American Idiots

Past wrongs do not justify continued racial and gender discrimination. That is a non-solution. It is a violation of civil rights laws.

It is an issue. no matter how long you lie and spin, you cannot escape the truth of the matter with nice sounding slogans.

Funny thing is, the polices are there to prevent continued racial discrimation, so that racist white males who dominate the workplace can't refuse to hire someone based on gender or color. It is a a non-issue.
It is a determination by our society to make room for people who have given this country something and deserve some return for their contribution.

Its like the GI bill. They gave their country something and we return the favor.
Good Lord..........

Funny thing is, the polices are there to prevent continued racial discrimation, so that racist white males who dominate the workplace can't refuse to hire someone based on gender or color. It is a a non-issue.

So every white male who has a job is a racists? Seek help Mr.Racist! in reverse................:rolleyes:
Funny thing is, the polices are there to prevent continued racial discrimation, so that racist white males who dominate the workplace can't refuse to hire someone based on gender or color. It is a a non-issue.

But white or male individuals also deserve to not be discriminated on the basis of their race or gender. All whites and men are not racist and sexist; assuming so is racist and sexist in itself. It is an issue, still.
It is a determination by our society to make room for people who have given this country something and deserve some return for their contribution.

Its like the GI bill. They gave their country something and we return the favor.

It does not assume anyone is racist. If a white male in charge of hiring hired simply on merit then this program will not even effect them. Those that seek to keep from hiring people on race,sex,religion reasons they will find it hard to keep pace. Your argument makes the assumption that people who are not white and male are not in suficient numbers to fill the positions. What a tangled web you weave.

It does not assume anyone is racist. If a white male in charge of hiring hired simply on merit then this program will not even effect them. Those that seek to keep from hiring people on race,sex,religion reasons they will find it hard to keep pace. Your argument makes the assumption that people who are not white and male are not in suficient numbers to fill the positions. What a tangled web you weave.

You quote yourself then argue against yourself...strange!:shock:
Funny thing is, the polices are there to prevent continued racial discrimation, so that racist white males who dominate the workplace can't refuse to hire someone based on gender or color. It is a a non-issue.

you do not "prevent" racial discrimination with racial discrimination.
But white or male individuals also deserve to not be discriminated on the basis of their race or gender. All whites and men are not racist and sexist; assuming so is racist and sexist in itself. It is an issue, still.

Look, I have been against AA. I do not agree however that it's intentions are reverse discrimination. It's intentions are to further the oppressed. There are parts of the policy I agree with, and we should prevent discriminatory hiring practices. On the flip side, the things I disagree with really haven't effected us negatively, so that is why I call it a non-issue.
Look, I have been against AA. I do not agree however that it's intentions are reverse discrimination. It's intentions are to further the oppressed. There are parts of the policy I agree with, and we should prevent discriminatory hiring practices. On the flip side, the things I disagree with really haven't effected us negatively, so that is why I call it a non-issue.

On that I can agree to an extent. If you hire between equally qualified individuals and give preference to minorities, then I think that is ok. If however, you hire someone less qualified because of race/gender, then that is discriminatory.
Too many people think of AA as 'preferential treatment of race' when really it is 'preferential treatment for those that have been mistreated'. I do not agree that this policy should be long term but today's minorities are effected by the mistreatment of the past. Not as much as the last generation, or the generation before that. The policy should eventually go away, especially when it does start having a negative impact on any one race. As of right now, it doesn't.
I agree, however, where have we been hurt by this policy?

When it is used to benefit less qualified individuals. Whether it be for a position in college, work, etc...

We would not ask the NFL or NBA to hire athletes based on racial quotas... we expect them to hire the best qualified athletes. Can you imagine the NBA if we forced them to hire 70% white guys because 70% of men in the US are white?

So why would we expect companies, colleges to do so? We want them to take the best and provide for the best qualified.

If qualifications are an issue (which I beleive they are) then we need to focus our attention on the areas that will improve the qualifications. To me, this needs to start with improving the education within the inner cities. (not just for minorities, but for all in the inner cities)

We need to open our educational system up for review and fix what is broken rather than trying to cover it up.
When it is used to benefit less qualified individuals. Whether it be for a position in college, work, etc...

We would not ask the NFL or NBA to hire athletes based on racial quotas... we expect them to hire the best qualified athletes. Can you imagine the NBA if we forced them to hire 70% white guys because 70% of men in the US are white?

So why would we expect companies, colleges to do so? We want them to take the best and provide for the best qualified.

If qualifications are an issue (which I beleive they are) then we need to focus our attention on the areas that will improve the qualifications. To me, this needs to start with improving the education within the inner cities. (not just for minorities, but for all in the inner cities)

We need to open our educational system up for review and fix what is broken rather than trying to cover it up.

We would not ask the NFL or NBA to hire athletes based on racial quotas... we expect them to hire the best qualified athletes

Racial quotas have been illegal since 1978 dude.