Americans are a stupid people - Statistics, Studies and Research

It is elites standing in the way of all education. They want people docile and compliant with their death programs, not educated and aware of the ruling elites death agenda.

I could care less if you choose to remain ignorant.

Please pardon my ignorance and demonstrate where and how the elites are standing in the way of all education .. especially given that many of the supposed "elite" are themselves educators.
Please pardon my ignorance and demonstrate where and how the elites are standing in the way of all education .. especially given that many of the supposed "elite" are themselves educators.

I've addressed it already so have others, by putting a priority on equalization of test scores between race categories, instead of encouraging all individual students to do the best they can. What impact would you expect this to have on test scores? Which is easier, bringing high scores down or low scores up?
I've addressed it already so have others, by putting a priority on equalization of test scores between race categories, instead of encouraging all individual students to do the best they can. What impact would you expect this to have on test scores? Which is easier, bringing high scores down or low scores up?
Blacks kids with two stable parents test just as well as white kids with two stable parents, and blacks in stable marriages earn just as much as whites in stable marriages. If the Democrat Party and liberalism didn't encourage black men to abandon their families and black women to live as single mothers there wouldn't be such a disconnect between the races.
I've addressed it already so have others, by putting a priority on equalization of test scores between race categories, instead of encouraging all individual students to do the best they can. What impact would you expect this to have on test scores? Which is easier, bringing high scores down or low scores up?

That's a real fucked up and contorted way of blaming American ignorance on non-white people .. and yet another demonstration of just how ignorant and easily controlled Americans are .. and yet another demonstration of dumping on our children.

First, as I've stated many times, the ignorance I'm talking about is not just found in the classroom. I've been real clear about that but I guess schoolkids make easier targets.

America is a diverse nation with a recent history of stifling academic and career achievement of non-white people. Thus, differences should be expected given that many non-white students are children of parents who were directly affected by America's closed and unbalanced education system. Attempts to address this unbalance doesn't come from "elitists" but rather from people with brains .. but it's an imbalance that not only affects inner-city and racial categories, but also rural white students throughout the south and eastern rural communities.

Missing from the argument is the truth that American students are smarter than those that came before them.


As bad as American education may be, it's producing higher educated students than in our recent past.

That being said, there are still many problems within our system of education today, like educators not knowing how to educate .. but like evrything in America, it gets reduced to political football with few actually looking for real solutions.

Problems with education notwithstanding, way too many American ADULTS are morons.

Healthcare and war are not being decided by schoolkids.
That's a real fucked up and contorted way of blaming American ignorance on non-white people .. and yet another demonstration of just how ignorant and easily controlled Americans are .. and yet another demonstration of dumping on our children.

First, as I've stated many times, the ignorance I'm talking about is not just found in the classroom. I've been real clear about that but I guess schoolkids make easier targets.

America is a diverse nation with a recent history of stifling academic and career achievement of non-white people. Thus, differences should be expected given that many non-white students are children of parents who were directly affected by America's closed and unbalanced education system. Attempts to address this unbalance doesn't come from "elitists" but rather from people with brains .. but it's an imbalance that not only affects inner-city and racial categories, but also rural white students throughout the south and eastern rural communities.

Missing from the argument is the truth that American students are smarter than those that came before them.


As bad as American education may be, it's producing higher educated students than in our recent past.

That being said, there are still many problems within our system of education today, like educators not knowing how to educate .. but like evrything in America, it gets reduced to political football with few actually looking for real solutions.

Problems with education notwithstanding, way too many American ADULTS are morons.

Healthcare and war are not being decided by schoolkids.

I'm not blaming non whites, im blaming elitists social engineers who try to tailor reality to some imagnined notion of how the world should be. They'd rather dumb down the system.

you have to get my argument right in the first place to deal with it.
Because of identity politics, the standard for success in schools has been eliminating disparity. This has caused a ceiling effect, meaning all tests are made easier to hide differences. That's why we're stupid.

See the case of firefighters being denied promotions for doing well on a test that others failed. Regardless of the racial component, the incentive to do well is removed. Those who are below the failure line are given a message that it doesn't matter... be as stupid as you want, we'll take care of sticking it to those smarty-pants for you. Those who worked and learned are given a message that they wasted their time.
I enjoy the way he scoffs at "conspiracy theories" while professing that we should teach our children to believe in things totally absent of science and history .. like giant buildings collapsing from fire. Most of the rest of the world doesn't believe that bullshit either .. just as they didn't believe the bullshit of Iraq.

But more seriously .. the leading cause of personal bankruptcy in America is healthcare costs .. and the majority of those suffering those bankruptcies HAVE healthcare insurance. Our system of education has ZERO to do with that ignorance.

Without question our system of education needs serious work, but there is something much deeper about American ignorance that goes beyond education.

We selected George Bush .. TWICE.

... nuff said.

LOL, Bac I agree with allot of what ya say, but I have 3 boys in school my oldest is know in the 9th grade, he hasn't learned a thing about ww1 or 2 , Vietnam , ect... what he has learned is exactly what are on the test they average throughout the country , so that the GA school systems may pick up a couple spots ( considering how low they are ranked) they also learned about GA history, but nothing about world history, and before ya say it, he was on the honor roll all year, so it isn't him

I have a niece and her BF was riding with me, she is a senior in HS and he told her we were in Hartford and she asked what part of NY that was in, he told her it was in Conn. and she asked if that was the capitol of NY, LOL
When we got home I asked her about a 1/2 dozen or so cities, where they were and she couldn't answer one, so yes I blame the school system why is she being promoted and soon will be a high school graduate? OOO yea cause she can pass then stupid country wide average test
I'm not blaming non whites, im blaming elitists social engineers who try to tailor reality to some imagnined notion of how the world should be. They'd rather dumb down the system.

you have to get my argument right in the first place to deal with it.

What exactly were they "talioring" in the 50's? It most certainly wasn't to benefit racial catagories or to make everyone have the same scores .. yet it doesn't appear that they were producing a bevy of rocket scientists either and had far less people with degrees.

I know I'm ignorant and everything .. but teach me how you reconcile a dumber generation with no elites in the way being better than a smarter generation with more educated people?

Whether you recognize this is your argument or not .. it is what it is.
What exactly were they "talioring" in the 50's? It most certainly wasn't to benefit racial catagories or to make everyone have the same scores .. yet it doesn't appear that they were producing a bevy of rocket scientists either and had far less people with degrees.

I know I'm ignorant and everything .. but teach me how you reconcile a dumber generation with no elites in the way being better than a smarter generation with more educated people?

Whether you recognize this is your argument or not .. it is what it is.

The fifties?

is there an effort to equalize test scores between GROUPS or not? TODAY. Yes. There is. Step into the now.
LOL, Bac I agree with allot of what ya say, but I have 3 boys in school my oldest is know in the 9th grade, he hasn't learned a thing about ww1 or 2 , Vietnam , ect... what he has learned is exactly what are on the test they average throughout the country , so that the GA school systems may pick up a couple spots ( considering how low they are ranked) they also learned about GA history, but nothing about world history, and before ya say it, he was on the honor roll all year, so it isn't him

I have a niece and her BF was riding with me, she is a senior in HS and he told her we were in Hartford and she asked what part of NY that was in, he told her it was in Conn. and she asked if that was the capitol of NY, LOL
When we got home I asked her about a 1/2 dozen or so cities, where they were and she couldn't answer one, so yes I blame the school system why is she being promoted and soon will be a high school graduate? OOO yea cause she can pass then stupid country wide average test

I don't disagree with or doubt a single thing you've said my brother. I live in Ga and I've had an up close and personal view of education here and who controls it. But American students nation-wide are taught little about the rest of the world and other cultures. They are only slightly better at knowing their own country.

But they live in a land of Twitter and Facebook and disconnected parents off chasing dollars. It's amazing that they learn anything at all. In Georgia they're just numbers walking in and out of the doors.

But what does our McSociety teach them? How intelligent and/or responsible are American adults? Children aren't stupid. They know at an early age that money is God in America and everything is for sale.

We can't fix our children without first fixing us.
is there an effort to equalize test scores between GROUPS or not? TODAY. Yes. There is. Step into the now.

Harrison Begeron doesn't seem so far-fetched anymore. I remember reading it in 6th grade and being horrified. I wonder what the children would think today.
The fifties?

is there an effort to equalize test scores between GROUPS or not? TODAY. Yes. There is. Step into the now.

I recognize that comparative analysis has a lot of syllables and may be just off the coast of waters you're used to travelling in .. but try to keep up brother.

Comparative analysis (comparing past history, performances to the present) gives perspective and illustrates an argument. In other words, "compared to what?"

Was there an effort to equalize test scores then?

Please try to keep up. If you don't know what you're talking about .. just nod your head. :0)
Our education system as it was set up served us fine for our post WW2 manufacturing boom. We are now in a different world which requires a higher level of education to compete with the world. We do not have that level of education and will therefore fall behind in the world.

It is a simple as that folks.
Our education system as it was set up served us fine for our post WW2 manufacturing boom. We are now in a different world which requires a higher level of education to compete with the world. We do not have that level of education and will therefore fall behind in the world.

It is a simple as that folks.

Oversimplified and wrong, as per you usual brand of idiocy.
I recognize that comparative analysis has a lot of syllables and may be just off the coast of waters you're used to travelling in .. but try to keep up brother.

Comparative analysis (comparing past history, performances to the present) gives perspective and illustrates an argument. In other words, "compared to what?"

Was there an effort to equalize test scores then?

Please try to keep up. If you don't know what you're talking about .. just nod your head. :0)

You tell me. Is there?
Our education system as it was set up served us fine for our post WW2 manufacturing boom. We are now in a different world which requires a higher level of education to compete with the world. We do not have that level of education and will therefore fall behind in the world.

It is a simple as that folks.

wow GED you got halfway there.

A HS diploma or equivalent is most certainly not enough to compete in the world. Our colleges are the best, not that you would have a clue. But someone else posted a list.
More kids are going to college and graduating than ever. Is it madatory for success, no. But those who don't go are finding it tougher and tougher.:cof1:
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