Amen Pastor Wright...and go to hell mainstream Media


Because of the stupidity it exposes in the general populace and MSM ?

I hardly thought it was because of it's effect on Obama.
I'm hoping that this might wake some more people up. As it is, it doesn't help my candidate much. It isn't like people who jump ship from Obama because of this are likely to vote Libertarian.
I just finally watched that entire "chickens coming home to roost" sermon by Pastor Wright.

Jesus F. Christ. ......


Pretty much what I assumed and why I didn't really pay much attention to this crap. When they start holding McCain, Ron Paul, and other republicans to same standard that they've held Obama too>> utter dismisal due to his association with a religious figure, I'll take this argument seriously. But politicians have been getting endorsements from religious nut bags forever and suddenly its a problem for him.

:eyeroll: give me a break.

Thanks for doing the reasearch though ;)
Here is the way the public is viewing this. I think the sentiment of most of the demographics of people I read about in this piece didn't surprise me but when they polled whether Obama should "resign from his church" I couldn't believe it. First, I would have even included a question like that in the poll and second, in most cases a pastor does not a church make.
Yeah, it's exactly that type of thing that makes them ignore many of the comments and focus in on the least "outrageous". Then they pretend that my reaction is stronger than it is, when all I do is point out what the old man said.

While anybody can have a crazy uncle, very few present them as their favorite uncle whom they often get advice from. If you met your GF's family and were introduced to the crazy uncle then after you saw him act the total jerk she informed you that she often sought his advice on life choices you might have a bit of a pause about the future of your relationship.
But if he advised her to be with you and he is crazy perhaps you should question yourself first :)
But if he advised her to be with you and he is crazy perhaps you should question yourself first :)

Loonieness is often heridaitary. If the GF has loonie relatives, look closely. this is based on personal experience. sometimes the loonie genes /tendancies do not pop out till later. with the ex wives family it became active at about 35 on all the females....
Bipolar, OCD and other problems.

for $399.00 you can get a bipolar gene test kit to do on your GF ;)
Here is the way the public is viewing this. I think the sentiment of most of the demographics of people I read about in this piece didn't surprise me but when they polled whether Obama should "resign from his church" I couldn't believe it. First, I would have even included a question like that in the poll and second, in most cases a pastor does not a church make.
This is pretty much what I suspected and what I have been saying.
I notice that you again miss the point, purposefully I surmise.

It's okay. When I speak about this "pastor" I am not talking about Obama. You are though. You attempt to excuse his comments that have already been condemned by the very person you mean to protect. As long as you link the two so will the US. I said before, and Ill say it again. This is what gives the story legs and what will eventually hurt him the most.

Riiight. You were just talking about the pastor, providing a public board service by reporting information about him. You haven't been been gleefully hoping that an image of "black anger" gets tied to Obama. And it's "my" fault if it does. LOL. Talk about disingenous!

Dude, every sunday preachers talk about Jonah who lived in the belly of a whale. That snakes talked in the garden of Eden. And that when the rapture comes, faithful people will be swept off their feet and propelled into the clouds.

And you're outraged that the Pastor doesn't have empirical, fact-based quantitative evidence that the US government knowingly introduced a virus into the black population? LOL Maybe it is conspiracy theory based. The US government has done stuff like that before. But, is it any worse than the fairy tales told every sunday to millions of people?

Damo, you were the first one out of the box, to post the mission statement of the church, proclaim that they were vile racists, and why on earth didn't obama "walk out on them".

Please. Trying to claim you weren't trying to tie a phony image of "black rage" to Obama is laughable.
I just finally watched that entire "chickens coming home to roost" sermon by Pastor Wright.

Jesus F. Christ. As I suspected, its abundantly clear that the white mainstream media, and white message board posters cynically exploited a 15 second clip of that tape, to promote an image of "black rage". An image of the unpatriotic, "angry black man". An image of a black american, dressed in african garb, clearly intended to gin up the image of an alien and anti-american crazy person of color. The Wille Hortonization of black america, as some have noted.

F*ck. Watching that entire sermon brought into clear perspective the depth to which mainstream american has no understanding of black churches and the black experience. And how wingnuttotopia have and will cynically use a 15 second clip of a video, to Willie Hortonize a black preacher, and his ties to a black american candidate. Disgusting.

I agreed with pretty much everything the pastor said on that tape. 90% of it was a measured, and thoughtful cautionary note about the dangers and immorality of hate and violence. Violence begets violence. Hate begets hate. His sermon wasn't an anti-american tirade. It was deeply rooted in and tied to biblical gospel. His entire sermon was on sound theological roots. The 15 second clip of an animated and racuous "back preacher", does complete injustice to the entire message and presentation of his sermon. In short, let us not allow our hatred of armed enemies translate into hatred of unarmed innocents. Fuck yeah. How many americans wanted to bomb the entire country of afghanistan back to the stone age? To turn their country into a glass parking lot? To obliterate a country, including its innocent men, women, and children, in the name of "payback'. That our acts of violence and support of terrorist acts has consequences we don't, but should, forsee and contemplate. And he most certainly did express empathy for the victims of the 9/11 attacks.

The "chickens coming home to roost", was a direct reference and was quoted from a US Ambassador who was on Fox News. A WHITE US ambassador who said - ON FOX NEWS - that we should contemplate our immoral actions, and try to understand how that can breed hate against us. Pastor Wright was referencing the COMMON SENSE wisdom and the words of a WHITE US Ambassador. I AGREE. I was in the minority in 2001, who even suggested that we understand the motives of the jihaddists. As some liberal posters here can attest, thoughts like that brought accusations of treason down on one's head.

The entire message of that sermon was deeply CHRISTIAN. And it was on solid theological roots. Some of the word choices may have been jarring to many people. So what? A pastor can and should use jarring language, as appropriate, to make his sermons thought provoking. That's what good Pastors do. And I can see why Pastor Wright, for decades, has been deemed a powerful and compelling speaker and theologan in the community of color.

Go to hell cynical, manipulative, and frightened white people. And go to hell white mainstream media, for exploiting and and shamefully clipping a video down to a 15 second cut, to potray an image of "black rage".

Riiight. You were just talking about the pastor, providing a public board service by reporting information about him. You haven't been been gleefully hoping that an image of "black anger" gets tied to Obama. And it's "my" fault if it does. LOL. Talk about disingenous!

Dude, every sunday preachers talk about Jonah who lived in the belly of a whale. That snakes talked in the garden of Eden. And that when the rapture comes, faithful people will be swept off their feet and propelled into the clouds.

And you're outraged that the Pastor doesn't have empirical, fact-based quantitative evidence that the US government knowingly introduced a virus into the black population? LOL Maybe it is conspiracy theory based. The US government has done stuff like that before. But, is it any worse than the fairy tales told every sunday to millions of people?

Damo, you were the first one out of the box, to post the mission statement of the church, proclaim that they were vile racists, and why on earth didn't obama "walk out on them".

Please. Trying to claim you weren't trying to tie a phony image of "black rage" to Obama is laughable.
You are the king of disingenuous posting.

1. You are outraged that I suggest what he preaches is rubbish that doesn't belong at a pulpit. I am not outraged. That isn't outrage, it's hilarity.

2. Jonah was in the belly of a fish not a whale (that's for your edification not the Rev's because I'll bet he'll get it right), but it actually is in the Bible unlike the US of KKK A which isn't in the Bible, no matter how many times I search for it.

3. I never said they should "walk out on them" I said I would join another church. Do you notice the difference? I would also not lend the credibility of a sitting Senator to racially divisive comments even if it gave me a better shot of winning a seat in the Colorado Senate. And when I was caught with my hand in the anger jar I wouldn't say it was okay because my grandmother was a racist too.

All of these things are things I would do, and what I would suggest a candidate do if I were on their campaign staff. What Obama chose to do is recognize the racially divisive comments but still embrace the pastor. I said this was a mistake that would hurt him far longer term than any of you would say it will. So far, I have been right. I know it makes you crazy and hilariously outraged over somebody pointing it out.... But heck, outrage is what D's do best. It seems to be your only response to everything.

4. Again, Tuskegee 100% bad, 100% provable, while not in the Bible it is at least provable and provable things are good to use as examples and to place blame. Unprovable paranoid theories are not, the only purpose they served was to be more divisive, to create more anger, to evoke negative emotions by having an authority blame "White America" and the "US of KKK A" for more than they ever were responsible for and to ensure that the divide will remain as long as he could preach about it.
Your tone on this issue was clear Damo, in spite of your protestations otherwise. You were pleased that this might impact Obama negatively.
Your tone on this issue was clear Damo, in spite of your protestations otherwise. You were pleased that this might impact Obama negatively.
Yes, I am pleased that it will effect him negatively. I was sick of the worship, now it is all defense. I also stated that earlier in this thread, Captain Obvious.

However, when I speak of the Reverend I speak of the Reverend, it really has nothing to do with Obama. Other than Obama continues to have him on a campaign committee for him. IMO, foolishly.
Yes, I am pleased that it will effect him negatively. I was sick of the worship, now it is all defense. I also stated that earlier in this thread, Captain Obvious.


Damo being disingenous again. :p

You are pleased that it affects him negatively simply because he has a D next to his name. Not because you were sick of the worship. You even said yourself that you were talking about this Pastor months ago, long before Obama was the presumptive nominee with legions of new worshipping followers.
Damo being disingenous again. :p

You are pleased that it affects him negatively simply because he has a D next to his name. Not because you were sick of the worship. You even said yourself that you were talking about this Pastor months ago, long before Obama was the presumptive nominee with legions of new worshipping followers.
Do you know what disingenuous means? I am being directly honest. I am pleased because it makes you scramble to protect him from what he already admitted was inexcusable language. It makes me happy to be proven right that you really are the most disingenuous of posters ever.

I was talking about the pastor, but I didn't put it out there or use it to attempt to convince you of anything did I? I simply stated that this would be a problem for him while we were talking about some other thing. It's something I wondered who would bring up, whether it would be HillBilly if she got behind or the Rs. I found out. It was interesting to me.

And yes, part of it is he has a D by his name. A bit of joy at watching hypocrisy exposed. Those who would excuse racially divisive comments from one, while point out even the slightest minimally offensive utterance and equate them to Hitler in another.

Personally, I point out racism from both of them. I believe that I was one of the first to point out the Macaca story.

You are so busy protecting Obama from what he already has stated was bad, that you are willing to sell your honesty to do it. It makes me laugh.
You are so busy protecting Obama from what he already has stated was bad, that you are willing to sell your honesty to do it. It makes me laugh.

How quickly the "Bush worshipping" and "Bush lovers" has turned to "Obama worshipping" and "Obama lovers".
Those who would excuse racially divisive comments from one, while point out even the slightest minimally offensive utterance and equate them to Hitler in another.
No different than those who refuse to recognize the double standard in their defense and even denial of Jewish separatism, while insisting others who even entertain the notion of ethnic separatism should be fully disavowed.