Americans are a stupid people - Statistics, Studies and Research

I still do and my state isn't really considered "the south." Let me help you folks understand what I think BAC is referring to throughout this thread. He has been saying that it isn't just the educational system that makes Amercians stupit. I am well educated and do quite well financially for myself yet I think that I am one of the "stupid Americans" to which BAC refers. That help any?
Not exactly. In fact, I'd call it contradictory. LOL
Appeal to ridicule: logical fallacy. *shrug*

Ridicule is all I have for the dumbness.

If you're looking for someone to stroke your insanity you've got the wrong guy.

Post any anti-white facist statements I've made .. can't do it .. then only a moron would you expect anything less than ridicule.

By the way, AHZ speaks tongue-in-cheek .. he's just having his version of fun. We play this game all the time.
What a pussy.

"Pwning" .. if one chooses to use such a childish term .. would have been for you to post all the antiwhite facist statements I made .. which you couldn't do .. but claim you pwned me.

grow up girlie.
You made the same excuse for your logical fallacy as I predicted, and now you repeat your logical fallacy. LOL
You made the same excuse for your logical fallacy as I predicted, and now you repeat your logical fallacy. LOL

More words .. still no anti-white facists statements .. but you're all confused and tripping over "logical fallacies" .. which don't have shit to do with anything .. and wondering why I ridicule your ignorant ass. :0)

That real intelligent .. make a dumb ass comment, then "predict" that someone will call it a dumb ass comment.


Got any more words that don't have shit to do with anything?

More words .. still no anti-white facists statements .. but you're all confused and tripping over "logical fallacies" .. which don't have shit to do with anything .. and wondering why I ridicule your ignorant ass. :0)

That real intelligent .. make a dumb ass comment, then "predict" that someone will call it a dumb ass comment.


Got any more words that don't have shit to do with anything?

I'll let whoever you're arguing with do their own arguing, and predict your logical fallacies when I so choose, Brutha. :)
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