America No.1? In what? A look in the mirror

Dhula, I assume that you fear the market as well.
Do you have a couple hundred thousand in the market or are you a chickenshit blowhard like I think you are?
Dhula, I assume that you fear the market as well.
Do you have a couple hundred thousand in the market or are you a chickenshit blowhard like I think you are?

Top if you have any information which would factually dispute anything in the original article posted, please do present it.
Darla, to spinner the market and corporations are Gods it appears and will solve all our ills. Such educated ignorance.
I did present it Dhula.
How much you got in the market dula 5,000 or 50,000?

Really you presented facts which disputed this article? Let’s see them Top.

You’re much richer than I am Top. Now let’s see your information disputing this article.
toppy why do you continue with your pathetic hate for anyone you deem not as "rich" as you?

well short people have to build up their self esteem someway ;)

slamming down others seems to be the way for the shallow insecure ones.
Because you can not intelligently talk the market if like Watergerber and USGED you have no money in it.
There's your little text book liberal anti corp teachings and then there's the real world.
If you tell me you have $300,000 invested I listen to you a lot harder than if you say you have $25,000.
ahh in the market. That can evaporate in a short time. But keep playing the game and being a tool of the corporations Topper.

I have no debt. And bought about 1/4 million in gold when it was about $650. Not futures, but in hand gold. I have some reasonable acerage, and the rest in pretty secure but not large paying true investments. I played the game to get secure, the game bores me now.

correction I do have some debt in my business but the balance sheet is good and showing a fair profit.
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well short people have to build up their self esteem someway ;)

slamming down others seems to be the way for the shallow insecure ones.

What do I care about that kind of thing though? He must be out of his mind if he thinks he’s going to make me feel “inferior” because he has a better stock portfolio than I do. Which is not even in doubt. He definitely does, by far. I will stipulate to that.

But I am not certain what it has to do with America’s rankings in various categories? For instance, I am 5’ 6 and that may put be an inch or two above Topper, but that effects this article how?

Does anybody know?
that means so many Americans dont count in your mind toppy.

You are wearing green colored glasses.

You dont see the real world.
ahh in the market. That can evaporate in a short time. But keep playing the game and being a tool of the corporations Topper.

Stan Marsh speaking in the South Park episode of 'Die Hippies Die'.

""Mom, the mall is a way for the corporate fatcats to imprison you into a life of servitude. I've got some stuff you should read.""
Because you can not intelligently talk the market if like Watergerber and USGED you have no money in it.
There's your little text book liberal anti corp teachings and then there's the real world.
If you tell me you have $300,000 invested I listen to you a lot harder than if you say you have $25,000.

This article is not about the market, you incredible dumbass. This article is about quantifiable differences in the standard of living between Americans and other developed nations, and we do not come out on top.
As long as your under 130lbs your ok Dhula.
Of course you don't have a lot of assets at risk, and of course USC didn't graduate and thinks the market evaporates like water.
Of course you don't know the number of industries we are number 1 in the world in.
Of course the metro-sexual (slam worse than gay) Lorax is jumping in with the woman. that's who he's most comfortable relating too.
not about the market dhula. LOFL
our standard of living is way better accross the board BECAUSE of the market. Jesus you anti rich people are stupid sheep.
"Of course the metro-sexual (slam worse than gay) Lorax is jumping in with the woman. that's who he's most comfortable relating too."

Worse than gay! How terrible!

Actually, I'm jumping in with the "non brainless" crowd, tops. Also the tall crowd.
As long as your under 130lbs your ok Dhula.
Of course you don't have a lot of assets at risk, and of course USC didn't graduate and thinks the market evaporates like water.
Of course you don't know the number of industries we are number 1 in the world in.
Of course the metro-sexual (slam worse than gay) Lorax is jumping in with the woman. that's who he's most comfortable relating too.

Whatever top! So 130 pounds you say? I will admit you are the expert on women’s figures, fashion, diet and exercise.

Well, we finally know who Topper really is!

ahh in the market. That can evaporate in a short time. But keep playing the game and being a tool of the corporations Topper.

I have no debt. And bought about 1/4 million in gold when it was about $650. Not futures, but in hand gold. I have some reasonable acerage, and the rest in pretty secure but not large paying true investments. I played the game to get secure, the game bores me now.

correction I do have some debt in my business but the balance sheet is good and showing a fair profit.

Well, he made a lot of money off that Sweatin to the Oldie’s tape. and he's got the residuals too.