Americans are a stupid people - Statistics, Studies and Research

And where do the parents fit in in all of this? Ya know I was told it takes a village to raise of child but what happens when all the flowers of that village are a bunch of blooming idiots?

This is really a nonpartisan issue. Do ya'll have any idea how hostile our culture is towards those with higher educations, particularly those with science back grounds? They love the products of our minds and hands but hold us in contempt as people.

All through my academic carreer I was discouraged from just about everyone. Peers, adults, educators, my elders, in pursuing my passion for science. I was called every thing in the book, nerd, geek, poindextor, etc, etc. The only consistant approval I received for my passion was from my parents.

If we produce a bunch of dimwitted scientifically illiterate morons in our society it is because our society does not value people with scientific skills. Look at the morons we hold up to our kids as role models. Brittney Spears? Hanna Montana? Give me a break! When I was an adolescent my heros were Armstrong and Feinman. I bet 99 out of 100 9th graders today have no idea who either one is.

This isn't political it's cultural. America just does not value those people who are learned in science. When I've traveled abroad I have been held in high esteem as a man of letters with a graduate eduication in science, particularly in Asia. Here in the US. I'm just a fuckin geek. And in the contempt for which people of science are held in this nation, the left and right are equally as bad.

If we want more scientifically literate children we need to start out by valuing the scientifically literate people we all ready have and until we start doing that, we'll remain a nation of dummies.

The problem is higher education merely inculcates a sense of elitism and privelige so people feel their dehumanization and genocide against others is just the way of the world. Elitists are really concerned about global population, so they're always devising way to keep killing people. Keeping people stupid aids them in this mission. They're anti-human, despite the touchy feely facade. They will kill you to save a squirrel or just because you like freedom.
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And where do the parents fit in in all of this? Ya know I was told it takes a village to raise of child but what happens when all the flowers of that village are a bunch of blooming idiots?

This is really a nonpartisan issue. Do ya'll have any idea how hostile our culture is towards those with higher educations, particularly those with science back grounds? They love the products of our minds and hands but hold us in contempt as people.

All through my academic carreer I was discouraged from just about everyone. Peers, adults, educators, my elders, in pursuing my passion for science. I was called every thing in the book, nerd, geek, poindextor, etc, etc. The only consistant approval I received for my passion was from my parents.

If we produce a bunch of dimwitted scientifically illiterate morons in our society it is because our society does not value people with scientific skills. Look at the morons we hold up to our kids as role models. Brittney Spears? Barrry Bonds? Hanna Montana? Give me a break! When I was an adolescent my heros were Armstrong and Feinman. I bet 99 out of 100 9th graders today have no idea who either one is.

This isn't political it's cultural. America just does not value those people who are learned in science. When I've traveled abroad I have been held in high esteem as a man of letters with a graduate eduication in science, particularly in Asia. Here in the US. I'm just a fuckin geek. And in the contempt for which people of science are held in this nation, the left and right are equally as bad.

If we want more scientifically literate children we need to start out by valuing the scientifically literate people we all ready have and until we start doing that, we'll remain a nation of dummies.

:hand: :hand: :hand: :hand:
Mott, so true.
I'm reading the Wall Street Journal at lunch about a decade ago and a female coworker says how can you read that boring shit. She's prob a tabloid junkie.
Do your own thing and you'll get respect from smart people.
Hey check out the new intell commercial on thier rock star dude who invented usb.
Mott, so true.
I'm reading the Wall Street Journal at lunch about a decade ago and a female coworker says how can you read that boring shit. She's prob a tabloid junkie.
Do your own thing and you'll get respect from smart people.
Hey check out the new intell commercial on thier rock star dude who invented usb.

I guess that's why smart people don't respect you, cuz you're a statist fascist follower without the ability to even think critically.
Comparing test scores of highschool age children in the US to countries like Germany is unfair. ONLY German children in Gymnasium, the highest tier take those tests as opposed to ALL highschool kids in this country. I don't know how many other nations only require certain students to take those tests but I know for a fact that Germany only has their 13 year students take the comparative standardized tests.
Comparing test scores of highschool age children in the US to countries like Germany is unfair. ONLY German children in Gymnasium, the highest tier take those tests as opposed to ALL highschool kids in this country. I don't know how many other nations only require certain students to take those tests but I know for a fact that Germany only has their 13 year students take the comparative standardized tests.

Americans deserve to die, regardless.
And where do the parents fit in in all of this? Ya know I was told it takes a village to raise a child but what happens when all the flowers of that village are a bunch of blooming idiots?

This is really a nonpartisan issue. Do ya'll have any idea how hostile our culture is towards those with higher educations, particularly those with science back grounds? They love the products of our minds and hands but hold us in contempt as people.

All through my academic carreer I was discouraged from just about everyone. Peers, adults, educators, my elders, in pursuing my passion for science. I was called every thing in the book, nerd, geek, Mr. Know it all, Webster, Poindextor, etc, etc. The only consistant approval I received for my passion was from my parents.

If we produce a bunch of dimwitted scientifically illiterate morons in our society it is because our society does not value people with scientific skills. Look at the morons we hold up to our kids as role models. Brittney Spears? Barrry Bonds? Hanna Montana? Give me a break! When I was an adolescent my heros were Armstrong and Feinman. I bet 99 out of 100 9th graders today have no idea who either one is. (My guess is that they would think Armstrong is a cyclist and Feinman a comedian, certainly not an astronaut or a physicist.).

This isn't political it's cultural. America just does not value those people who are learned in science. When I've traveled abroad I have been held in high esteem as a man of letters with a graduate education in science, particularly in Asia. Here in the US. I'm just a fuckin geek. And in the contempt for which people of science are held in this nation, the left and right are equally as bad.

If we want more scientifically literate children we need to start out by valuing the scientifically literate people we all ready have and until we start doing that, we'll remain a nation of dummies.

Coming from someone who has always excelled (and enjoyed) math, I can feel your pain. Luckily I was also a good enough athlete that I didn't have to worry about being hit with the geek label.

100% in agreement with you on the 'who we think of as role models/heros'.
Elites don't actually value people of science. They are a means to an end. And precisely why everything regarding science or intelligence is turned into a commodity profession.
Coming from someone who has always excelled (and enjoyed) math, I can feel your pain. Luckily I was also a good enough athlete that I didn't have to worry about being hit with the geek label.

100% in agreement with you on the 'who we think of as role models/heros'.
Fortunately for me I had the intestinal fortitude to not really care what others thought. I kneew myself enough to know what I was good at and what I enjoyed doing. I have just always been surprized though at how hostile people in our country are towards those of us with highly technical/scientific education. Ultimately, we get the last laugh on them cause were not dummies! :)