America, Post Bush

I won’t defend anything that Bush did except to remind you that during the early years of the Bush watch, the Dot-Com Boom burst heading the country toward recession and then we had the 9-11 attacks. I’ll remind you that the majority of the Democrats in Congress voted for the unconstitutional resolutions that allowed Bush to declare the congressionally undeclared, unconstitutional wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Wow, a Bush discussion with no mention of our current President?!? THIS IS PROGRESS! (I know you hate that term, it's why I used it)

I already covered the excuse policy of the Right. Lefties never do good because there is always a different reason. I personally think Lefties do good because they don't start long unnecessary wars and with that money they can afford to take care of their fellow Americans. The money isn't meant for the lazy dirtbags pulling off government fraud today, but that is a different discussion.

Congress made their decision based on the information Bush presented to them. Even Americans were convinced we had to go to war. You were probably convinced, I was. Bush said he had overwhealming intelligence proving there were WMD's. Only after our soldiers died to find them he came out and said, "Well that guy must have been a liar"
Hmmm. So you didn't say Republican Party post Bush, you said America, Post Bush. As has been stated Obama is the President post Bush. Stick with us here troll (Legion I assume?), we'll help you step up your game.

Pathetic. I don't know this Legion guy but I assume he was awesome since 2-3 people have called me Legion now. I'd like to meet him.
You must be one of the poorer klansman
The market doubled under Obama
Rich people love Obama

Rich people love Obama?

That really shows your smarts. Yes, sure they are if they're tapped into the government, and sucking off that tit, but rich people are leaving this country at a record rate. This isn't news. This shows that you're not interested in facts, just acting like a baby because you want your way, and don't have the ability to communicate like an adult to express in detail facts that support your views.

I use to think you were a petty cool guy because of your stance on the genocide we call the war on drugs. But it turns out that you're nothing more than a child with a cultish mindset, offering nothing but hate to others who find fault with your god Obama, and gods the democratic party.

It's easy for me to point out how bad pres Bush was, and the republican party is, and people like you will agree with me. But when I, and others point out equally the faults of Obama and the democrats, you start acting like a child. defending evil. You're no different than the people who worship Bush and the republican party. Just a big hypocrite, clueless of what you're/they're supporting if liberty is a primary goal.

The market collapsed under Bush, and hasn't recovered all the way from it's all time high. If it makes now highs, it's only because of the monopolies getting more wealth while the little guy has more opportunities taken away. That must be the rich people you're talking about. The ones that pay money to Obama, and the government. All to choke off the little guy.
Another thing is, every person that discusses politics will say the recession was mostly due to the housing market. I'm the only person I have heard disagree, though I do recognize what happened in the housing market.

It's no secret Bush was a big oil guy. When the Iraq war started, so did the burning of the oil fields (people forget). Prices went up instantly. Prices have been high ever since and actually average out to around what we are spending today. Everyone in America is spending less on other industry because we are spending so much of our earnings on gas. And industry has to pay for gas for parts coming in and products going out. Even just filling up my 5 gallon tank is expensive.

People are just use to the prices now. But imagine what would happen to our economy if gas went down to $2 a gallon. All that extra money would be put into other products (which would matter more if they were American made).
Another thing is, every person that discusses politics will say the recession was mostly due to the housing market. I'm the only person I have heard disagree, though I do recognize what happened in the housing market.

It's no secret Bush was a big oil guy. When the Iraq war started, so did the burning of the oil fields (people forget). Prices went up instantly. Prices have been high ever since and actually average out to around what we are spending today. Everyone in America is spending less on other industry because we are spending so much of our earnings on gas. And industry has to pay for gas for parts coming in and products going out. Even just filling up my 5 gallon tank is expensive.

People are just use to the prices now. But imagine what would happen to our economy if gas went down to $2 a gallon. All that extra money would be put into other products (which would matter more if they were American made).

Yes, there is a reason you are the only person who thinks oil prices caused the worst recession is 70 years.
Well there is proof that this knuckle dragging NRAZI doesn't know what he's talking about. I never said anywhere I worship or even like Obama. Obama's biggest flaws are that he didn't stop some of Bush's policies. It's not easy to get out of war once in it. Libertardians say, just get out, but you will have thousands of soldiers looking for jobs that don't exist because they are outsourced. We should absolutely be out by now, but that is a different discussion. No where in the OP does it mention Obama. Make your own separate thread about him.

The point of this thread is that Republicans use to have the best base for a party. Between being completely Libertarded and an out of control spender Liberal. Republicans use to acknowledge that certain government intervention is necessary. They also know that REAL Americans stand side by side to help each other on their worst times, just like Democrats. Republicans just use to cut the expensive fat off of the American steak.

But since Bush has become this protected President and they won't acknowledge that he was a terrible President, everyone in the future will think what Bush did was ok by Republicans. It's a big reason Romney lost (one of the many). During the campaign they even used signs with Bush on them that said, "Miss me yet" glorifying him.

If people keep protecting him another Republican President will slip in just like him. Because we all know a Libertardian doesn't stand a chance. Your only chance of ruling this country is war. It's why you rely on cult meetings, studies and brainwashing.

I'll disregard your insults and treat you the way a person would want to be treated. How long that lasts will depend.

I've never heard you point out any negative opinions about Obamas policies. Only Bush and republicans. If this is wrong, than I'm incorrect.

I, just like all libertarian minded people, see no difference between the two factions/parties.

Other than that, if you're never heard pointing out the bad policies of Obama, any bad policies, and harp on the other faction, and their leaders, you're going to be viewed as a Obama/democrat worshiper.
A country has momentum. Changes don't just happen overnight. To see the significance of changes, you have to wait a while.

America Pre-Bush was paying off the national debt.

False, national debt has increased every year since Ike.

Business was good. Economy was good.

False, the tech/telecom/internet bubble burst in early 2000. At the time Bush took office we were beginning a recession. The economy was not good at the time, nor was business.

Clinton even gave some tax cuts to the rich because he recognized we were paying the debt too fast and wanted to pay it slow and steady.

False... again, we were not paying down the debt. In addition, what tax cuts are you referring to?
Major military action didn't take place until there was a Republican in office. There is a difference.

LOL, nice try. It's quite clear that major military action (not just advisors which were sent under Eisenhower and increased under Kennedy) started under Johnson. Yes I know, kind of blows your partisan narrative from before away.
Bush & Obama are a pretty bad double whammy. Two completely different kinds of incompetence though.

Bush's is an incompetence borne of being completely unqualified for the job he had, and in WAY over his head. Had his last name not been Bush, I doubt he could have even successfully run for Congress, or even a local mayoral position.

Obama is someone who is smarter, and who knows better - and who STILL lets the monied interests call the shots.
I'll disregard your insults and treat you the way a person would want to be treated. How long that lasts will depend.

I've never heard you point out any negative opinions about Obamas policies. Only Bush and republicans. If this is wrong, than I'm incorrect.

I, just like all libertarian minded people, see no difference between the two factions/parties.

Other than that, if you're never heard pointing out the bad policies of Obama, any bad policies, and harp on the other faction, and their leaders, you're going to be viewed as a Obama/democrat worshiper.

Oh, I'm fully aware what you think. Again, figuring out the mind of a Libertardian isn't hard. I can predict any Libertardians response and thoughts on anything before they say them. Any numb skull could. The reasons Libertardians are Libertardians is they either lack critical thinking (the redneck types) or they get confused by advanced politics and don't know why their paycheck has taxes taken out of them (the pack leaders, lawyers, rich)

Most Libertardians voted Bush 2nd term and are trying to duck out of responsibility for their vote. Most think things will get better if a Libertarian becomes president. Because they lack critical thinking they can't understand government CAN in some cases create jobs and government can set up programs that put money back in to the system more than it cost to begin with. A smaller case scenario is my city wouldn't let me purchase prizes for an event that would have created 40x the cost of the prizes. Such as jobs for veterans would have cost temporarily but put the veterans out of work on unemployment into jobs so they would stop taking welfare and started chipping in to the system. But boy, would it be much easier to just say the system shouldn't exist, that would take much less thinking and math...
LOL, nice try. It's quite clear that major military action (not just advisors which were sent under Eisenhower and increased under Kennedy) started under Johnson. Yes I know, kind of blows your partisan narrative from before away.

Guess you should study history. You are sitting in front of a computer. Look for yourself.
Oh, I'm fully aware what you think. Again, figuring out the mind of a Libertardian isn't hard. I can predict any Libertardians response and thoughts on anything before they say them. Any numb skull could. The reasons Libertardians are Libertardians is they either lack critical thinking (the redneck types) or they get confused by advanced politics and don't know why their paycheck has taxes taken out of them (the pack leaders, lawyers, rich)

Most Libertardians voted Bush 2nd term and are trying to duck out of responsibility for their vote. Most think things will get better if a Libertarian becomes president. Because they lack critical thinking they can't understand government CAN in some cases create jobs and government can set up programs that put money back in to the system more than it cost to begin with. A smaller case scenario is my city wouldn't let me purchase prizes for an event that would have created 40x the cost of the prizes. Such as jobs for veterans would have cost temporarily but put the veterans out of work on unemployment into jobs so they would stop taking welfare and started chipping in to the system. But boy, would it be much easier to just say the system shouldn't exist, that would take much less thinking and math...

Most Libertarians voted for Bush for his second term? You don't know sh*t about Libertarians then. Instead of trying to be cool by mispelling Libertarian why don't you do a little research on who they are and what they stand for. (Hint: There are about a half dozen Libertarians on this board who did not vote for Bush. They would be a good place to start.)
Bush & Obama are a pretty bad double whammy. Two completely different kinds of incompetence though.

Bush's is an incompetence borne of being completely unqualified for the job he had, and in WAY over his head. Had his last name not been Bush, I doubt he could have even successfully run for Congress, or even a local mayoral position.

Obama is someone who is smarter, and who knows better - and who STILL lets the monied interests call the shots.

That is where you are wrong. Obama thinks he is smarter and that provides the greater danger. As for being over his head, Obama is far and away in over his head, more so than even Bush. He has no concept of what to do, he is a follower who took on a leadership role, his economic ideas are disastrous and the biggest problem is that he thinks he knows more than everyone.
Guess you should study history. You are sitting in front of a computer. Look for yourself.

A typical cop out. You have something that you are calling major military action... it is up to you to provide what you are referring to. Then we can discuss.

Side note: when Kennedy took office, there were less than a 1000 military adivsors in Viet Nam.
Bush & Obama are a pretty bad double whammy. Two completely different kinds of incompetence though.

Bush's is an incompetence borne of being completely unqualified for the job he had, and in WAY over his head. Had his last name not been Bush, I doubt he could have even successfully run for Congress, or even a local mayoral position.

Obama is someone who is smarter, and who knows better - and who STILL lets the monied interests call the shots.

If we have to discuss the two then;

No American knows what is going on in Obama's head. It's one of two things though.

A) He is making the wrong decisions intentionally.
B) He was trying too hard to be the most bi-partison President in history, reaching his hand across to shake it with the Right. He extended Right Wing ideas because he thought if he was bi-partisan they would reach out to shake too and sign the Anti-Outsourcing bill and United Healthcare.

Sometimes I wonder, but B is the more likely of the two. Only the Right Wing didn't reach out to shake his hand. They spit in his face, told him his idea's were crap, and told him that extending their idea's was a crap idea. It's really kind of pathetic.