America the shoot-iful

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Shall I comb through the last 400 posts you've made to find serious discussion? I'm willing to bet that my results would be sparse indeed.

Not as sparse as the number of armed uprisings you're been in.

I find it touching when you come to the rescue for your bottom-boy.

But, shouldn't you be practicing your 'Wolverine War Cry'?

Does it sound like you have something in your mouth when you warble 'Wolverine'?

¯¯¯̿̿¯̿̿’̿̿̿̿̿̿̿’̿̿’̿̿;807719 said:
Not as sparse as the number of armed uprisings you're been in.

I find it touching when you come to the rescue for your bottom-boy.

But, shouldn't you be practicing your 'Wolverine War Cry'?

Does it sound like you have something in your mouth when you warble 'Wolverine'?


¯¯¯̿̿¯̿̿’̿̿̿̿̿̿̿’̿̿’̿̿;807719 said:
Not as sparse as the number of armed uprisings you're been in.

I find it touching when you come to the rescue for your bottom-boy.

But, shouldn't you be practicing your 'Wolverine War Cry'?

Does it sound like you have something in your mouth when you warble 'Wolverine'?

Since I've never claimed to be in any armed rebellions, there isn't really anything to discern from that, other than you avoiding the issue, AGAIN.
envious? you're not man enough to prepare for combat? bet you never served in the military either, did you?

Yeah, I'm just sitting here crying because I don't weigh 300 pounds and dress in K-Mart camo.

The doctor says if I get a lobotomy I could be like the Wolverine Wusses, though.

At 300 pounds, you might look better in public if you did consider wearing the camo. I still prefer to wear the camo BDU's instead of the new Air Force ABU's (which are still valid AF wear until the end of the fiscal year), and one reason is because I look hot in them. Just saying.
¯¯¯̿̿¯̿̿’̿̿̿̿̿̿̿’̿̿’̿̿;807962 said:
Right, the fat fucks in camo prancing around the woods at are practicng for a ballet version of "Red Dawn".

And you're practicing trolling. If you expect some sort of angry outburst, you best move on. I care not for the words a being so small and petty as to avoid even a simple discussion over the internet. Why are you so afraid as to commit to an honest intellectual discussion on a public forum?
And you're practicing trolling. If you expect some sort of angry outburst, you best move on. I care not for the words a being so small and petty as to avoid even a simple discussion over the internet. Why are you so afraid as to commit to an honest intellectual discussion on a public forum?

Translation: Despite my ironic username, I have no rebuttal, so I use the old "troll" ad hom so beloved of the intellectually challenged.

Rumor campaigns to panic gunlovers may be long on dollars, short on sense:

"When President Obama took office in 2009, a clear relationship emerged between gun sales and false attacks by the gun lobby and conservative media, labeling Obama "the most anti-gun president in American history."

Gun sales increased amidst unfounded claims that the president was planning to "take away your gun."

As Media Matters has documented, industry officials acknowledged late last year that sales have "returned to levels no longer driven by fear of increased gun control or political uncertainty."

More evidence that people are no longer buying the scare tactics arrived on April 1, when America's largest gun conglomerate, Freedom Group, announced it was cancelling its initial public offering (IPO) amid plummeting sales. Freedom Group includes well established brands such as Remington, Bushmaster, and Marlin.

In an email to Political Correction, Josh Sugarmann, executive director of the Violence Policy Center, commented on Freedom Group's cancelled IPO:

Freedom Group's abandonment of an IPO shows that its belief in the idea of a booming future for America's gun industry was never anything more than evanescent hype peddled by the gun lobby and its trade association counterparts.

With gun sales declining and President Obama announcing his intention to seek another term, it should come as no surprise that gun lobbyists and their allies have launched another round of factually challenged assaults against the president.

The most recent attacks rely on transparent falsehoods and black-helicopter-style conspiracies, including the Obama administration teaming up with the United Nations (U.N.) to advance sweeping gun-grabbing schemes.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) recently sent an email with an updated version of the conspiracy theory that a U.N. Small Arms Treaty will lead to sweeping confiscations of guns. Paul's email reads in part:

Ultimately, the UN's Small Arms Treaty is designed to register, ban and CONFISCATE firearms owned by private citizens like YOU.

In fact the U.N. is considering moving forward with a Small Arms Treaty, but there is treaty language to back up these accusations. Furthermore, any treaty would need 67 votes in the United States Senate and no treaty can supersede the United States Constitution. Scott Stedjan of Oxfam America explained the reality of the proposed treaty to the Washington Post, saying:

No government is discussing a treaty that would ever impact the right to bear arms, nor require regulation of domestic sales of arms. [....]
This is totally about international transfer of arms so that they don't go to human rights abusers.

Not to be outdone, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) has been pushing an email claiming that Obama is secretly scheming to use executive orders "To Grab Your Guns!"

Nowhere in the email is there is any sourcing, and it references no past proposals made by the Obama administration. Nor is there any explanation of how executive orders could be used to bypass the legislative process to achieve far-reaching measures, which according to CCRKBA could go as far as to "make it illegal to own a gun if you smoke or use tobacco products." Both scare emails directly solicit donations to support gun lobby efforts.

Gun lobbyists are either hoping to gin up another spike in sales or simply committed to attacking President Obama…”

Or both.
¯¯¯̿̿¯̿̿’̿̿̿̿̿̿̿’̿̿’̿̿;808509 said:
Translation: Despite my ironic username, I have no rebuttal, so I use the old "troll" ad hom so beloved of the intellectually challenged.

Rumor campaigns to panic gunlovers may be long on dollars, short on sense:
Hey, it seems as though I still retain the ability to type larger than you. Funny thing that. Also, I fail to see how continued repeating of 'wolverine wussies' amounts to intellectual argument, or how it would warrant a reply of serious merit.

"When President Obama took office in 2009, a clear relationship emerged between gun sales and false attacks by the gun lobby and conservative media, labeling Obama "the most anti-gun president in American history."

Gun sales increased amidst unfounded claims that the president was planning to "take away your gun."

As Media Matters has documented, industry officials acknowledged late last year that sales have "returned to levels no longer driven by fear of increased gun control or political uncertainty."

More evidence that people are no longer buying the scare tactics arrived on April 1, when America's largest gun conglomerate, Freedom Group, announced it was cancelling its initial public offering (IPO) amid plummeting sales. Freedom Group includes well established brands such as Remington, Bushmaster, and Marlin.

In an email to Political Correction, Josh Sugarmann, executive director of the Violence Policy Center, commented on Freedom Group's cancelled IPO:

Freedom Group's abandonment of an IPO shows that its belief in the idea of a booming future for America's gun industry was never anything more than evanescent hype peddled by the gun lobby and its trade association counterparts.

With gun sales declining and President Obama announcing his intention to seek another term, it should come as no surprise that gun lobbyists and their allies have launched another round of factually challenged assaults against the president.

The most recent attacks rely on transparent falsehoods and black-helicopter-style conspiracies, including the Obama administration teaming up with the United Nations (U.N.) to advance sweeping gun-grabbing schemes.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) recently sent an email with an updated version of the conspiracy theory that a U.N. Small Arms Treaty will lead to sweeping confiscations of guns. Paul's email reads in part:

Ultimately, the UN's Small Arms Treaty is designed to register, ban and CONFISCATE firearms owned by private citizens like YOU.

In fact the U.N. is considering moving forward with a Small Arms Treaty, but there is treaty language to back up these accusations. Furthermore, any treaty would need 67 votes in the United States Senate and no treaty can supersede the United States Constitution. Scott Stedjan of Oxfam America explained the reality of the proposed treaty to the Washington Post, saying:

No government is discussing a treaty that would ever impact the right to bear arms, nor require regulation of domestic sales of arms. [....]
This is totally about international transfer of arms so that they don't go to human rights abusers.

Not to be outdone, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) has been pushing an email claiming that Obama is secretly scheming to use executive orders "To Grab Your Guns!"

Nowhere in the email is there is any sourcing, and it references no past proposals made by the Obama administration. Nor is there any explanation of how executive orders could be used to bypass the legislative process to achieve far-reaching measures, which according to CCRKBA could go as far as to "make it illegal to own a gun if you smoke or use tobacco products." Both scare emails directly solicit donations to support gun lobby efforts.

Gun lobbyists are either hoping to gin up another spike in sales or simply committed to attacking President Obama…”

Or both.
While it most certainly is true that no gun control effort has moved forward during president Obamas first term and gun rights were strengthened with the victory of McDonald, it doesn't mean that other efforts have not been proposed by Congress. Nor does it mean that his recent statement of working on gun control 'behind the scenes' is to be taken at anything less than face value. And it most certainly does not mean that his recent judicial and executive appointments are going to be any less abusive to gun owners or gun rights.
While certainly the gun industry would hope for another buying binge like that created after the initial election, gun owners themselves are more wary of obvious propaganda schemes and will look for substance before making public outcries. If you do not believe me, you are free to visit . They are the largest online firearms community and are a good representation of all spectrums of gun owners (last I look they have around 50,000+ members). They have their fringe element as any other group does, but by and large gun voters are more educated and deductive then you would lead people to believe.

EDIT: Additionally, senator Paul is correct, a treaty would not be able to restrict gun owners rights, though the treaty does call for some significant measures.
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And you're practicing trolling. If you expect some sort of angry outburst, you best move on. I care not for the words a being so small and petty as to avoid even a simple discussion over the internet. Why are you so afraid as to commit to an honest intellectual discussion on a public forum?

... If you do not believe me, you are free to visit . They are the largest online firearms community and are a good representation of all spectrums of gun owners (last I look they have around 50,000+ members). They have their fringe element as any other group does, but by and large gun voters are more educated and deductive then you would lead people to believe.

I do not believe you, as a matter of fact.

The scare campaign is in full swing, and it is baseless, despite your attempts to spin and squirm. A simple Google search proves it. The gunlovers are scared stupid.


¯¯¯̿̿¯̿̿’̿̿̿̿̿̿̿’̿̿’̿̿;808521 said:
I do not believe you, as a matter of fact.

The scare campaign is in full swing, and it is baseless, despite your attempts to spin and squirm. A simple Google search proves it. The gunlovers are scared stupid.


I've laid evidence to the contrary. That you are unwilling to consider other arguments only shows that you are intellectually dishonest.
¯¯¯̿̿¯̿̿’̿̿̿̿̿̿̿’̿̿’̿̿;808521 said:
I do not believe you, as a matter of fact.
The scare campaign is in full swing, and it is baseless, despite your attempts to spin and squirm. A simple Google search proves it. The gunlovers are scared stupid.

we're prepared to rebel.
I've laid evidence to the contrary. That you are unwilling to consider other arguments only shows that you are intellectually dishonest.
It appears Thehighroad has almost 130,000 members. This is a little over 0.1% of gun owners total, but since other polls and information gathering use significantly smaller sample sizes to determine probable results and opinions for far larger groups of people, I would wager that it's still an accurate picture.
It appears Thehighroad has almost 130,000 members. This is a little over 0.1% of gun owners total, but since other polls and information gathering use significantly smaller sample sizes to determine probable results and opinions for far larger groups of people, I would wager that it's still an accurate picture.

How many of Oleg Volk's gun porn addicts are scared the government is plotting to take their guns?