Americans are a stupid people - Statistics, Studies and Research


The Force is With Me
The healthcare debate makes America the laughing stock of the world and it once again clearly demonstrates that America is a stupid country full of morons.

Are Americans Stupid - Statistics, Studies and Research

[The] USA scores the lowest in national average IQ among the developed countries of the world, at a national average score of 98. The data is obtained from IQ and Global Equality by Dr. Richard Lynn (professor of Psychology, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland) and Dr. Tatu Vanhanen (University of Tampere, Finland) who have done extensive research on the subject spanning several years. The national average IQ score of Americans at 98 is below 22 countries (including Switzerland, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, North Korea and China). The low Intelligence Quotient (IQ) score of United States puts the Americans at a lower intelligence level on an average as compared to the other industralized nations.

The mathematical skills and abilities to process mathematical problems put America on a weak spot. American high school students scored 483 in the test Program for International Student Assessment. The average scores of American students were way below those of top scoring countries like South Korea, Japan, Switzerland, Germany, Ireland, etc. all of whom scored between 503 and 544 (significantly higher than US scores). Mathematical skills, scientific temper and the ability to apply mathematical knowledge are essential in the present world and they are the roots of logical and scientific reasoning. If this becomes a weak point, a person’s ability to fare well in science, logical and anaytical thinking would suffer as well.

Another study as a special report by ABC showed that in scientific and mathematical skills, an average Belgian kid scored better than a skilled American. By age fifteen Americans fell behind 25 countries in this test. They scored worse than countries which spend much less in education. The report also states that in US, mediocrity is encouraged by monopoly of public school and opportunity based scholarships, which is hurting the academic ability of Americans when compared to the rest of the world. Yes, monopoly hurts because there is no competition to better oneself against, but when it comes to countries with lesser quality of education it says something. Those countries are not well off either but in spite of that they do better than US.

“American adults in general do not understand what molecules are (other than that they are really small). Fewer than a third can identify DNA as a key to heredity. Only about 10 percent know what radiation is. One adult American in five thinks the Sun revolves around the Earth, an idea science had abandoned by the 17th century.” This is an excerpt from an article by New York Times which did a study and survey of Americans to determine their awareness. Coming from a nation where half the schools do not teach the science of evolution, scientific outlook is discouraged and a lot of emphasis is laid on religious education, the results are hardly surprising.

It's no surprise why Americans can be trained to act against their own best interests.
I remember arguing with an idiot as a teen who believed that there was no such thing as the speed of light and that sound was instantaneous rather than vibrations that travel through the air. I still don't believe that he believed these two very basic ideas that even my youngest daughter knows. Shoot "The Magic School Bus" dealt with both of them.
The elitists have purposefully ruined our educations system so we are easier destroyed.

But sure, blame the victims.

Hating Americans is cool.
Because of identity politics, the standard for success in schools has been eliminating disparity. This has caused a ceiling effect, meaning all tests are made easier to hide differences. That's why we're stupid.
Because of identity politics, the standard for success in schools has been eliminating disparity. This has caused a ceiling effect, meaning all tests are made easier to hide differences. That's why we're stupid.
My grandfather was born in 1904 and graduated from the 8th grade before he went to work full time. He could recite Longfellow by memory in a booming voice that inspired me as a kid, had a vocabulary that you don't see in college kids today, and could do long division in his head. *shrug*
The elitists have purposefully ruined our educations system so we are easier destroyed.

But sure, blame the victims.

Hating Americans is cool.

It isn't the education system that makes Americans stupid. Blaming the education system keeps one from looking in the mirror.

... AND, if you choose to go that route, it isn't the "elitists" who are against teaching evolution in American schools or who believe that "God" belongs in the classroom.
It isn't the education system that makes Americans stupid. Blaming the education system keeps one from looking in the mirror.

... AND, if you choose to go that route, it isn't the "elitists" who are against teaching evolution in American schools or who believe that "God" belongs in the classroom.

It's the failure of the educational system to educate them. As I said, tests are dumbed down so everyone is the same. Politically correct idiocy has consequences.
The healthcare debate makes America the laughing stock of the world and it once again clearly demonstrates that America is a stupid country full of morons.

Are Americans Stupid - Statistics, Studies and Research

[The] USA scores the lowest in national average IQ among the developed countries of the world, at a national average score of 98. The data is obtained from IQ and Global Equality by Dr. Richard Lynn (professor of Psychology, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland) and Dr. Tatu Vanhanen (University of Tampere, Finland) who have done extensive research on the subject spanning several years. The national average IQ score of Americans at 98 is below 22 countries (including Switzerland, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, North Korea and China). The low Intelligence Quotient (IQ) score of United States puts the Americans at a lower intelligence level on an average as compared to the other industralized nations.

The mathematical skills and abilities to process mathematical problems put America on a weak spot. American high school students scored 483 in the test Program for International Student Assessment. The average scores of American students were way below those of top scoring countries like South Korea, Japan, Switzerland, Germany, Ireland, etc. all of whom scored between 503 and 544 (significantly higher than US scores). Mathematical skills, scientific temper and the ability to apply mathematical knowledge are essential in the present world and they are the roots of logical and scientific reasoning. If this becomes a weak point, a person’s ability to fare well in science, logical and anaytical thinking would suffer as well.

Another study as a special report by ABC showed that in scientific and mathematical skills, an average Belgian kid scored better than a skilled American. By age fifteen Americans fell behind 25 countries in this test. They scored worse than countries which spend much less in education. The report also states that in US, mediocrity is encouraged by monopoly of public school and opportunity based scholarships, which is hurting the academic ability of Americans when compared to the rest of the world. Yes, monopoly hurts because there is no competition to better oneself against, but when it comes to countries with lesser quality of education it says something. Those countries are not well off either but in spite of that they do better than US.

“American adults in general do not understand what molecules are (other than that they are really small). Fewer than a third can identify DNA as a key to heredity. Only about 10 percent know what radiation is. One adult American in five thinks the Sun revolves around the Earth, an idea science had abandoned by the 17th century.” This is an excerpt from an article by New York Times which did a study and survey of Americans to determine their awareness. Coming from a nation where half the schools do not teach the science of evolution, scientific outlook is discouraged and a lot of emphasis is laid on religious education, the results are hardly surprising.

It's no surprise why Americans can be trained to act against their own best interests.

Make sure to say thank you to our wonderful public school system who believes that teaching to the lowest common denominator is a good idea. Cause we certainly don't want any kids to feel bad.
It's more important to have a college graduation with a diverse population instead of a well educated one. *shrug*
I blame the Democrat run public school system and the socialist teacher's union.

You are close to right, but I would eliminate the words "democrat" and "socialist" from that sentence. I work in the public school system and I can tell you that I cannot teach my students at the level at which they need to be taught....because of public school restirictions/requirements and NEA adopted policies.
It isn't the education system that makes Americans stupid. Blaming the education system keeps one from looking in the mirror.

... AND, if you choose to go that route, it isn't the "elitists" who are against teaching evolution in American schools or who believe that "God" belongs in the classroom.

What a load of crap... our educational system is horrid. Stating such has nothing to do with 'looking in the mirror'.
It's the failure of the educational system to educate them. As I said, tests are dumbed down so everyone is the same. Politically correct idiocy has consequences.

Political correctness has zero to do with it. You're just speaking ideology, not truth. You can teach kids to pass tests all day .. doesn't teach them critical thinking .. just how to pass the test.

And, if you focus only on education, you miss the point entirely. It isn't schoolchildren lining up to ensure that private corporations remain in control of America's healthcare in the face of rising costs and lowering standards.

I'm betting American schoolchildren are smarter than that.
You are close to right, but I would eliminate the words "democrat" and "socialist" from that sentence. I work in the public school system and I can tell you that I cannot teach my students at the level at which they need to be taught....because of public school restirictions/requirements and NEA adopted policies.
The restrictions are Democrat policies and the NEA union is a socialist institution.
It isn't the education system that makes Americans stupid. Blaming the education system keeps one from looking in the mirror.

... AND, if you choose to go that route, it isn't the "elitists" who are against teaching evolution in American schools or who believe that "God" belongs in the classroom.

Do you think that teaching "Independent Design" along with Evolution is what makes Americans stupid?
Do you think that teaching "Independent Design" along with Evolution is what makes Americans stupid?

I don't think any fantasy or fairy-tale should be taught to American children .. except as a fairy-tale.

But blaming the NEA is easy .. older Americans aren't any smarter than younger ones.

What makes us stupid goes beyond our system of education.
BAC is a prime example of an elitist who advocates critical thinking but only in a curriculum that liberals have tight control over. *shrug*

BAC does a real good job of speaking for himself mr knuckledragger who doesn't have a clue.

I'm not a liberal mr knuckledragger .. so why would I want them in control?

I want intelligence in control .. which is why YOU got it wrong.
I don't think any fantasy or fairy-tale should be taught to American children .. except as a fairy-tale.

But blaming the NEA is easy .. older Americans aren't any smarter than younger ones.

What makes us stupid goes beyond our system of education.

good, then we won't be teaching them 9/11 conspiracies or mysterious pipeline fairy tales.

That said, our educational system is in shambles. THAT is why our kids math and science skills are so poor.

Prime example... I was in private schools in Junior high, was taught algebra, geometry, trig and calc in 7th and 8th grades. Then we moved and had no option but to go back to public schools. Where they of course proceeded to force me to retake algebra in 9th grade, geometry in 10th, trig in 11th and calc in 12th. No opting out. No advanced studies. Just wasted time.