Amen Pastor Wright...and go to hell mainstream Media


Well-known member
I just finally watched that entire "chickens coming home to roost" sermon by Pastor Wright.

Jesus F. Christ. As I suspected, its abundantly clear that the white mainstream media, and white message board posters cynically exploited a 15 second clip of that tape, to promote an image of "black rage". An image of the unpatriotic, "angry black man". An image of a black american, dressed in african garb, clearly intended to gin up the image of an alien and anti-american crazy person of color. The Wille Hortonization of black america, as some have noted.

F*ck. Watching that entire sermon brought into clear perspective the depth to which mainstream american has no understanding of black churches and the black experience. And how wingnuttotopia have and will cynically use a 15 second clip of a video, to Willie Hortonize a black preacher, and his ties to a black american candidate. Disgusting.

I agreed with pretty much everything the pastor said on that tape. 90% of it was a measured, and thoughtful cautionary note about the dangers and immorality of hate and violence. Violence begets violence. Hate begets hate. His sermon wasn't an anti-american tirade. It was deeply rooted in and tied to biblical gospel. His entire sermon was on sound theological roots. The 15 second clip of an animated and racuous "back preacher", does complete injustice to the entire message and presentation of his sermon. In short, let us not allow our hatred of armed enemies translate into hatred of unarmed innocents. Fuck yeah. How many americans wanted to bomb the entire country of afghanistan back to the stone age? To turn their country into a glass parking lot? To obliterate a country, including its innocent men, women, and children, in the name of "payback'. That our acts of violence and support of terrorist acts has consequences we don't, but should, forsee and contemplate. And he most certainly did express empathy for the victims of the 9/11 attacks.

The "chickens coming home to roost", was a direct reference and was quoted from a US Ambassador who was on Fox News. A WHITE US ambassador who said - ON FOX NEWS - that we should contemplate our immoral actions, and try to understand how that can breed hate against us. Pastor Wright was referencing the COMMON SENSE wisdom and the words of a WHITE US Ambassador. I AGREE. I was in the minority in 2001, who even suggested that we understand the motives of the jihaddists. As some liberal posters here can attest, thoughts like that brought accusations of treason down on one's head.

The entire message of that sermon was deeply CHRISTIAN. And it was on solid theological roots. Some of the word choices may have been jarring to many people. So what? A pastor can and should use jarring language, as appropriate, to make his sermons thought provoking. That's what good Pastors do. And I can see why Pastor Wright, for decades, has been deemed a powerful and compelling speaker and theologan in the community of color.

Go to hell cynical, manipulative, and frightened white people. And go to hell white mainstream media, for exploiting and and shamefully clipping a video down to a 15 second cut, to potray an image of "black rage".
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The internationalist fascists fear all forms of truth and morality. They advocate strict STS Hierarchy as the only valid worldview.
They preside over lower (human) levels of the control system:

* Every individual in an STS (service-to-self) hierarchy is both predator and prey. Predator to those below, prey to those above. Likewise, anyone who is predator or prey participates in the STS hierarchy.

* Humans of strong STS orientation incarnate to heighten their negative polarity and carry out missions and agenda. They are of low spiritual frequency and tend to be born into positions of power. These form the elite of the world, who are ultimately directed by the alien powers heading the STS hierarchy.

* They incarnate primarily into associated bloodlines because DNA and soul tend to correspond. So tracing bloodlines can show potentiality of destiny. Bloodlines like these arise via genetic modification by alien factions, or by mutation in response to the soul frequency of ancestors who made negative soul pacts with higher dark powers. These bloodlines have a physical and spiritual symbiotic relationship with their alien counterparts.

* Their function is power and conquest, and right now we are in the final phase of their conquest. Negative hyperdimensional forces want total control over mankind. Their influence upon mankind at large can be termed the Hyperdimensional Control System.
Angry black man? African garb?

The man is an angry black man and he dresses himself up in African garb..the white man didn't dress him up..angry isn't even close to what this lunatic sounds like....
He actually sounds quite deranged and on the verge of murdering someone....

I don't need to 'understand' black churchs any more than I would need to 'understand' Adolf Hitler to see a freekin' nut preach hate and bigotry to his flock....

Its not strange you would agree with're a fuckin' kool-ade drinking, nut job too....and it would be impossible for you to denounce Wright because of his association with Obama and the Dimocrats...

And because of a Jimmy Carter, Liberal/Socialist, appointed to the UN makes a stupid remark, the rest of us have to consider it a 'wise' statement?...I don't think so....9/11 was NOT the fault of the United States...thats a belief only for you US haters and traitors to embrace...
LOL, I sure don't laugh at westerners for their big hats, or the hawians for their brightly colored shirts, or the kids for their baggy britches...umm well I do laugh at the kids :)
"9/11 was NOT the fault of the United States...thats a belief only for you US haters and traitors to embrace..."

That's oversimplifying the conclusion (which is what you guys do, I know).

Motivation is NOT justification. There is no question that American actions in the Middle East over 4 decades have done much to motivate terrorism, and are no doubt the basis for why 19 people would train for years & give up their lives to attack us (or do you think it was because of our "freedoms?")

That doesn't mean it's justified in any way, or that their actions are to be celebrated.

It's not such a hard distinction...
Angry black man? African garb?

The man is an angry black man and he dresses himself up in African garb..the white man didn't dress him up..angry isn't even close to what this lunatic sounds like....
He actually sounds quite deranged and on the verge of murdering someone....

I don't need to 'understand' black churchs any more than I would need to 'understand' Adolf Hitler to see a freekin' nut preach hate and bigotry to his flock....

Its not strange you would agree with're a fuckin' kool-ade drinking, nut job too....and it would be impossible for you to denounce Wright because of his association with Obama and the Dimocrats...

And because of a Jimmy Carter, Liberal/Socialist, appointed to the UN makes a stupid remark, the rest of us have to consider it a 'wise' statement?...I don't think so....9/11 was NOT the fault of the United States...thats a belief only for you US haters and traitors to embrace...

The real traitors are you neocon fuckwits who send American children to die in foreign deserts for the military industrial complex, and then come home to find all the jobs have been outsourced by you same neocon fuckers.
Yeah, my pastor used to always talk about how the government lied about AIDS and created it to kill the "Black Man". He also used to rant about how women can't know how it is to be treated as a minority because they've never been called a N**ger. (Even though it took nearly another century before they were allowed into a voting booth and were long legal to beat with the "rule of thumb" applying after it was illegal to beat somebody because they were black, yes even if the law might look the other way for a while)

My pastor also promoted the "Government knew about the attack in Hawaii" paranoia, because you know, that's what Jesus would have said.

And I can't tell you how many times the pastor mentioned the US of KKK A.

Now, one thing he and my pastor both did speak about was the Tuskeegee Experiments. He is the person who got me researching that one.

It appears that he was a bit wrong about the "planting them some WMD", but you know, that's in the bible and always was part of our sermons because Jesus would have said it.
Yeah, my pastor used to always talk about how the government lied about AIDS and created it to kill the "Black Man". He also used to rant about how women can't know how it is to be treated as a minority because they've never been called a N**ger. (Even though it took nearly another century before they were allowed into a voting booth and were long legal to beat with the "rule of thumb" applying after it was illegal to beat somebody because they were black, yes even if the law might look the other way for a while)

My pastor also promoted the "Government knew about the attack in Hawaii" paranoia, because you know, that's what Jesus would have said.

And I can't tell you how many times the pastor mentioned the US of KKK A.

Now, one thing he and my pastor both did speak about was the Tuskeegee Experiments. He is the person who got me researching that one.

It appears that he was a bit wrong about the "planting them some WMD", but you know, that's in the bible and always was part of our sermons because Jesus would have said it.

Give up the false outrage Damo.

I personally don't believe the government knowingly introduced the HIV virus. But, I'm not OFFENDED by someone who says it, nor do I think its anti-american to say it. Every Sunday, of every week, thousands of WHITE pastors rail against this country committing GENOCIDE by supporting pro-choice policies. But, they get a pass. I understand the wingnuts want to cling to the "angry" "anti-american" black pastor gig, but I ain't buying it.

The government HAS down f*cked up things, like experimenting and injecting syphyllus virus into black americans without their knowledge or consent. That's a fact. Persistent rumours abound that the government introduced crack cocaine into this country's inner city communitys. I'm not saying its true, but I can understand that the historical context of this country, and its treatment of communities of color can give rise to suspicion of the government. You might consider it wrong-headed, but what the hell is "anti-american" about that?
Give up the false outrage Damo.

I personally don't believe the government knowingly introduced the HIV virus. But, I'm not OFFENDED by someone who says it, nor do I think its anti-american to say it. Every Sunday, of every week, thousands of WHITE pastors rail against this country committing GENOCIDE by supporting pro-choice policies. But, they get a pass. I understand the wingnuts want to cling to the "angry" "anti-american" black pastor gig, but I ain't buying it.

The government HAS down f*cked up things, like experimenting and injecting syphyllus virus into black americans without their knowledge or consent. That's a fact. Persistent rumours abound that the government introduced crack cocaine into this country's inner city communitys. I'm not saying its true, but I can understand that the historical context of this country, and its treatment of communities of color can give rise to suspicion of the government. You might consider it wrong-headed, but what the hell is "anti-american" about that?
It isn't outrage.

You should give up attempting to shut down conversations on such things. It is the attempt to pretend that such things are to be ignored that keeps people afraid of talking about race relations.

The old man is spouting tired old man anger, even Obama says so. Obama spoke about how such things are the wrong thing to say. What you fear is that they'll attach to Obama, maybe because that old man still works for his campaign, so you pretend that they are all okay. They really aren't.

As for the Government f*cking up things, you will note that the one thing he did speak of that was real, my pastor did too. But it is clear you didn't read my post.

Amazingly you write dissertations and expect others to read them, then scan over another's posts and repeat things they have said. Yeah, it is truly shocking that you don't even bother to read what others write before spouting talking points! :rolleyes:

What is tired is attempting to take all of what he said, dismiss it and only talk about one of the sermons that appear to be taken out of context and not quite as bad when taken as a whole. But it is hard to dismiss the US of KKK A and the pulpit pounding about conspiracy theories that you know if the equal theories were propounded by the pastor another candidate went to they'd no longer be running.

I have no outrage, I have sadness. I want Obama to be the nominee because in every election I could vote in either a Bush or a Clinton have been running.
It isn't outrage.

You should give up attempting to shut down conversations on such things. It is the attempt to pretend that such things are to be ignored that keeps people afraid of talking about race relations.

The old man is spouting tired old man anger, even Obama says so. Obama spoke about how such things are the wrong thing to say. What you fear is that they'll attach to Obama, maybe because that old man still works for his campaign, so you pretend that they are all okay. They really aren't.

As for the Government f*cking up things, you will note that the one thing he did speak of that was real, my pastor did too. But it is clear you didn't read my post.

Amazingly you write dissertations and expect others to read them, then scan over another's posts and repeat things they have said. Yeah, it is truly shocking that you don't even bother to read what others write before spouting talking points! :rolleyes:

What is tired is attempting to take all of what he said, dismiss it and only talk about one of the sermons that appear to be taken out of context and not quite as bad when taken as a whole. But it is hard to dismiss the US of KKK A and the pulpit pounding about conspiracy theories that you know if the equal theories were propounded by the pastor another candidate went to they'd no longer be running.

I have no outrage, I have sadness. I want Obama to be the nominee because in every election I could vote in either a Bush or a Clinton have been running.

One thing I've learned not to do, is to trust the assertions of Bush republicans, and of ten second video clips run over and over on Fox News.

I wasn't offended by the KKK comment, nor have I seen that whole sermon for its context. I'm QUITE sure Wright wasn't suggesting that every single white american is a racist, or is a member of the KKK. I AM quite sure the sermon was about our nation's racist legacy, and the continuing institutionalization of racist and predjudiced legacies.

Not an eyebrow is raised when a WHITE pastor compares our "genocide" of legal abortions to Nazi Germany, and their legacy of genocide. Not. One. Eyebrow. Raised.

There a fundamental truth here. It is that mainstream and white america watched a 15 second video clip, and the implication and assumption was that it was a out of control back man, in african garb, spouting anti-american and racist rhetoric.

Many americans are just misinformed as to the context, theology, and historical context behind the pastor's generally true statements.

Others, like some educated and cynical republicans, know full well what's going on. And they see an opportunity to tie Obama to images of "black rage" and "black anti-americanism" because they know its their only hope to win this election.
One thing I've learned not to do, is to trust the assertions of Bush republicans, and of ten second video clips run over and over on Fox News.

I wasn't offended by the KKK comment, nor have I seen that whole sermon for its context. I'm QUITE sure Wright wasn't suggesting that every single white american is a racist, or is a member of the KKK. I AM quite sure the sermon was about our nation's racist legacy, and the continuing institutionalization of racist and predjudiced legacies.

Not an eyebrow is raised when a WHITE pastor compares our "genocide" of legal abortions to Nazi Germany, and their legacy of genocide. Not. One. Eyebrow. Raised.
Rubbish, it seems to be all we hear about from y'all. That and the one in a trillion guy who takes it to the next level and attacks people. Both are wrong, if you are evoking Nazis you are way in the wrong.

There a fundamental truth here. It is that mainstream and white america watched a 15 second video clip, and the implication and assumption was that it was a out of control back man, in african garb, spouting anti-american and racist rhetoric.

There is a fundamental truth here, it was far more than 15 seconds and if you watch the clips they are quite more than the ones you attempt to pretense out of existence. They are divisive, according to the candidate you attempt to protect from them, and wrong.

Many americans are just misinformed as to the context, theology, and historical context behind the pastor's generally true statements.

Others, like some educated and cynical republicans, know full well what's going on. And they see an opportunity to tie Obama to images of "black rage" and "black anti-americanism" because they know its their only hope to win this election.

Now, I think that may be true, hence my attempt to point out unfortunate use of wording.

One thing you have wrong is who I want to win the D Nomination. I don't want Hillary to win, even if it means a harder fought battle for the WH. As I said before. Here are the people who have won the elections I could vote in.

Bush, Clinton, Clinton, Bush, Bush... No more. I'm done with these two families. Shoot, when the real Clinton came out in SC, it became apparent he wasn't our first "Black President" even to Black people who used to support him.

As it is right now, I won't vote for McCain unless he makes certain promises he has not made. I won't vote for Obama either, but that's beside the point I don't expect him to make those promises.

If Clinton gets the nomination I will vote for McCain. Even if he doesn't step up to those last two promises I would need to hear otherwise.
the truth is only divisive in the new world order internationlist fascist system the two main parties are attempting to force on us.
They use the boxes and the divisiveness for control. Just keep check marking there, Asshat.

You no longer make sense. You're desperate. We all see it. It's not my choice to have these checkboxes all over the place.

You know what's more divisive? Refusing to acknowledge past sins, and at the same time being a zionist shithead.
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Just watched my favorite crew - Hume, Williams, Kristol & Wallace. What fools.

They kept hammering home that Obama's speech - though "a good one" - didn't address the biggest issues on the table regarding his relationship with Wright.

What bull; he couldn't have been any more clear. They just don't LIKE the answer. The answer that they wanted was "I disown him, disavow him & wish he could be subject to the death penalty."

The right-wing is so populated with dense morons at this point; 7+ years of Bush has left them intellectually vapid.
If you truly believe that Barack Obama never heard the more controversial sermons delivered by his Spiritual Advisor of 20 years, than this is a non-issue for you and you can just tune out the debate.

But for us that question the denial given by Obama, it is very important. Was Barack less than genuine in his denial? Did he never confront his Mentor? Did he ever walk out of Church when his pastor, the man that Wed Barack and Michelle and baptized their children went on a radical, or racial or unpatriotic rant?

Within one year, I walked out of two predominantly white churches after sermons that did not match my beliefs. I am willing to drive many miles further down the road to attend a church that shares my values and one that I am comfortable having my children attend.

I do not buy that Barrack was not present during some, most or all of these rants. If you share my skepticism, then you are troubled as I am. But I wasn't likely to vote for Obama even before the story broke about his Pastor.

I'm guessing that those that believed in Barack before the sermons surfaced will still support him. Those that supported another candidate (Repub or Dem) probably count this revelation as just another reason to solidify their position.
I'm guessing that those that believed in Barack before the sermons surfaced will still support him. Those that supported another candidate (Repub or Dem) probably count this revelation as just another reason to solidify their position

Yep pretty much.