Amen Pastor Wright...and go to hell mainstream Media

Ok, see Damo, this is what pisses me off. The United STates of Amnesia.

During the 1950's (that's NINETEEN 50s people, not 1750's), our government did in fact use african americans for medical expermiments without their knowledge, by infecting them with sypillis and then treating them not at all or with placebos so they might observe the disease. Every black person in this country knows about this, and every white person should, and I think you do know about it Damo. But because it reflects badly on your flag and country you would rather pretend that it's crazy or anti-american to wonder if shit, could they be up to their old tricks?

And in fact they are except now they perform their experiments in sub-saharan africa where life is cheap and it's universally accepted as so. But is it possible they did it again here, too? Fuck yeah, it's possible and only someone ignorant would say it's not.

So put away the false outrage. Black people know this history. And so do some of us white folk and it's an insult to my intelligence for you to take this tact. If you want to put on this act, you should get a guest spot on a soap. Where he old "who am I? how did I get here?" schtick never wears thin.
Just my opinion here but part of the outrage or surprise comes from Obama talking about being a post-racial type of President and then you here this coming from a guy he's had a 20 year relationship with and has been an important part of his family's life.

Again just my opinion here but I think Cypress's outrage and those like him is the white liberal guilt that people like Rev Wright and others play into.

Nah I don't feel any guilt Cawacko. Just wonderment that you shitheads, and I say this with affection, could be so damned ignorant of recent history as you happy ass along, calling others crazy for knowing things you shoudl know, could easily know, but choose not to know.

Well, I will see ya'll later. I have a busy day, even though it's my "day off" today.

We hit 4,000 yesterday, for Easter Sunday.

As you might imagine I have things to do.
Ok, see Damo, this is what pisses me off. The United STates of Amnesia.

During the 1950's (that's NINETEEN 50s people, not 1750's), our government did in fact use african americans for medical expermiments without their knowledge, by infecting them with sypillis and then treating them not at all or with placebos so they might observe the disease. Every black person in this country knows about this, and every white person should, and I think you do know about it Damo. But because it reflects badly on your flag and country you would rather pretend that it's crazy or anti-american to wonder if shit, could they be up to their old tricks?

And in fact they are except now they perform their experiments in sub-saharan africa where life is cheap and it's universally accepted as so. But is it possible they did it again here, too? Fuck yeah, it's possible and only someone ignorant would say it's not.

So put away the false outrage. Black people know this history. And so do some of us white folk and it's an insult to my intelligence for you to take this tact. If you want to put on this act, you should get a guest spot on a soap. Where he old "who am I? how did I get here?" schtick never wears thin.
Rubbish, I would rather point out that there is no evidence for it and that it is conspiratorial garbage because of it. It is another way to pretend that it is the US Government's fault rather than our own fault for the negative results of negative action.
Then I'm a victim. Start sending me some wellfare checks or give me some extra benefits.

You mean you did not get your extra benefits in the form of tax cuts already ???

Order yourself one of those genetic kits to determine bipolar disorder. Only $399.
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Rubbish, I would rather point out that there is no evidence for it and that it is conspiratorial garbage because of it. It is another way to pretend that it is the US Government's fault rather than our own fault for the negative results of negative action.

So, you think the Pastor is wrong about HIV. A lot of people would agree with you. Some wouldn't. You're very attached to this HIV statement of his.

How is that relevant to this campaign? How does the HIV statement make him anti-american, or racist? How is the statement offensive? A lot of people are suspcious of the government, based on the governments past actions.

It appears that you've pivoted from outright calling the pastor and his church clear racists, to trying to sell us on some HIV statement he made. Why is the HIV statement important to this presidential campaign?

Damocles: "Then they pretend that my reaction is stronger than it is, when all I do is point out what the old man said."

Damo, some of us remember this gal on another message board who was obviously a hyper partisan republican, who would always post pro-War and pro-republican articles. But then she would feign being an independent, non-partisan, and proclaimed that she was merely "providing information" to the board. That's what this reminds me off. "Just reporting what the old man said". It wasn't long ago, that you were posting the church's mission statement, and calling the church out as being unambigious, vile racists. How does HIV play into that?
Darla, I would put nothing past certain elements of our govt.
I do not believe that the govt created HIV, but I do consider that a possibililty.
So, you think the Pastor is wrong about HIV. A lot of people would agree with you. Some wouldn't. You're very attached to this HIV statement of his.

How is that relevant to this campaign? How does the HIV statement make him anti-american, or racist? How is the statement offensive? A lot of people are suspcious of the government, based on the governments past actions.

It appears that you've pivoted from outright calling the pastor and his church clear racists, to trying to sell us on some HIV statement he made. Why is the HIV statement important to this presidential campaign?

Damocles: "Then they pretend that my reaction is stronger than it is, when all I do is point out what the old man said."

Damo, some of us remember this gal on another message board who was obviously a hyper partisan republican, who would always post pro-War and pro-republican articles. But then she would feign being an independent, non-partisan, and proclaimed that she was merely "providing information" to the board. That's what this reminds me off. "Just reporting what the old man said". It wasn't long ago, that you were posting the church's mission statement, and calling the church out as being unambigious, vile racists. How does HIV play into that?
This is disingenuous it ignores other points made to pretend that you are too simple to understand them. I won't pretend you are that simple, and I expect you know that the rest of us aren't either.

You attempt to excuse what the candidate you attempt to protect has already called inexcusable. There really is no excuse to pretend there is nothing to criticize. It is the attempt to wash this with pretense that gives it legs. Give up. Even the man you attempt to protect thought the remarks were not the perfection you attempt to assign.
I'm just glad that I can respect the candidate more than the people who attempt to do or say anything at all to protect him. Quite a turn around. The worship is so thick it has its own smell.

Amazingly it isn't just the man that some of them worship. Shoot, just short months ago some of them were so hacked that they were afraid they wouldn't vote, but now they'll say whatever they think it would take to protect the candidate from those he chooses to surround himself with. Since it isn't the man, it has to be the party. Whatever it takes is what got us into the mess we are in.
I'm just glad that I can respect the candidate more than the people who attempt to do or say anything at all to protect him. Quite a turn around. The worship is so thick it has its own smell.

Amazingly it isn't just the man that some of them worship. Shoot, just short months ago some of them were so hacked that they were afraid they wouldn't vote, but now they'll say whatever they think it would take to protect the candidate from those he chooses to surround himself with.

That is about McCain, right ?
Yep Damo for some people.
I have always said I would vote against the republican in this election. I have seen nothing yet to change my mind. It is an anti Bush machine vote.
McCain in 2000 was another matter, another man in another time. I would have voted for him in the primary but it was a moot point by the time I got to vote.
I'm tired of elections being decided by this sideshow BS. Obama's religious choices are a private matter; they have nothing to do with the job of President, unless he cites some intention to make them an integral part of his job, or bring Wright into the Cabinet, or something along those lines.

We have real issues in this country, and have for awhile now. We had them in 2000 when the campaign was almost exclusively about "Gore the serial exaggerator," and we had them in 2004 when the campaign was all about Vietnam medals. Most of those issues have gotten worse & more pressing in the meantime, and I'm not buying that this campaign has to be entirely about the pastor of a Chicago church, as some on the right are already suggesting.
I'm tired of elections being decided by this sideshow BS. Obama's religious choices are a private matter; they have nothing to do with the job of President, unless he cites some intention to make them an integral part of his job, or bring Wright into the Cabinet, or something along those lines.

We have real issues in this country, and have for awhile now. We had them in 2000 when the campaign was almost exclusively about "Gore the serial exaggerator," and we had them in 2004 when the campaign was all about Vietnam medals. Most of those issues have gotten worse & more pressing in the meantime, and I'm not buying that this campaign has to be entirely about the pastor of a Chicago church, as some on the right are already suggesting.
I'm not buying that people who thought that last-second release of Bush's DUI are the same people arguing that they are tired of stuff like this mattering. They are tired of stuff like this mattering when it works against their guy.

Of course, I am not saying this is you Onceler, I have no evidence that you were all for a DUI three decades ago mattering...
I'm just glad that I can respect the candidate more than the people who attempt to do or say anything at all to protect him. Quite a turn around. The worship is so thick it has its own smell.

Amazingly it isn't just the man that some of them worship. Shoot, just short months ago some of them were so hacked that they were afraid they wouldn't vote, but now they'll say whatever they think it would take to protect the candidate from those he chooses to surround himself with. Since it isn't the man, it has to be the party. Whatever it takes is what got us into the mess we are in.

I get what you are saying Damo (I think). One is the irony in Cypress liked to call people who voted for Bush 'Bush worshippers', 'Bush lovers' etc. and now he seems to be showing some of those same characteristics towards Obama.

You are also talking about good ole party partisanship which there is plenty of from all people involved in politics but you are accurate in your assesment here.
This is disingenuous it ignores other points made to pretend that you are too simple to understand them. I won't pretend you are that simple, and I expect you know that the rest of us aren't either.

You attempt to excuse what the candidate you attempt to protect has already called inexcusable. There really is no excuse to pretend there is nothing to criticize. It is the attempt to wash this with pretense that gives it legs. Give up. Even the man you attempt to protect thought the remarks were not the perfection you attempt to assign.

You must be confusing me with someone else. I probably have more posts bashing Obama than any liberal here.

Can you please get back to the point, and tell me what exactly this HIV statement has to do with the presidential campaign, or with Obama's candidacy.

Or, where you just being a newshound and just "reporting information"?
I notice that you again miss the point, purposefully I surmise.

It's okay. When I speak about this "pastor" I am not talking about Obama. You are though. You attempt to excuse his comments that have already been condemned by the very person you mean to protect. As long as you link the two so will the US. I said before, and Ill say it again. This is what gives the story legs and what will eventually hurt him the most.
I notice that you again miss the point, purposefully I surmise.

It's okay. When I speak about this "pastor" I am not talking about Obama. You are though. You attempt to excuse his comments that have already been condemned by the very person you mean to protect. As long as you link the two so will the US. I said before, and Ill say it again. This is what gives the story legs and what will eventually hurt him the most.

Which I am certain makes you very sad....

Because of the stupidity it exposes in the general populace and MSM ?

I hardly thought it was because of it's effect on Obama.