including its moderation.


Quit whining about how much you hate this board and its moderation / ownership and get the fuck out.

No one invited you here. You losers came here because you shut down another board with your bullshit.

Go away.

Mason can stay, he is cool.

Captain Ironic strikes again
You complained about, and pushed enough for a 12b ban, under Yaya. You also complain about more posters, and things then I can count. Why do you always give people crap, over the exact type of things you do all the time? It's one of the things that makes seem insufferable to many

Are you trying to out Ironic Yurt?
Hell I never even knew Amazon had message boards. Wish I had. I would have loved to troll the fuck out of these leftists there

Oh well. This is the only board I post on. It suits me well. Don’t have time for others
Hell I never even knew Amazon had message boards. Wish I had. I would have loved to troll the fuck out of these leftists there

Oh well. This is the only board I post on. It suits me well. Don’t have time for others

Amazon mods would have banned you your first day out of the chute. Hell we figure they were outsourced to India as half the time they didn't understand slang, and would ban people for being "spiteful".
Amazon mods would have banned you your first day out of the chute. Hell we figure they were outsourced to India as half the time they didn't understand slang, and would ban people for being "spiteful".

I noticed the only real time the mods were around was late Saturday ,early Sunday.
The rest the time,didn't see or here from them much.
And that was the last year or so.
It was pretty civil for years.
Outside of the women war,which I saw,but wasn't a part of at that time.
Amazon mods would have banned you your first day out of the chute. Hell we figure they were outsourced to India as half the time they didn't understand slang, and would ban people for being "spiteful".

lol, spiteful..... Was there a rule against scorning other members??
lol, spiteful..... Was there a rule against scorning other members??

Oh hell yes if you called someone an idiot or ridiculed what they posted you would get an email saying you were being spiteful. I got warnings telling jokes. in fact I got banned for describing a snake the mods must of thought I was calling the poster a snake. lol. Being banned was no big deal, but it was a pain in the ass. You had to buy something to be able to post. We found if you got a free e-book that counted as buying something. So you made a different account with a different name and email and you were right back to posting again.
You guys constantly complain about this board, including its moderation.


Quit whining about how much you hate this board and its moderation / ownership and get the fuck out.

No one invited you here. You losers came here because you shut down another board with your bullshit.

Go away.

Mason can stay, he is cool.

Mason is far from cool; he's a fool.
You guys constantly complain about this board, including its moderation.


Quit whining about how much you hate this board and its moderation / ownership and get the fuck out.

No one invited you here. You losers came here because you shut down another board with your bullshit.

Go away.

Mason can stay, he is cool.
you sound like a retard.

you are literally bitching for others to stop bitching or to leave

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