Americans are a stupid people - Statistics, Studies and Research

LMAO... where have I stated that anyone should believe in anything absent of science and history? You are the one that believes in the fairy tales. You are the one who continues to proclaim your opponents position is that the buildings 'collapsed from fire'. No matter how many times it is explained to you that there are other factors than just 'fire', you ignore it. Because you are incapable of accepting any evidence that shows your conspiracy theory is insane.

Name the science that supports your conspiracy theory and I'll name the science that supports mine.

Can't name any?

I can.

Thanks .. you made my point.
An attempted diversion to 911?

This appears to be a symptom of an aspect of the problem to me. Think about it.
Name the science that supports your conspiracy theory and I'll name the science that supports mine.

Can't name any?

I can.

Thanks .. you made my point.
Jeebus. It's like talking to a "true believer" in the flat earth theory. They believe the "science" is on their side, they have "experts" and websites, but it doesn't make it any more real.

The articles I brought for your perusal were written by actual structural engineers, the websites you brought had one engineer and she worked in dentistry. It's beyond me how somebody who is otherwise intelligent can continue in this.
Jeebus. It's like talking to a "true believer" in the flat earth theory. They believe the "science" is on their side, they have "experts" and websites, but it doesn't make it any more real.

The articles I brought for your perusal were written by actual structural engineers, the websites you brought had one engineer and she worked in dentistry. It's beyond me how somebody who is otherwise intelligent can continue in this.

So I know a gal with a masters in music who works in a call support center.
Where you work does not say what you know.
Jeebus. It's like talking to a "true believer" in the flat earth theory. They believe the "science" is on their side, they have "experts" and websites, but it doesn't make it any more real.

The articles I brought for your perusal were written by actual structural engineers, the websites you brought had one engineer and she worked in dentistry. It's beyond me how somebody who is otherwise intelligent can continue in this.

Dude .. I'm not talking about articles, experts, or websites.

I asked for the science that supports your conspiracy theory .. and neither SF nor you have any.

I do.

That's my entire point to SF, now you.

You can muse all you want about websites.
Same thing happened to me in JH, though our public school let me sit in the back and take 8th grade algebra in the 7th.

This happens all the time and is only one of the many problems with public education. As a public educator I can see it plainly but the powers that be (you know, the folks who sit in the offices in OKC or Washington DC) haven't a clue what all the requirements and restrictions do to hamper the very institution they are supposed to guide to success. It is very difficult to stay hooked and I've been doing this for a long time.
So I know a gal with a masters in music who works in a call support center.
Where you work does not say what you know.
What you are educated in does say what you are expert in. It is silly, this is like somebody saying that evolution isn't real because it is a "Theory" in science and that some dude you know can calculate the speed of light even though he works at Burger King.

Consistently the peer-reviewed science falls on the side of collapse due to damage caused by nearby falling buildings and kerosene fires. What we get from the other side are pictures of only one building's North Face of the building and an engineer in dentistry.
Dude .. I'm not talking about articles, experts, or websites.

I asked for the science that supports your conspiracy theory .. and neither SF nor you have any.

I do.

That's my entire point to SF, now you.

You can muse all you want about websites.
Again, this is worthless, we spent days going over it, posted it, related it, read it to you, showed that the articles were peer reviewed, and that peer review wasn't kind to the websites you presented.

It doesn't matter if God Himself came down and walked over the oceans to knock on your door and tell you that what you believe happened didn't, you want to believe it so badly that you are willing to ignore any evidence, it is exactly like a Young Earther insisting that Evolution is a "trick" so that God could confuse you.
What you are educated in does say what you are expert in. It is silly, this is like somebody saying that evolution isn't real because it is a "Theory" in science and that some dude you know can calculate the speed of light even though he works at Burger King.

Consistently the peer-reviewed science falls on the side of collapse due to damage caused by nearby falling buildings and kerosene fires. What we get from the other side are pictures of only the North Face of the building and an engineer in dentistry.

Still no science, eh?

How about history? You don't have science .. do you at least have history?

The answer is already known. You don't have that either.

I'm done with discussing 9/11 with you brother. That's not the point of this thread and you've already demonstrated that you're NOT talking about science or history .. just what you've been told.
Still no science, eh?

How about history? You don't have science .. do you at least have history?

The answer is already known. You don't have that either.

I'm done with discussing 9/11 with you brother. That's not the point of this thread and you've already demonstrated that you're NOT talking about science or history .. just what you've been told.
Just go back and read the thread, BAC. It's inane to pretend that it doesn't exist now...
Again, this is worthless, we spent days going over it, posted it, related it, read it to you, showed that the articles were peer reviewed, and that peer review wasn't kind to the websites you presented.

It doesn't matter if God Himself came down and walked over the oceans to knock on your door and tell you that what you believe happened didn't, you want to believe it so badly that you are willing to ignore any evidence, it is exactly like a Young Earther insisting that Evolution is a "trick" so that God could confuse you.

What you presented was doodoo .. completely devoid of science.
This happens all the time and is only one of the many problems with public education. As a public educator I can see it plainly but the powers that be (you know, the folks who sit in the offices in OKC or Washington DC) haven't a clue what all the requirements and restrictions do to hamper the very institution they are supposed to guide to success. It is very difficult to stay hooked and I've been doing this for a long time.

Leaning have you seen that guys presentation on a PBS show on how we should restructure our public schools? some very good ideas.

Ie let the advanced 10th graders move into college courses instead of 11th grade. Seperate out the very gifted, good and poor students and let every progress as high as they can. co-locate community colleges in HS buildings since their junior and senior class sizes would drop as a result of the advanced moving into college early.

Good stuff but I can't remember all of it.
So fa no states will try it. The school systems are too conservative when they should be progressive.
Just go back and read the thread, BAC. It's inane to pretend that it doesn't exist now...

I don't need to re-read the thread.

What you presented was doodoo.


Things happen without science?

Can't do it .. then I'm done discussing this with you.
What you presented was doodoo .. completely devoid of science.
Yeah, because all those scientists were simply all paid hacks and only engineers that work in dentistry could possibly see the light because they are "uncorrupted"..


If you believe that it wasn't science it is because you understand science exactly like those who believe "Intelligent Design" is science.
I don't need to re-read the thread.

What you presented was doodoo.


Things happen without science?

Can't do it .. then I'm done discussing this with you.
We'll go further into this when I have time. First we'll bump the other thread, and start in there where most of the links to actual peer-reviewed articles were already posted for your perusal.

Thankfully on a message board we can come back to things when we have time. I'm posting this here to simply inform you that we'll go back to this since you are such a strong believer... Exactly like Dixie and ID, it is astounding.

It isn't like I'm "afraid" I spent days showing you a mirror, flat-earther. We can do it again.
Name the science that supports your conspiracy theory and I'll name the science that supports mine.

Can't name any?

I can.

Thanks .. you made my point.

1) I do not believe in any conspiracy theories. You do. Thus how can I respond.

2) The very fact that you, within the same post, ask me a question and then proclaim victory without providing any opportunity to respond to your idiocy shows that you know how fucking weak your conspiracy theory joke is.

3) The last time you proclaimed 'you won't question Bowman', I did just that and then you never returned to the conversation. That could be that you were simply off line and didn't check the thread upon your return... or it could be you now realize how bad his positions are.

4) I have shown you the site that debunks your idiocy time and time again. You continue to cherry pick your 'science' that you believe in so as to hold on to your fairy tale a bit longer.





9) I just wasted my time, because you won't read any of the above because your fairy tale would thus be destroyed.
Yeah, because all those scientists were simply all paid hacks and only engineers that work in dentistry could possibly see the light because they are "uncorrupted"..


If you believe that it wasn't science it is because you understand science exactly like those who believe "Intelligent Design" is science.

So many words .. no science yet.

I can name at least three different hundreds of years old science laws that remain unchallenged that support what I believe.

Of course, you have Popular Science. That should have been your answer. The science that supports your conspiracy theory is Popular Science.


Please .. just stop.
Dude .. I'm not talking about articles, experts, or websites.

I asked for the science that supports your conspiracy theory .. and neither SF nor you have any.

I do.

That's my entire point to SF, now you.

You can muse all you want about websites.

Here is a little hint dipshit... those evil websites CONTAIN the science that shows your theory is idiocy at its finest.