Americans are a stupid people - Statistics, Studies and Research

did you even go to college tinged

of course i did you douchebag. I made it until my junior year before I started a business which i operate till this day, so fuck off, you ignorant fuck. I've never seen someone think they're smart that can't keep simple word spelling seperate. You have to be stupid if you can't recall the difference in spellings between there, their and they're.

You are clearly a stupid person. It's quite humorous to see you insult other people when you can't spell at a third grader's level
of course i did you douchebag. I made it until my junior year before I started a business which i operate till this day, so fuck off, you ignorant fuck. I've never seen someone think they're smart that can't keep simple word spelling seperate. You have to be stupid if you can't recall the difference in spellings between there, their and they're.

You are clearly a stupid person. It's quite humorous to see you insult other people when you can't spell at a third grader's level

Oh, now wonder your so sensitive you DROPOUT
So how good did your son do in college?

He didn't, he ripped me for around 30K ( when I was working poor) and was not even attending classes.
Had text books around made a fake of studying and forged grade sheets.
He turned out to be a good republican .
As I said like his momma.

He actually had the gall to aks about his future inheritance. I told him he already got it.
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He didn't, he ripped me for around 30K ( when I was working poor) and was not even attending classes.
Had text books around made a fake of studying and forged grade sheets.
He turned out to be a good republican .
As I said like his momma.

He actually had the gall to aks about his future inheritance. I told him he already got it.


Good for you.
He didn't, he ripped me for around 30K ( when I was working poor) and was not even attending classes.
Had text books around made a fake of studying and forged grade sheets.
He turned out to be a good republican .
As I said like his momma.

He actually had the gall to aks about his future inheritance. I told him he already got it.


You coddled your little loser so you deserve what you got. Glad to hear he wasted your money. LOLers
Oh, now wonder your so sensitive you DROPOUT

Call it what you want. I see it as investing the tuition instead of wasting it. I already learned the valuable lessons and I didn't need a degree to operate a business. It's dumbass morons like you that can't swing a hammer or use a paint brush who I gouge for double the normal rates. I see an idiot with a BMW in the driveway, I know I can charge his ignorant ass twice as much because the idiot is too fucking lazy to know anything about the trade. The other day some corporate tool I was giving an estimate to looked at me like a deer in the headlights when I tried to explain why i was charging him extra for things I didn't really need to do. And I bet that tool thinks i'm an idiot because I'm in the trades
It's good that we have these kinds of threads to remind us how crazy bac is.

I love you man, but you are batshit nuts.

You coddled your little loser so you deserve what you got. Glad to hear he wasted your money. LOLers

His momma coddled him. We got divorced when he was 3. I was not allowed around much.
She has since married and divorced 2 more + 1 before me.
with one child support check from each marriage.

You sir ar an ignorant prick el grande.
Ignorant becuse you made a conclusion without the facts.
A prick because it was a prickish conclusion.
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It's good that we have these kinds of threads to remind us how crazy bac is.

I love you man, but you are batshit nuts.


I love you too brother but you have no idea how good this freedom feels. I'm not talking about civil rights or anything to do with being black, but the freedom of thought, decision, and vison. As Krishnamurti put it, it is the awakening of intelligence.

Most people live their entire lives in a box. They don't even have the freedom to think for themselves. Their mind is a room full of closed doors. Can't think this and must believe that .. only because you're supposed to.

If I'm batshit nuts brother, I'm happy as a motherfucker. If I'm crazy, trust me, I don't know it .. I'm just happy and enjoying the rest of my life.

I hope that one day you will attain the exhalted position of batshit nuts .. and just be happy. :0)
His momma coddled him. We got divorced when he was 3. I was not allowed around much.
She has since married and divorced 2 more + 1 before me.
with one child support check from each marriage.

You sir ar an ignorant prick el grande.
Ignorant becuse you made a conclusion without the facts.
A prick because it was a prickish conclusion.

You married the whore, dumbass!
Call it what you want. I see it as investing the tuition instead of wasting it. I already learned the valuable lessons and I didn't need a degree to operate a business. It's dumbass morons like you that can't swing a hammer or use a paint brush who I gouge for double the normal rates. I see an idiot with a BMW in the driveway, I know I can charge his ignorant ass twice as much because the idiot is too fucking lazy to know anything about the trade. The other day some corporate tool I was giving an estimate to looked at me like a deer in the headlights when I tried to explain why i was charging him extra for things I didn't really need to do. And I bet that tool thinks i'm an idiot because I'm in the trades

OMG please oh not you didn't mr smart gouging contractor ahh DROPOUT. LOL
He didn't, he ripped me for around 30K ( when I was working poor) and was not even attending classes.
Had text books around made a fake of studying and forged grade sheets.
He turned out to be a good republican .
As I said like his momma.

He actually had the gall to aks about his future inheritance. I told him he already got it.

aHH SO all those failed parents do they include you our just everybody else.

I love you too brother but you have no idea how good this freedom feels. I'm not talking about civil rights or anything to do with being black, but the freedom of thought, decision, and vison. As Krishnamurti put it, it is the awakening of intelligence.

Most people live their entire lives in a box. They don't even have the freedom to think for themselves. Their mind is a room full of closed doors. Can't think this and must believe that .. only because you're supposed to.

If I'm batshit nuts brother, I'm happy as a motherfucker. If I'm crazy, trust me, I don't know it .. I'm just happy and enjoying the rest of my life.

I hope that one day you will attain the exhalted position of batshit nuts .. and just be happy. :0)

Drive or be driven, right, pseudointellectual mofo?
That's about as ridiculous as it gets.

It isn't "elites" standing in the way of science education nor the application of it in society. It isn't "elites" who populate Kansas and the south.

Your anti-elite mantra sometimes slips off into the goofy.
Sometimes? Bit of an understatement there BAC, dontcha think? LOL
I used to get pissed at the south slams. Not any more. BAC is right. Look at the fools running these state. Republitards all of em

I still do and my state isn't really considered "the south." Let me help you folks understand what I think BAC is referring to throughout this thread. He has been saying that it isn't just the educational system that makes Amercians stupid. I am well educated and do quite well financially for myself yet I think that I am one of the "stupid Americans" to which BAC refers. That help any?
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a lot of folks have college degrees yet put the bible ahead of science.
Degree's do not always equate to smart actions.