America No.1? In what? A look in the mirror

It is our corporations that are largely responsible for the current mess we are in.
The mitlitary industrial complex, big oil, investment industry, general manufacturing moving offshore, etc...

Plus they train us to be stoopid sheeple thru the tube.
it's ged's like yourself that are too trailerpark stupid to see how much better we are than #2. Get out of the Mountains you hillbilly.
it's ged's like yourself that are too trailerpark stupid to see how much better we are than #2. Get out of the Mountains you hillbilly.

Please tell me you're getting paid to be this stupid.

You write like a moron while attempting to denigrate the education of people who know how to make a complete sentence .. and spell words and stuff.

Your dumbness brings me much joy.
How would you recommend best searching for that information?

Be like US... go to the library and use the perodical tables to find magazines and newspapers talking about the stories you are looking for. Then go to the microfish machine and pull up copies of the stories from the archives. Then print them off and read them. Should only take you a few weeks to compile the information. Of course, we will be talking about completely different things by the time you return.
Not that many years ago we were the 1 in many things.

50 years ago we were the pinnicle in many areas.

Then came the era of the tax cut. It has become the montra of a party so warped it cant see anything worht investing in our future for. Its all about percieved instant gratification even when its empty rhetoric. Year of Republicans at the helm and browbeating the political atmosphere with the idea that government is evil, the only good thing it can do is cut taxes. The sad thing is they dont have the guts to then make the cuts that have to happen if you dont collect taxes. This idiot montra has left us with massive debt, corrupt politicains, a decimated military, world scorn and wars for corporate profit.

If we want to get back to being number 1 I suggest we go back to the policies that got us there. It was reinvestment in our society in the form of schools , higher education, infrastructure, research and a pride in paying taxes.

Many of you are too young to remember a time when your average Joe would brag that he was a tax paying citizen. Now the corporate assholes who want their taxes cut has convienced you to approve ANY tax cut by convincing stupid people that ALL tax cuts are good.Grow up and be willing to invest in your country as proudly as you invest in your house payment.
Be like US... go to the library and use the perodical tables to find magazines and newspapers talking about the stories you are looking for. Then go to the microfish machine and pull up copies of the stories from the archives. Then print them off and read them. Should only take you a few weeks to compile the information. Of course, we will be talking about completely different things by the time you return.

LMAO!!! I was waiting for him to tell me to do something like that!
blackassirkle are you over 30, are you scared like most blacks to invest like your white counterparts.
Or are you as smart as you like to pretend you are.
Yeah but by your own admission brother .. you don't like our public schools and I'm willing to bet you'd rather have a tax cut then spend that money on public education.

It's much easier to look out the window for what's wrong then in the mirror.

You want to talk about cost comparisons with other countries... how about you dig up the cost comparisons of what we spend on our public education system per student and compare THAT to the EU or Japan etc...

Your "argument" above is pathetic and beneath you. Yes, I do not like where our public schools have gone. My kid sister is 12 years younger than I am. We went through the same public school system. By the time I was done with 8th grade, I had already taken algebra, trig, geometry and calc. By the time she went through the system they were starting algebra in the 9th grade. The reason... because algebra was too hard for some of the kids in the 6th grade.

Tossing money at education is not going to fix the pathetic nature of the system. I am most certainly NOT for tax cuts in education. I would much rather see increased competition via the school voucher system. Let parents decide which schools will best teach their kids. Public, private, charter, magnate... whatever.
yeah tossing money at the problem does not fix it but smart use of money does.
it is a mindset problem.

yeah we suck we did not even origionate "Survivor" but copied it from another countries show :shock:
blackassirkle are you over 30, are you scared like most blacks to invest like your white counterparts.
Or are you as smart as you like to pretend you are.

Top you look like even more of a fool in this thread than is usual for you. You should stick to posters more your mental speed. If I can think of any I’ll let you know, but I wouldn’t go waiving your little stumpy flag in bac’s face. It’s just embarrassing to watch!
We are really missing the mindset of creating a better world for our kids.

This was the frame Americans used to think in. Now all most think of is what is in it for me this second. All shortsided ,knee jerk stupidity instead of the long term goal and the fellow man. Man Im sick of these current generations who fail to have any thought of anyone but themselfs and deride any such thoughts as bleeding heart as if helping your fellow man will create your own doom.
turbo-libs need to start taking some accountablity (Obama does), there's a large part of the lower socioeconomic ladder that does not take education seriously (USC your familiar with them- they are your friends). The education can be improved and should be, but until you get families giving a shit your going to have shitty grades. It's largely a cultural thing, or lack of culture thing.
By the way, do folks here know that families in Japan pay directly (at least a portion) for their children's high school education whether they choose public or private?
Parents for the most part today do not view education as my parents did. School is a babysitter and the kid is always right to the parents.
How many really work with their kids education ? PTA type meetings are pretty much a joke now-a-days. And at that participation is very low for parents.
just no time, have to work 2 jobs to pay for the big house, SUV , widescreen. Take kids to soccer, tennis, etc....the lifestyle is good but the kids are suffering.
Usc has it right. There has to be an emphasis on the kids performance at school made by parents/guardians and such. There is not such emphasis in the United States today. You will have some kids whose parents are interested enough to see that they succeed but that would rank at about 20%, and I might be being generous with that estimate. Until we get out of that mindset then we will be mired in mediocrity as far as education is concerned.

As to desh's question.....the extra paid is in addition to the taxes they already pay. It is a testament to how much the parent's care about their kids education.