Americans are a stupid people - Statistics, Studies and Research

1) I do not believe in any conspiracy theories. You do. Thus how can I respond.

2) The very fact that you, within the same post, ask me a question and then proclaim victory without providing any opportunity to respond to your idiocy shows that you know how fucking weak your conspiracy theory joke is.

3) The last time you proclaimed 'you won't question Bowman', I did just that and then you never returned to the conversation. That could be that you were simply off line and didn't check the thread upon your return... or it could be you now realize how bad his positions are.

4) I have shown you the site that debunks your idiocy time and time again. You continue to cherry pick your 'science' that you believe in so as to hold on to your fairy tale a bit longer.





9) I just wasted my time, because you won't read any of the above because your fairy tale would thus be destroyed.
Just look at the references for just one of the links... just the references.

1. Presentation on WTC Collapse, Civil Engineering Department, MIT, Cambridge, MA (October 3, 2001).
2. D. Drysdale, An Introduction to Fire Dynamics (New York: Wiley Interscience, 1985), pp. 134–140.
3. A.E. Cote, ed., Fire Protection Handbook 17th Edition (Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association, 1992), pp. 10–67.
4. A.E. Cote, ed., Fire Protection Handbook 17th Edition (Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association, 1992), pp. 6-62 to 6-70.
5. Steven Ashley, “When the Twin Towers Fell,” Scientific American Online (October 9, 2001);
6. Zdenek P. Bazant and Yong Zhou, “Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse?—Simple Analysis,” J. Engineering Mechanics ASCE, (September 28, 2001), also
7. Timothy Wilkinson, “World Trade Centre–New York—Some Engineering Aspects” (October 25, 2001), Univ. Sydney, Department of Civil Engineering;
8. G. Charles Clifton, “Collapse of the World Trade Centers,” CAD Headlines, (October 8, 2001);

Thomas W. Eagar, the Thomas Lord Professor of Materials Engineering and Engineering Systems, and Christopher Musso, graduate research student, are at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
1) I do not believe in any conspiracy theories. You do. Thus how can I respond.

2) The very fact that you, within the same post, ask me a question and then proclaim victory without providing any opportunity to respond to your idiocy shows that you know how fucking weak your conspiracy theory joke is.

3) The last time you proclaimed 'you won't question Bowman', I did just that and then you never returned to the conversation. That could be that you were simply off line and didn't check the thread upon your return... or it could be you now realize how bad his positions are.

4) I have shown you the site that debunks your idiocy time and time again. You continue to cherry pick your 'science' that you believe in so as to hold on to your fairy tale a bit longer.





9) I just wasted my time, because you won't read any of the above because your fairy tale would thus be destroyed.

You just wasted your time because I asked you for the science, not articles.

Do you know the difference?

The Law of Falling Objects .. is science.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics .. is science.

Both taught in the 8th grade.

Understanding either does not require articles, just the knowledge of SCIENCE .. AND both stand in stark contrast to your conspiracy theory. Name the scientific law that supports your conspiracy theory .. not articles, websites, or experts. Surely you have enough education to stand on your own.

Are you smarter than an 8th grader?

No more responses to unfounded 9/11 comments.
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Make sure to say thank you to our wonderful public school system who believes that teaching to the lowest common denominator is a good idea. Cause we certainly don't want any kids to feel bad.

I so wish that wasn't the case, but you're absolutely right. This philosophy has extended into the university system as well and is, to put it mildly, discouraging.
You just wasted your time because I asked you for the science, not articles.

Do you know the difference?

The Law of Falling Objects .. is science.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics .. is science.

Understanding either does not require articles, just the knowledge of SCIENCE .. AND both stand in stark contrast to your conspiracy theory. Name the scientific law that supports your conspiracy theory .. not articles, websites, or experts. Surely you have enough education to stand on your own.

No more responses to unfounded 9/11 comments.

You are the ignorant stooge you mock.

The science is discussed in the articles you idiot. It goes over step by step what occurred and why the theory of explosives is moronic. It explains how the buildings fell and why. All by structural engineers.

And NO, I do not have an educational background in structural engineering. So I will listen to the peer reviewed SCIENCE behind those pesky little articles you refuse to read.

You continue to shout idiocy about 'the law of falling objects' as if stating 'the law of falling objects' makes your position correct. They go over HOW and WHY the buildings fell. The went over the structural design and explained the chain of events that led to the collapse of the twin towers and WTC 7. But again, you are a fucking idiotic conspiracy theorist who refuses to read anything that will disrupt your moronic fantasy.
I don't think any fantasy or fairy-tale should be taught to American children .. except as a fairy-tale.

Good, I don't want ID or any other stuff like that taught in a Science class either. But I don't think wanting that makes a person stupid or inferior.

But blaming the NEA is easy .. older Americans aren't any smarter than younger ones.

What makes us stupid goes beyond our system of education.

This is what I assumed when I read your post, just wanted to clarify.
Good, I don't want ID or any other stuff like that taught in a Science class either. But I don't think wanting that makes a person stupid or inferior.

This is what I assumed when I read your post, just wanted to clarify.

ID is religion trying to adapt itself to science. Teaching children things that are devoid of facts is never a good idea .. and I question the intelligence of anyone who would think it ever was.

We are an invented people and we are EASILY controlled.

Look no further than the healthcare debate and Iraq as vivid demonstrations of this all-too-obvious truth.

Trying to put our ignorance on American children is just another demonstration of it.
I so wish that wasn't the case, but you're absolutely right. This philosophy has extended into the university system as well and is, to put it mildly, discouraging.

It is indeed unfortunate. It has occurred primarily since the mid-80's as far as I can tell. When I was in grade school, they were much more willing to have the 'advanced' 5th grade classes and the 'normal' 5th grade classes and remedial 5th grade classes. Granted we were at a school where each grade had about 500 students at the time. Contrast that with my very small town high school, where the graduating class was about 100. A little harder to segment, but it still could have been done.
I so wish that wasn't the case, but you're absolutely right. This philosophy has extended into the university system as well and is, to put it mildly, discouraging.
Have you ever watched the Penn and Teller BS show on colleges? It's rather disturbing.
You are the ignorant stooge you mock.

The science is discussed in the articles you idiot. It goes over step by step what occurred and why the theory of explosives is moronic. It explains how the buildings fell and why. All by structural engineers.

And NO, I do not have an educational background in structural engineering. So I will listen to the peer reviewed SCIENCE behind those pesky little articles you refuse to read.

You continue to shout idiocy about 'the law of falling objects' as if stating 'the law of falling objects' makes your position correct. They go over HOW and WHY the buildings fell. The went over the structural design and explained the chain of events that led to the collapse of the twin towers and WTC 7. But again, you are a fucking idiotic conspiracy theorist who refuses to read anything that will disrupt your moronic fantasy.


Last 9/11 post .. I promise .. but you're just to good to pass up one more time.

Let me get this straight .. What you believe is supported by experts but is not supported by ANY SCIENCE KNOWN TO MAN .. and in fact, VIOLATES ALL SCIENCE KNOWN TO MAN .. nor is it supported by precedent or history. Why didn't your experts give you the SCIENCE that supports their OPINION?

What I believe is supported by experts .. more than those you scoff at .. AND it is supported by ALL SCIENCE KNOWN TO MAN .. and, and, and .. DOES NOT VIOLATE ANY SCIENCE KNOWN TO MAN .. and has the lack of precedent and history to support it.

What I find most interesting in Americans like you is just how powerful a force cognitive dissonance really is in this country. Without much of a peep you just opened wide and swallowed whatever they stuck in your mouth.

There are hundreds of really good reasons to question the story of 9/11 .. not the least of which is the history of America and the business of war. But that is way too much thinking for most Americans. So much easier to just swallow.

By the way .. they still don't know what caused the collapse of WTC7 .. but with Americans like you .. they don't have to know.
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Before this page goes the way of 911 conspiracy theories I want to say that our education system is in the shape it is in, not by liberal policies alone or conservative policies alone, but by a combination of the two. Liberal philosophy has brought to public education this:

you cannot separate classes according to ability, so I have students in the 8th grade class from the M.R. kids to kids who can only perform on the 2nd or 3rd grade level to kids who are on the correct level and a couple of advanced kids.

The republicans (not necessarily conservatives as I define them) give public education this:

You take the class that I described above and teach them on their various levels of ability but at the end of the year you make these kids all take this test - the same test for everyone......we're not going to modify it for the lower kids...and you be sure that everyone passes it or else we'll cut your funding.

I know this isn't the "stupid" BAC has been talking about but it is a very stupid system that is set up for failure because of the inputs of bureaucracy........and another reason I am afraid for the bureaucrats to go to fiddling around with the health care in this country.
Before this page goes the way of 911 conspiracy theories I want to say that our education system is in the shape it is in, not by liberal policies alone or conservative policies alone, but by a combination of the two. Liberal philosophy has brought to public education this:

you cannot separate classes according to ability, so I have students in the 8th grade class from the M.R. kids to kids who can only perform on the 2nd or 3rd grade level to kids who are on the correct level and a couple of advanced kids.

The republicans (not necessarily conservatives as I define them) give public education this:

You take the class that I described above and teach them on their various levels of ability but at the end of the year you make these kids all take this test - the same test for everyone......we're not going to modify it for the lower kids...and you be sure that everyone passes it or else we'll cut your funding.

I know this isn't the "stupid" BAC has been talking about but it is a very stupid system that is set up for failure because of the inputs of bureaucracy........and another reason I am afraid for the bureaucrats to go to fiddling around with the health care in this country.

I promise that I'm done with 9/11. Sorry, but I didn't start it.

I agree that both liberals and conservatives are responsible for the condition of our schools .. but cutting funding isn't the answer either. If a school is producing worse kids, perhaps that school needs more funding.

Funding at the local level is also a problem when we are all connected to the education of American children.

The problem with changing education is the same problem with changing anything in this country, including healthcare. Americans are self-deluded into believing in American exceptionalism and we lack the WISDOM to look at other models that are working elsewhere.

Education and wisdom are not necessarily the same thing.

Last 9/11 post .. I promise .. but you're just to good to pass up one more time.

Let me get this straight .. What you believe is supported by experts but is not supported by ANY SCIENCE KNOWN TO MAN .. and in fact, VIOLATES ALL SCIENCE KNOWN TO MAN .. nor is it supported by precedent or history. Why didn't your experts give you the SCIENCE that supports their OPINION?

What I believe is supported by experts .. more than those you scoff at .. AND it is supported by ALL SCIENCE KNOWN TO MAN .. and, and, and .. DOES NOT VIOLATE ANY SCIENCE KNOWN TO MAN .. and has the lack of precedent and history to support it.

What I find most interesting in Americans like you is just how powerful a force cognitive dissonance really is in this country. Without much of a peep you just opened wide and swallowed whatever they stuck in your mouth.

There are hundreds of really good reasons to question the story of 9/11 .. not the least of which is the history of America and the business of war. But that is way too much thinking for most Americans. So much easier to just swallow.

By the way .. they still don't know what caused the collapse of WTC7 .. but with Americans like you .. they don't have to know.

You ignorant fucking hack... they explain the science behind the collapse to you in the articles you refuse to read. Do I need to cut and paste the contents for you or do you think you might just be clever enough to click on the fucking link? It is supported by SCIENCE you twit. No matter how many times you proclaim its not. Everyone on this board can see you for the ignorant hack you are when I have posted links to PEER REVIEWED SCIENCE behind the collapse that you continue to refuse to read.

While you have simply stated the titles of two scientific principles and then pretended that is sufficient to back your idiocy.
You ignorant fucking hack... they explain the science behind the collapse to you in the articles you refuse to read. Do I need to cut and paste the contents for you or do you think you might just be clever enough to click on the fucking link? It is supported by SCIENCE you twit. No matter how many times you proclaim its not. Everyone on this board can see you for the ignorant hack you are when I have posted links to PEER REVIEWED SCIENCE behind the collapse that you continue to refuse to read.

While you have simply stated the titles of two scientific principles and then pretended that is sufficient to back your idiocy.

9/11 was totally an inside job. Why were fighter pilots told to stand down? Why didn't the jews show up for work that day?
What I believe is supported by experts .. more than those you scoff at .. AND it is supported by ALL SCIENCE KNOWN TO MAN .. and, and, and .. DOES NOT VIOLATE ANY SCIENCE KNOWN TO MAN .. and has the lack of precedent and history to support it.

What I find most interesting in Americans like you is just how powerful a force cognitive dissonance really is in this country.

[ame=""]YouTube - RETARD ALERT[/ame]

But the volume of information facing us today has grown exponentially since your grandfather was in school. ....

Not really, since my son, for example, didn't have to learn how to use a slide rule or do logarithms from tabular values nor mechanical drafting as I did in HS, and in college won't be spending hours key-punching to load the school's main frame computer, or wasting time looking through dusty technical periodicals only to find the one volume needed has been misplaced.
BAC does a real good job of speaking for himself mr knuckledragger who doesn't have a clue.

I'm not a liberal mr knuckledragger .. so why would I want them in control?

I want intelligence in control .. which is why YOU got it wrong.
You're not liberal? LOL. Your simply part of the natural progression of liberalism: liberal- socialist- fascist.
Again, this is worthless, we spent days going over it, posted it, related it, read it to you, showed that the articles were peer reviewed, and that peer review wasn't kind to the websites you presented.

It doesn't matter if God Himself came down and walked over the oceans to knock on your door and tell you that what you believe happened didn't, you want to believe it so badly that you are willing to ignore any evidence, it is exactly like a Young Earther insisting that Evolution is a "trick" so that God could confuse you.

I have read BAC extensively.

The bottom line is being right is more to him than actually being right.