America No.1? In what? A look in the mirror

good looks are good to look at, and I do enjoy looking at a hot lady.
But what is between the ears is what you have to put up with. If a lady looked like a 10 but had spinners attitude I would dump her fast.
Life is far to short to put up with a bitch of either sex.
good looks are good to look at, and I do enjoy looking at a hot lady.
But what is between the ears is what you have to put up with. If a lady looked like a 10 but had spinners attitude I would dump her fast.
Life is far to short to put up with a bitch of either sex.

Aw thanks usc, it’s nice to know I could still get a guy even though I am homely.
Because you can not intelligently talk the market if like Watergerber and USGED you have no money in it.
There's your little text book liberal anti corp teachings and then there's the real world.
If you tell me you have $300,000 invested I listen to you a lot harder than if you say you have $25,000.

The complete stupidty of the above is astounding. It really shouldn't shock me given past experience with you, but do try to comprehend this toppy... Intelligence with regards to the market and the economy have NOTHING to do with how much someone has invested in the market.

There are complete idiots that have millions invested. Think of all the celebrities and atheletes that have millions in the market toppy. How many of them don't have a friggin clue about the market?

and what the hell does any of this have to do with BACs original post?
As long as your under 130lbs your ok Dhula.
Of course you don't have a lot of assets at risk, and of course USC didn't graduate and thinks the market evaporates like water.
Of course you don't know the number of industries we are number 1 in the world in.
Of course the metro-sexual (slam worse than gay) Lorax is jumping in with the woman. that's who he's most comfortable relating too.

How the hell you are allowed to be married with kids is a mystery to me. Your warped perception on the world should have you in a nice tight white jacket banging your head off the foam pads.
good looks are good to look at, and I do enjoy looking at a hot lady.
But what is between the ears is what you have to put up with. If a lady looked like a 10 but had spinners attitude I would dump her fast.
Life is far to short to put up with a bitch of either sex.

Holy crap... finally something we can agree on.
supercoldcaller, your single and you spend to much time in the mountains on that hard bicycle seat.
You get another cookie today, yes not all wealthy investors are smart about the economy. BUt moron, they are way more likely to be than the guy driving a cab. NO wonder you have to cold call.
freak try staying in a serious relationship for longer than a biking season before you talk about someone else with kids Junior.
supercoldcaller, your single and you spend to much time in the mountains on that hard bicycle seat.
You get another cookie today, yes not all wealthy investors are smart about the economy. BUt moron, they are way more likely to be than the guy driving a cab. NO wonder you have to cold call.

No toppy, they are not way more likely to know more. There are also people out there who live paycheck to paycheck that know a lot, but do not have the capital to invest. Or they choose to pay down debt rather than invest. Or they invest in real estate rather than the market.

There are idiots in and out of the market. There are smart (when it comes to the market) people in and out of the market.

Side note... do you really think you should be calling me a moron when it comes to economics and investing? Think about it toppy. We both know you are not capable of keeping up with me on either topic. So if I am a moron.... what are you?
supercoldcaller, your single and you spend to much time in the mountains on that hard bicycle seat.
You get another cookie today, yes not all wealthy investors are smart about the economy. BUt moron, they are way more likely to be than the guy driving a cab. NO wonder you have to cold call.

I defy anyone to name one person here who is funnier than Top…even though it is clearly in a very buffoonish way. I laugh my ass off at every post he makes. I think he believe he’s “slamming’ or “burning” people, but he is just a comedian to me.

Top are you going to be doing a follow up to Sweatin to the Oldies? Like maybe, Sweatin to the Oldies Again? Or, Still Sweatin to the Oldies?
freak try staying in a serious relationship for longer than a biking season before you talk about someone else with kids Junior.

Toppy... try realizing some of us prefer to be single.

Side note... I am always concerned when idiots are allowed out of their white jackets.... especially when they have a family they might expose their complete lunacy too.
superfreak single people over 30 are stalkers and spinsters.
Please quit trying so hard, do you even have half a mil invested yet?
superfreak single people over 30 are stalkers and spinsters.
Please quit trying so hard, do you even have half a mil invested yet?

LMAO... you just don't get it do you toppy? You cannot fathom that there are many who choose to live life differently than you. This is part of what makes you so pathetic and the laughing stock of the board.

and yes, I have more invested than you toppy.