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Oh hell yes if you called someone an idiot or ridiculed what they posted you would get an email saying you were being spiteful. I got warnings telling jokes. in fact I got banned for describing a snake the mods must of thought I was calling the poster a snake. lol. Being banned was no big deal, but it was a pain in the ass. You had to buy something to be able to post. We found if you got a free e-book that counted as buying something. So you made a different account with a different name and email and you were right back to posting again.

"We found" ?Didn't Mason come up with that trick?
Yurt projects just about everything on to those he doesn't get along with, true, or not. He just doesn't like us, and because we have stated concerns about things, noted occasional bias concerns, that we should just pack up. Yurt should just take another vacation from here himself, if he's sick of us.

No, stupid, I just don't like whiney pants like you. Get a life and leave your mother alone.
Amazon mods would have banned you your first day out of the chute. Hell we figure they were outsourced to India as half the time they didn't understand slang, and would ban people for being "spiteful".

I am sure that they would have. My experience is that most political message boards are run and dominated by leftists. That is why I like JPP is is a true bastion of free political thought in a world of leftist imposed group think and totalitarianism
I am sure that they would have. My experience is that most political message boards are run and dominated by leftists. That is why I like JPP is is a true bastion of free political thought in a world of leftist imposed group think and totalitarianism

Most Amazon mods,were from India,and couldn't follow what was going on.
I am sure that they would have. My experience is that most political message boards are run and dominated by leftists. That is why I like JPP is is a true bastion of free political thought in a world of leftist imposed group think and totalitarianism

At first I thought the same but left and right got banned for the same types of things. Then I just ran across this article.

Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos is getting into politics. But it’s not what you might think: The world’s richest man and his wife, MacKenzie, just made their first major political donation.
The money isn’t heading to a specific political party. Instead, they are giving $10 million to a nonpartisan fund aimed at helping to elect military veterans of all political backgrounds to Congress.
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