America the shoot-iful

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no one cares about 7 people dying. why is this so hard for you to understand? their deaths are negligible vs. the importance of the second amendment. 30-40,000 people die in car crashes each year in the united states ALONE. we could save 40,000 lives each year if we banned cars, but that's not going to happen. we've determined that 40,000 deaths is still worth it to have our vehicles.

and these 7 kids dying is still worth it to have the 2nd amendment.

There is almost no number you are going to be able to show me that would make me wince at the 2nd amendment. wont happen. gun rights are here to stay, so deal with it, bitch.
Forcibly, looks like. "Gun-free zones" are unconstitutional, aren't they?

You made the claim that the gun ban meant the 2nd Amendment was not on the campus. So, unless the ban was lifted, the 2nd Amendment was still not on the campus?
Gunlovers speak:

The Obama administration wants to keep guns out of the hands of students in our Universities to avoid such incidents. It is OK however to provide guns to Mexican Drug Lords. Must be another fairness issue being addressed?

Good point. Everything they do is meant to discredit legitimate gun owners. Check out story in 1946 in Tennessee where citizens took back the town’s ballot boxes from a criminal government. Sorry I don’t have the exact link, but there is a docudrama about it.

More killing(s) in another ” Gun-Free Zone ” college campus. [ Like Va. Tech. ] Listen to the howls of the gun control liberals. An armed campus is a safe campus. Do not let the liberals get away with this garbage. Send your young adults to an armed campus; ask college recruiters about the campus’ gun policy. We could “ dry up ” admissions to liberal / socialist / communist centers for indoctrination ( learning ) with this one issue.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the killer was an Obama zombie programmed to start a civil war in America. Expect more of this from the commie in chief.

A christian school ! Oh no, I’m sure the Reverend Al (not so) Sharpton will be marching in California now. We have a hate crime committed by a white Asian against Christians so there is little doubt that he and the Reverend Jessie Jackson will get right on this.

I’m telling you right here and now. ALL of these “recent” shootings are being set up by the Administration in order for us to not only allow them to, but beg them to pass a law banning all hand guns and rifles. There are WAY too many of these “random” shootings since the Obama push on banning guns, and I absolutely believe these are being done by people selected and guaranteed some sort of very high payment by “certain members” of the Obama Administration. Just in the months of January until now, the amount of ‘random’ shootings is SO obviously over the top that it screams “agenda”.
Tin foil hat?? NO WAY. There hasn’t been this many “random” shootings ever before an Administration that openly states they will accomplish their agenda IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE!
What’s a few no name casualties along with a few high profile casualties (who are injured but no deaths, and become living legends), in order to accomplish an agenda for the greater good of our (whoops, sorry, I mean THEIR) Country. Don‘t be saying it’s simply more media access. NO WAY. There was just as many reporters and news stations ten years ago as today. IT IS A SET UP!!!
You made the claim that the gun ban meant the 2nd Amendment was not on the campus. So, unless the ban was lifted, the 2nd Amendment was still not on the campus?

The shooter brought the Second Amendment to the campus.
The shooter brought the Second Amendment to the campus.

So the 2nd amendment depends on the actual presence of a firearm? And if that gun is not there legally, it still brings the 2nd amendment with it?

Total nonsense.
So the 2nd amendment depends on the actual presence of a firearm? And if that gun is not there legally, it still brings the 2nd amendment with it? Total nonsense.

Total Constitutionality. Where in the Constitution does government or a college have the right to deprive any US citizen from bearing arms?
More insights from straight shooters:

I saw the perfect bumper sticker on my way home from class today. “Tyrants Want Unarmed Peasants”.
So is this Trayvon retribution? Was this an atheist? Was this an OWS person? Maybe it was all three

This story is not TRUE! Liberals have banned guns from school grounds so this shooting is IMPOSSIBLE. Nothing like giving criminals a gun free zone to do their hunting. Criminals are safe but the prey is defenseless.

God I do hope that NBC doesn’t come out with white obese Asian. Couldn’t handle that so close to the holidays...

I’m sure NBC will use this to spin some kind of racial tension.

News Flash! Suspect IS NOT a white male. I know this because he is not being identified by name nor pictured anywhere in the MSM. Any takers that his name does not include “Mohamed”?

The real answer is to arm the students (fat chance in CA) under an open carry law.

omg………what color were they? We are in trouble. Obama is going to stop us from buying guns. He is going to use executive orders. YOu watch…….he is a power freak…………Gun controll is what he wants next. He wants us not to have weapon and this is another excuse...
Total Constitutionality. Where in the Constitution does government or a college have the right to deprive any US citizen from bearing arms?

Ok, so the 2nd Amendment was already in place? Or was it not?

And how can a man bringing a gun illegally onto a campus change that?
Ok, so the 2nd Amendment was already in place? Or was it not? And how can a man bringing a gun illegally onto a campus change that?

School authorities often subvert the Second Amendment by imposing illegal "gun-free zones". The shooter proved the futility of such unconstitutional attempts to deprive citizens of the right to bear arms, didn't he?
School authorities often subvert the Second Amendment by imposing illegal "gun-free zones". The shooter proved the futility of such unconstitutional attempts to deprive citizens of the right to bear arms, didn't he?

I am not denying that. But your original claim was that the 2nd amendment was not on the campus because it was declared a "gun-free" zone. If that declaration stops the 2nd amendment from being there, then it is still not there.
I am not denying that. But your original claim was that the 2nd amendment was not on the campus because it was declared a "gun-free" zone. If that declaration stops the 2nd amendment from being there, then it is still not there.

Obviously the Second Amendment arrived in force today, proving that flimsy, illegal anti-gun laws and feeble unconstitutional regulations cannot overcome the citizen's right to bear arms.
Obviously the Second Amendment arrived in force today, proving that flimsy, illegal anti-gun laws and feeble unconstitutional regulations cannot overcome the citizen's right to bear arms.

If a single armed man walking onto campus overcame the ban and brought the 2nd amendment to campus, it wasn't much of a ban and the 2nd amendment was there already.

Whether the ban was unconstitutional is one thing. To claim the 2nd amendment was not valid until a lunatic started shooting is ridiculous.
If a single armed man walking onto campus overcame the ban and brought the 2nd amendment to campus, it wasn't much of a ban and the 2nd amendment was there already. Whether the ban was unconstitutional is one thing. To claim the 2nd amendment was not valid until a lunatic started shooting is ridiculous.

Who claimed the Second Amendment was not valid?

And why are you rushing to judgment? The shooter hasn't been proven guilty of anything. Maybe he shot in self-defense.
Who claimed the Second Amendment was not valid?

And why are you rushing to judgment? The shooter hasn't been proven guilty of anything. Maybe he shot in self-defense.

If the ban stopped the 2nd amendment from being on campus, then only repealing the ban would change that.
I'd say the shooter "repealed" the ban in a practical manner today.

And I said that was ridiculous. The ban may have been unconstitutional, but the shooter did not repeal the ban.

That would be like claiming I repealed the speed limit laws simply by speeding.
He kept and bore arms on campus, according to witnesses.

Indeed he did. But any person on the planet can do that. If they do so illegally and can be prosecuted for keeping and bearing those arms, there is no right to keep and bear arms.
Indeed he did. But any person on the planet can do that. If they do so illegally and can be prosecuted for keeping and bearing those arms, there is no right to keep and bear arms.

US citizens benefit from our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, not "any person on the planet". His bearing arms hasn't been shown to be illegal, has it?

How do you know he wasn't defending himself against kids in hoodies?