Americans are a stupid people - Statistics, Studies and Research

And where do the parents fit in in all of this? Ya know I was told it takes a village to raise a child but what happens when all the flowers of that village are a bunch of blooming idiots?

This is really a nonpartisan issue. Do ya'll have any idea how hostile our culture is towards those with higher educations, particularly those with science back grounds? They love the products of our minds and hands but hold us in contempt as people.

All through my academic carreer I was discouraged from just about everyone. Peers, adults, educators, my elders, in pursuing my passion for science. I was called every thing in the book, nerd, geek, Mr. Know it all, Webster, Poindextor, etc, etc. The only consistant approval I received for my passion was from my parents.

If we produce a bunch of dimwitted scientifically illiterate morons in our society it is because our society does not value people with scientific skills. Look at the morons we hold up to our kids as role models. Brittney Spears? Barrry Bonds? Hanna Montana? Give me a break! When I was an adolescent my heros were Armstrong and Feinman. I bet 99 out of 100 9th graders today have no idea who either one is. (My guess is that they would think Armstrong is a cyclist and Feinman a comedian, certainly not an astronaut or a physicist.).

This isn't political it's cultural. America just does not value those people who are learned in science. When I've traveled abroad I have been held in high esteem as a man of letters with a graduate education in science, particularly in Asia. Here in the US. I'm just a fuckin geek. And in the contempt for which people of science are held in this nation, the left and right are equally as bad.

If we want more scientifically literate children we need to start out by valuing the scientifically literate people we all ready have and until we start doing that, we'll remain a nation of dummies.

We don't have the problem in my community. We have school choice within the district and my kids are kicking butt academically.

So, you are part of the problem, thanks, it is as i thought!

Everyone should attend school board meetings, problems or not. It is a civic responsibility, in my opinion. The same with PTA meetings.
So, you are part of the problem, thanks, it is as i thought!

Everyone should attend school board meetings, problems or not. It is a civic responsibility, in my opinion. The same with PTA meetings.
No reason for me to attend since the system's working fine by me. Should I go to the next county over and attend their meetings?
No reason for me to attend since the system's working fine by me. Should I go to the next county over and attend their meetings?

It is good to keep an eye on what is happening in the nation. Texas decideds textbooks for most of the nation.

It is just things like that, and you never know, they might change something you like, preventative action works the best in my opinion.
We don't have the problem in my community. We have school choice within the district and my kids are kicking butt academically.

Kicking butt perhaps on the US scale of education, but on the world scale?

My grandchildren are almost straight A students and 2 go to Magnet schools.
But I think they are still below most other educationally advanced countries.
Advanced students should be taught at the level that they can move into college level courses instead of SR. High.
And do not let students into college until they are really ready.

They got their smarts from me :clink:
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It is good to keep an eye on what is happening in the nation. Texas decideds textbooks for most of the nation.

It is just things like that, and you never know, they might change something you like, preventative action works the best in my opinion.

Fat dumb and happy. Refusing to realize that virtually all of our students are below most of the other industrialized nations education level.

would give you more points Froggie, but I have to spread em a bit before I am allowed to.
It is good to keep an eye on what is happening in the nation. Texas decideds textbooks for most of the nation.

It is just things like that, and you never know, they might change something you like, preventative action works the best in my opinion.
So you want me to go to school board meetings in Texas?
Kicking butt perhaps on the US scale of education, but on the world scale?

My grandchildren are almost straight A students and 2 go to Magnet schools.
But I think they are still below most other educationally advanced countries.
Advanced students should be taught at the level that they can move into college level courses instead of SR. High.
And do not let students into college until they are really ready.

They got their smarts from me :clink:

Dooood my son has a QPA entering his senior year hovering around 5.0, his SAT score is 2290 (780 in math, which basically means he got one wrong), and will enter college with 8 AP classes completed. I'd say he's kicking butt in any scale that you choose. *shrug*
So, you are part of the problem, thanks, it is as i thought!

Everyone should attend school board meetings, problems or not. It is a civic responsibility, in my opinion. The same with PTA meetings.

Not everyone has the time to do so. And I grew up in a good district, my parents were both involved in school functions, and I don't think they ever saw the need to attend board or PTA meetings. Technically they paid the fees and were card-carrying members, so they at least helped out the PTA financially.
Not everyone has the time to do so. And I grew up in a good district, my parents were both involved in school functions, and I don't think they ever saw the need to attend board or PTA meetings. Technically they paid the fees and were card-carrying members, so they at least helped out the PTA financially.

You have to make the time. The is where school policies are made! It is just the civil servant in me!