America the shoot-iful

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Seeking a suspect in a botched pawn shop holdup, Huntsville, Ala., police didn't have to look far before finding the man's vehicle it was parked in front of the store with his daily 'to do' list inside that, incredibly, included the penciled-in reminder to 'Rob pawn shop.' The man had allegedly entered the store, asked owner John Dempsey to show him some stereo equipment and then, as Dempsey turned away, stabbed him with a knife. Dempsey pulled his .32-cal. handgun and, after chasing his assailant who stopped long enough to inflict additional stab wounds fired a shot that found its mark. Police later apprehended the man and charged him with robbery and attempted murder.
An 18-year-old ne'er-do-well who allegedly kicked in the door to Laurie Boykin's Auburn, Ala., home one afternoon in a robbery attempt couldn't have known his shenanigans would prove an enormous pain in his rear. Boykin's response to the threat on her safety came in the form of a single well-placed shot to the intruder's buttocks. Police later nabbed the suspect at a nearby medical center after he apparently hightailed it away from the scene by hitching a ride with a passing motorist.
When ne'er-do-well Joey Wayne Fuller, 21, armed himself with a sword and a flashlight and then broke into a Lebanon, Ala., woman's home, he was unaware he was about to come face-to-face with the homeowner and his Maker. After Fuller repeatedly stabbed the resident, she fired two shots, striking him once in the stomach. Fuller and his accomplice, waiting in a car outside, continued the assault by attempting to run down the fleeing woman who let two more shots ring out. Police later found Fuller dead in the lookout's vehicle.
Another post in this thread dedicated with love to chronicling the accomplishments of America's armed citizenry.


Authorities say an intoxicated Depoe Bay man accidentally shot his wife in the head Monday night.
Another post in this thread dedicated with love to chronicling the accomplishments of America's armed citizenry.


A Painesville man is expected in court for charges including shooting off two rounds from his unlicensed gun in a bar parking lot.

Chief Deputy Frank Leonbruno of the Lake County Sheriff's Office says the investigation began when a deputy sheriff heard shots in the area of the Painesville Commons shopping plaza.

30-year-old Kristopher Williams was then spotted behind McTaggart's Lounge on Mentor Avenue in Painesville Township. Williams admitted that he shot off rounds simply for the fun of it says Leonbruno. "The round does come down and when it does it has a lot of force and he could have hurt or killed someone," says Leonbruno.

Williams was arrested Monday morning and charged with using weapon while intoxicated, illegal possession of a firearm, carrying a concealed weapon, tampering with evidence, possession of a controlled substance and trafficking a controlled substance.
When 71-year-old Edith Ledbetter woke to noises in her Slapout, Alabama, home early one Saturday, she retrieved a .410-bore shotgun from her bedroom and fired once at an intruder. The shot found its target, striking the man in the neck and ending the home invasion. "This is one lady who decided not to be a victim," said Elmore County Sheriff Bill Franklin. "She was protecting herself and her home."
Upon returning home from a shopping trip, a Calhoun County, Alabama, couple found two men in their home. The husband got his pistol from his truck and chased them out of the house into a wooded area behind the house. He caught them and held a gun on them until police arrived. The two men are suspects in other burglaries in the area and several stolen firearms and valuables were recovered after the suspects scattered them while in flight.
A Birmingham, Alabama, family's night of terror came to an end after a 16-year-old youth defended his mother and siblings from his mother's estranged husband, who had been threatening to shoot into the home all evening. Frightened, the family barricaded itself in an upstairs bedroom. When their tormentor broke into the house via a back door, his violence was answered by the youth, who delivered several fatal shots through the bedroom door. The youth was not charged.
Another post in this thread dedicated with love to chronicling the accomplishments of America's armed citizenry.


26-year-old Christopher Michael Hodges killed himself after he shot and killed Richmond County Sheriff's Deputy James D. Paugh.

Paugh, a 17-year law enforcement veteran, had just finished working a special assignment at the Georgia-Lina State Fair when he stopped along Bobby Jones to check out a suspicious car on the side of the road. According to Strength, the deputy didn't even have a chance to put the kick stand on his motorcycle down before Hodges started shooting.

Sheriff Strength says evidence at the scene showed Hodges fired at least 35 rounds from his M4 semi-automatic assault rifle.

Strength says he believes Hodges was drunk when the shooting happened.
David Kennedy Wiggins of East Gadsden, Alabama, lives by the golden rule, but carries a .38 pistol for good measure. When an armed man entered his pawn shop one afternoon and pointed a gun at him, Wiggins drew his own pistol and shot his assilant in the chest. The man fled, but a suspect fitting the description given to police was arrested and charged with attempted armed robbery at a hospital later that evening. The suspect had a drug-related criminal history. No charges have been filed aginst Wiggins.
J.C. Moore of Forestdale, Alabama, had little doubt as to what was happening when two armed and masked men burst into his jewelry store. The two thugs held guns on Moore and his sons and commenced looting the establishment. When one of the suspects dropped his bag of plunder, it offered Moore the diversion he needed to grab his pistol and open fire. Both suspects were wounded, one of them fatally, but the other was able to flee before being apprehended along with a getaway driver. Police said, "A lot of people are arming themselves; it's self preservation."
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[TD]Three masked men entered a Moulton, Alabama, home in an attempt to rob the family living there. After one of the intruders placed a pistol to the head of a man in the house, a female resident said she needed to go into a back room to get her baby. Instead, she returned with a pistol and began firing at the intruders. Two of the men fled, while the third was held for police. One suspect turned himself in. The third was still at large, but police knew his identity and an arrest was expected. All of the bandits had criminal histories, including one who was awaiting trial for rape at the time of the home invasion. [/TD]
Herbert Reese, 65, of Montgomery, Alabama, knows the value of having a firearm for personal protection. He owns a convenience store that has been robbed six times since 1989. The last robbery proved fatal for the thug. After closing his shop, Reese, a concealed-carry permit holder, was apporoached by the young crook, who displayed a pistol and demanded his wallet. Reese complied, but then drew his .38 revolver and shot the robber dead. In four of the previous incidents, a firearm had been used to prevent a robbery, and Reese has never been charged for defending himself. "You would have thought people would know not to rob around here by now," he said.
Canadian Football League player Roosevelt Patterson was visiting relatives in Mobile, Alabama, for the Christmas holidays when he was approached by three men, two of them armed, outside of a barbecue restaurant. Asked for cash, Patterson refused and instead, pulled a gun and killed one of the armed crooks. The remaining two were arrested by police.
Another post in this thread dedicated with love to chronicling the accomplishments of America's armed citizenry.


Indiana University police in Bloomington have arrested a 19-year-old Kokomo man for a gunshot outside a fraternity house that prompted a campus security alert.
Jeffery Durbin was being held Sunday at the Monroe County Jail in Bloomington on $10,000 surety and $500 cash bonds after being arrested on felony charges of intimidation, criminal recklessness and pointing a firearm and a misdemeanor count of carrying a handgun without a license.

Police say they arrested Durbin about 3 a.m. knocking on the door of a sorority house after the gunshot moments earlier next door at the Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity house. Fraternity members told police a Halloween party was ending when Durbin became irritated, pointed the gun at someone, then waved it in the air and fired a shot.
Pastor Frank McClung of First Southern Baptist Church in Muscle Shoals, Alabama, shudders at the thought of what might have happened had a shotgun-wielding bandit been allowed to make his way into the church during choir practice. Thanks to an armed citizen, he never got that far. Police said the suspect approached one of two parishioners waiting outside the church for their wives and demanded they come with him. The men refused, one going for his car, the other for the church. After the assailant fired into the one man's car, the parishioner retrieved his own gun and returned two fatal shots. "I'm very glad that the church member defended himself and his fellow church members, but I'm sorry that the man with the shotgun died," McClung said
The masked thugs were spotted as Decatur, Alabama, resident Jason Rayford was leaving his home. As soon as he saw the two, Rayford ran back in his home and locked the front door, but the men kicked it in anyway, and started shooting. Rayford, who has a concealed-carry permit, drew his .38 and returned fire, wounding one of the suspects and forcing both of them to flee. The pair were later captured by police.
Another post in this thread dedicated with love to chronicling the accomplishments of America's armed citizenry.


Volusia County Sheriff’s investigators have charged two brothers, 54-year-old Ray Greenlaw and 51-year-old Wayne Greenlaw, with murder and other criminal offenses related to today’s melee under the cover of darkness that led to one man being gunned down in the street and a surviving victim undergoing surgery for a machete strike to his left forearm. Combined, the two brothers fired off more than 26 rounds from a rifle and handgun during the 5:36 a.m.

shooting that prompted more than a half-dozen 911 calls from worried residents in the Daytona Highridge Estates neighborhood, Sheriff's spokesman Gary Davidson said.

"The victim who died, Brian Leverett, was armed with a shotgun, but never got off a shot," Davidson said, adding, "And both defendants confirmed that they didn’t see the shotgun and didn’t know that Leverett was armed."