Americans are a stupid people - Statistics, Studies and Research

wow GED you got halfway their.

A HS diploma or equivalent is most certainly not enough to compete in the world. Our colleges are the best, not that you would have a clue. But someone else posted a list.
More kids are going to college and graduating than ever. Is it madatory for success, no. But those who don't go are finding it tougher and tougher.:cof1:

there's something funny about a moron who can't use their and there properly calling out someone as GED. LOL hilarious. Those one syllable words are tough!

And more and more people with degrees translates into lower wages for degree holders as older people stay in the workforce longer, thus increasing the supply of labor. Econ 101
wow GED you got halfway their.

A HS diploma or equivalent is most certainly not enough to compete in the world. Our colleges are the best, not that you would have a clue. But someone else posted a list.
More kids are going to college and graduating than ever. Is it madatory for success, no. But those who don't go are finding it tougher and tougher.:cof1:

Our colleges may be many of the best. All of them are not clearly.

But when you have to teach college freshmen remedial 9th grade math and english, etc. Your graduates will not be as high quality as those that actually are prepared for college when they enter.

btw it is there not their. you spell checker cripple.
two underdegreed low earners with their spell check hats on.
Please fucking check unemployment rates for college educated vs HS and GED and get back to me you ged fools.
Our colleges may be many of the best. All of them are not clearly.

But when you have to teach college freshmen remedial 9th grade math and english, etc. Your graduates will not be as high quality as those that actually are prepared for college when they enter.

btw it is there not their. you spell checker cripple.

Oh uscitizen, I couldn't agree more. I taught some night courses (College Algebra and Intermediate Algebra) at the local state college (a good school by the way) and was so surprised when I checked my mail box and found a note from the powers that be informing me that student Joe Blow has ADD and needs to be seated just such a way in class and student Mary Jane has some sort of deficiency and needed her tests modified accordingly. Geesh!!

I had thought about teaching at the college level permanently to get away from all of the modification bull but after that experience I decided that my public school was just as good (or bad, depending on how you look at it) ...and besides, I like the kids better here.
Oh uscitizen, I couldn't agree more. I taught some night courses (College Algebra and Intermediate Algebra) at the local state college (a good school by the way) and was so surprised when I checked my mail box and found a note from the powers that be informing me that student Joe Blow has ADD and needs to be seated just such a way in class and student Mary Jane has some sort of deficiency and needed her tests modified accordingly. Geesh!!

I had thought about teaching at the college level permanently to get away from all of the modification bull but after that experience I decided that my public school was just as good (or bad, depending on how you look at it) ...and besides, I like the kids better here.

I have 2 sisters that teach at universities and and 2 cousins. One teaches constitutional law at Johns Hopkins.
One of my sisters started her college teaching career teaching remedial math to football players to try and keep them from getting booted from school.
Man she put in her dues.
I have 2 sisters that teach at universities and and 2 cousins. One teaches constitutional law at Johns Hopkins.
One of my sisters started her college teaching career teaching remedial math to football players to try and keep them from getting booted from school.
Man she put in her dues.

And without football that bitch might not have a job.
I have 2 sisters that teach at universities and and 2 cousins. One teaches constitutional law at Johns Hopkins.
One of my sisters started her college teaching career teaching remedial math to football players to try and keep them from getting booted from school.
Man she put in her dues.

Yep, I understand. I have nothing agains college athletes and know several who have their sports scholarships to thank for their education and current positions of employment. But the NCAA has set standards and trying to get someone who hasn't taken advantage of the free education that was offered them during their teenage years to meet the standards's tough and a job I don't want.

I decided that there wasn't much difference between teaching Math in college or in Jr. High/High School so I chose to teach where I liked the kids.
And without football that %#@% might not have a job.

I love football. I get excited every fall when it starts. I'm already excited seeing pre-season games on TV and reading articles about the up-coming college seasons. But it has been my experience that anyone who can do math at the college level isn't going to be without a job very long. When a lot of football players get out of college they have a tough go of it, mostly because they haven't taken advantage of the education that has been offered to them.
And without football that bitch might not have a job.

rule about talking about family Toppy.

Anyway she would have a job in any case. She is a brilliant hard working lady.
4.0 thru college, Math Masters. maybe it was 3.97 or something as I recall that she got one or 2 b's.

She could have your CPA brain reeling on math in seconds.
I love football. I get excited every fall when it starts. I'm already excited seeing pre-season games on TV and reading articles about the up-coming college seasons. But it has been my experience that anyone who can do math at the college level isn't going to be without a job very long. When a lot of football players get out of college they have a tough go of it, mostly because they haven't taken advantage of the education that has been offered to them.

I think they should take advantage as well, I'm just not into the hatin on the athlete thing. Nobody gives a shit what the guy scoring the touchdown's GPA is.
Not getting an education, USGED is enough to scare anyone into college.
I think they should take advantage as well, I'm just not into the hatin on the athlete thing. Nobody gives a shit what the guy scoring the touchdown's GPA is.
Not getting an education, USGED is enough to scare anyone into college.

Scaring someone into college is the wrong way we need to go. We need to be a society that encourages personal excellence in all areas from birth to old age.
All need to grow to their possibilities. All will not have the dsame capabilities, but that is life. And we need people of all abilities in our society.

Parents have failed miserably in this regard for many years.
Scaring someone into college is the wrong way we need to go. We need to be a society that encourages personal excellence in all areas from birth to old age.
All need to grow to their possibilities. All will not have the dsame capabilities, but that is life. And we need people of all abilities in our society.

Parents have failed miserably in this regard for many years.

I agree you prob wouldn't have made it in college, as you say college is not for everybody.
usged, while your raking parents.
Did your kids get multiple degrees??? bhahhahaha

I just have one kid. And no he turned out to be an Obama hater like his momma.
He blames the minorities and such for his problems.
I have set up the grandchildren with college trusts though and hope they do better. So far they are A and B students. I encourage them as much as possible.

I have also set up my property and home as an in perpetuity trust. The kids can live here and build another home or two here, but not sell or borrow against the property.
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two underdegreed low earners with their spell check hats on.
Please fucking check unemployment rates for college educated vs HS and GED and get back to me you ged fools.

what a dumbass. You can't even understand what I said. What a tool. Go learn some grammer and spelling you fucking idiot.