Americans are a stupid people - Statistics, Studies and Research

And where do the parents fit in in all of this? Ya know I was told it takes a village to raise a child but what happens when all the flowers of that village are a bunch of blooming idiots?

This is really a nonpartisan issue. Do ya'll have any idea how hostile our culture is towards those with higher educations, particularly those with science back grounds? They love the products of our minds and hands but hold us in contempt as people.

All through my academic carreer I was discouraged from just about everyone. Peers, adults, educators, my elders, in pursuing my passion for science. I was called every thing in the book, nerd, geek, Mr. Know it all, Webster, Poindextor, etc, etc. The only consistant approval I received for my passion was from my parents.

If we produce a bunch of dimwitted scientifically illiterate morons in our society it is because our society does not value people with scientific skills. Look at the morons we hold up to our kids as role models. Brittney Spears? Barrry Bonds? Hanna Montana? Give me a break! When I was an adolescent my heros were Armstrong and Feinman. I bet 99 out of 100 9th graders today have no idea who either one is. (My guess is that they would think Armstrong is a cyclist and Feinman a comedian, certainly not an astronaut or a physicist.).

This isn't political it's cultural. America just does not value those people who are learned in science. When I've traveled abroad I have been held in high esteem as a man of letters with a graduate education in science, particularly in Asia. Here in the US. I'm just a fuckin geek. And in the contempt for which people of science are held in this nation, the left and right are equally as bad.

If we want more scientifically literate children we need to start out by valuing the scientifically literate people we all ready have and until we start doing that, we'll remain a nation of dummies.

This is an excellent post; bears repeating. Besides, I can't give you any more rep points yet. :)
No. I don't know that at all. It doens't really matter if we are cause if we are, mother nature will fix that.

Good on you. Maybe you are a man of science. Most elistists feel killing other people or stymieing their success is a state priority, so the useless eaters don't demand resources from the chosen.
To summarize, americans have been stupidified to a degree by our leaders who dumb us down to manage us better. But all this can be remedied by replacing our leadership and undoing the malignant anti-american memes spread into our society.
Learning to use a slide rule, do logarithms from tabular values and mechanical drafting is not knowledge as much as it is learning to use obsolete tools.

The computer has replaced all of those items.

Learning to key-punch data into a computer is as necessary to running a computer as learning to rebuild a car engine is to knowing how to drive.

You are proving my point.
Actually, you proved mine. Pppfffftttt....
To summarize, americans have been stupidified to a degree by our leaders who dumb us down to manage us better. But all this can be remedied by replacing our leadership and undoing the malignant anti-american memes spread into our society.

I'm not going to take that comment seriously, but you did make me think of at least one component that undoubtedly is contributing to this situation in a big way: complacency. We're so busy patting ourselves on the back that too many of us have forgotten how to aspire to a goal and how to work toward it, in the process gaining knowledge, asking questions, growing by this and asking yet more questions, trying some more, and so forth. As a society we've forgotten how to try, and this is reflected in our approach to and value of education.

There are peoplel who take advantage of this situation, but we should be alert enough to stop that. If we're not, whose fault is it?
I'm not going to take that comment seriously, but you did make me think of at least one component that undoubtedly is contributing to this situation in a big way: complacency. We're so busy patting ourselves on the back that too many of us have forgotten how to aspire to a goal and how to work toward it, in the process gaining knowledge, asking questions, growing by this and asking yet more questions, trying some more, and so forth. As a society we've forgotten how to try, and this is reflected in our approach to and value of education.

There are peoplel who take advantage of this situation, but we should be alert enough to stop that. If we're not, whose fault is it?

No. Elites have become statist and seek to drive initiative and thinking out of the population in general.

they want us reduced and eliminated. they want to reduce world population to around 1 billion total.

Don't blame the victim.
Elites don't actually value people of science. They are a means to an end. And precisely why everything regarding science or intelligence is turned into a commodity profession.

That's about as ridiculous as it gets.

It isn't "elites" standing in the way of science education nor the application of it in society. It isn't "elites" who populate Kansas and the south.

Your anti-elite mantra sometimes slips off into the goofy.
That's about as ridiculous as it gets.

It isn't "elites" standing in the way of science education nor the application of it in society. It isn't "elites" who populate Kansas and the south.

Your anti-elite mantra sometimes slips off into the goofy.

It is elites standing in the way of all education. They want people docile and compliant with their death programs, not educated and aware of the ruling elites death agenda.

I could care less if you choose to remain ignorant.