Amen Pastor Wright...and go to hell mainstream Media

If you truly believe that Barack Obama never heard the more controversial sermons delivered by his Spiritual Advisor of 20 years, than this is a non-issue for you and you can just tune out the debate.

If you believe Obama wasn't aware of this nuts hatefilled views then you're sucking up way too much KoolAde...He said that Wright is a 'personal friend', a family friend.....

But for us that question the denial given by Obama, it is very important. Was Barack less than genuine in his denial? Did he never confront his Mentor? Did he ever walk out of Church when his pastor, the man that Wed Barack and Michelle and baptized their children went on a radical, or racial or unpatriotic rant?

Obama is obviously a liar, thats shold be plain to everyone that listened to his remarks concerning Wright...

Within one year, I walked out of two predominantly white churches after sermons that did not match my beliefs. I am willing to drive many miles further down the road to attend a church that shares my values and one that I am comfortable having my children attend. would anyone with an ounce of self-pride and moral character.....

I do not buy that Barrack was not present during some, most or all of these rants. If you share my skepticism, then you are troubled as I am. But I wasn't likely to vote for Obama even before the story broke about his Pastor.

I'm guessing that those that believed in Barack before the sermons surfaced will still support him. Those that supported another candidate (Repub or Dem) probably count this revelation as just another reason to solidify their position.

The hacks will support Obama regardless of Wright....Dims hold their own favs to a much much lower standard .... G. Ferraro even found out how the Dims will eat their own to protect a front runner....
I was glad to see Geraldine and Hillary get a taste of the lying bullshit from their own people, R's have been putting up with for years....
Geraldine and Hillary deserve each other.
You know until a few weeks ago I did not even know Ferraro was still alive....
Now she is a big deal ? Media hype ?
The hacks will support Obama regardless of Wright....Dims hold their own favs to a much much lower standard .... G. Ferraro even found out how the Dims will eat their own to protect a front runner....
I was glad to see Geraldine and Hillary get a taste of the lying bullshit from their own people, R's have been putting up with for years....

I haven't really tasted much aside from gross Republican incompetence & corruption for about 7+ years now; in case you haven't noticed, we're embroiled in a war that was supposed to be over in 6 months, and heading into a deep recession.

But, you know, those things don't matter. Where a guy goes to THAT matters. That really affects my life much more than that other stuff.
The war was over 21 days after it started.....that we choose to stay in Iraq is another matter....
I would guess its the 'occupation' that bothers you....when do you think the Dims will pull out as they had promised (or threatened)?

Heading into a recession? Do you think the 'good' times last forever....we do have recessions, inflation, slow economic growth, etc. from time to time....did you just emerge from under a rock or something?
The war was over 21 days after it started.....that we choose to stay in Iraq is another matter....
I would guess its the 'occupation' that bothers you....when do you think the Dims will pull out as they had promised (or threatened)?

Heading into a recession? Do you think the 'good' times last forever....we do have recessions, inflation, slow economic growth, etc. from time to time....did you just emerge from under a rock or something?

You're a mess, dude. You're buried in hackery.

I have never seen someone try to be so casually dismissive of two issues that are so much larger than you give them credit for. Is there nothing for which you'll make this admin accountable? Do you think their "war plans" were sound? Do you think they have been fiscally responsible?
There have been so many things that have been mis-projected & mismanaged about just the war alone, that it's impossible for even hacks as far gone as bravo to keep defending them beyond a few drive-by posts.

I have had it with the false brand of patriotism that people like him continue trying to sell, though - like it's no big deal that a flunkie who never should have been President sent 4,000 to get killed & 30,000+ to get maimed, as long as he went to the "right" church, and looks good in a flightsuit.

Screw them.
It is sad that we have such a large percentage of our population with mental problems.

I personally consider anyone who still supports Bush as mentally ill.
It is sad that we have such a large percentage of our population with mental problems.

I personally consider anyone who still supports Bush as mentally ill.

Then I'm a victim. Start sending me some wellfare checks or give me some extra benefits.
Yeah, my pastor used to always talk about how the government lied about AIDS and created it to kill the "Black Man". He also used to rant about how women can't know how it is to be treated as a minority because they've never been called a N**ger. (Even though it took nearly another century before they were allowed into a voting booth and were long legal to beat with the "rule of thumb" applying after it was illegal to beat somebody because they were black, yes even if the law might look the other way for a while)

My pastor also promoted the "Government knew about the attack in Hawaii" paranoia, because you know, that's what Jesus would have said.

And I can't tell you how many times the pastor mentioned the US of KKK A.

Now, one thing he and my pastor both did speak about was the Tuskeegee Experiments. He is the person who got me researching that one.

It appears that he was a bit wrong about the "planting them some WMD", but you know, that's in the bible and always was part of our sermons because Jesus would have said it.

Just my opinion here but part of the outrage or surprise comes from Obama talking about being a post-racial type of President and then you here this coming from a guy he's had a 20 year relationship with and has been an important part of his family's life.

Again just my opinion here but I think Cypress's outrage and those like him is the white liberal guilt that people like Rev Wright and others play into.
You're a mess, dude. You're buried in hackery.

I have never seen someone try to be so casually dismissive of two issues that are so much larger than you give them credit for. Is there nothing for which you'll make this admin accountable? Do you think their "war plans" were sound? Do you think they have been fiscally responsible?

Do I hold the Admin accountable? Sure....I give Bush about as much credit for 4.5% unemployment and the present housing problem as I gave Clinton for the Tech. boom, in other words not much...
......We've gone through economic ups and downs for 100+ years, is this simple fact new to you.....

War plans...? I (nor you) are qualified to judge the Generals that developed and carried out the war in Iraq....when any plan succeeds, we praise it...if it fails, the opposite happens, right?
If you've never failed at've never done anything...move on...

Its obvious we've underestimated the Iraq's ability to govern themselves in a civilized least so far....
I do not believe Barack Obama is a racist or extremist. But I do think that he deserves the same level of scrutiny as any other Presidential Candidate. I'm in the McCain Camp, but if anyone has a complaint about holding no punches, it has got to be Hillary.

Take Pastor Wright's own words and exchange (reverse) every reference to white and black and put those words into the mouth of a Preacher in a Church that Hillary or John attends on a regular basis (a long-time friend and Spiritual Guide). Hillary and John wouldn't be running for President or serving in the Senate.
War plans...? I (nor you) are qualified to judge the Generals that developed and carried out the war in Iraq....when any plan succeeds, we praise it...if it fails, the opposite happens, right?
If you've never failed at've never done anything...move on...

Its obvious we've underestimated the Iraq's ability to govern themselves in a civilized least so far....

Congrats. You just disqualified yourself from debating this further.

Go read some history on "the Iraq War." In particular, check under "contingency planning," or lack thereof.

Then, come back & try to debate in a fashion that won't utterly waste my time.
You no longer make sense. You're desperate. We all see it. It's not my choice to have these checkboxes all over the place.

You know what's more divisive? Refusing to acknowledge past sins, and at the same time being a zionist shithead.
No, it is the excuse you use to help them perpetuate their controls. How many times have I seen, "Yeah, I'll believe that there is only one human race when those check boxes disappear!"

They'll disappear when people stop dividing themselves as those people define the divisions in order to contain and maintain control. Far easier to control a divided populace.

I'm sorry that you fail to recognize control mechanisms when they are before your eyes.
Just my opinion here but part of the outrage or surprise comes from Obama talking about being a post-racial type of President and then you here this coming from a guy he's had a 20 year relationship with and has been an important part of his family's life.

Again just my opinion here but I think Cypress's outrage and those like him is the white liberal guilt that people like Rev Wright and others play into.
Yeah, it's exactly that type of thing that makes them ignore many of the comments and focus in on the least "outrageous". Then they pretend that my reaction is stronger than it is, when all I do is point out what the old man said.

While anybody can have a crazy uncle, very few present them as their favorite uncle whom they often get advice from. If you met your GF's family and were introduced to the crazy uncle then after you saw him act the total jerk she informed you that she often sought his advice on life choices you might have a bit of a pause about the future of your relationship.
Do I hold the Admin accountable? Sure....I give Bush about as much credit for 4.5% unemployment and the present housing problem as I gave Clinton for the Tech. boom, in other words not much...
......We've gone through economic ups and downs for 100+ years, is this simple fact new to you.....

War plans...? I (nor you) are qualified to judge the Generals that developed and carried out the war in Iraq....when any plan succeeds, we praise it...if it fails, the opposite happens, right?
If you've never failed at've never done anything...move on...

Its obvious we've underestimated the Iraq's ability to govern themselves in a civilized least so far....

The more I thought about this, the more it made me sick.

This is how the Bush enablers really think. Incomprehensible as it is to intelligent, thinking people, this is the loop that they have set up in their minds to allow themselves to sleep.

I wish there was something we could do to permanently revoke their voter registration; some simple test they could take, where they would have to answer like the paragraphs above, and it would be clear that they simply shouldn't have a right to vote.