Americans Are Mistaken About Who Gets Welfare

Are you one of grind's socks? Hard to believe youre really this ignorant and I have been over this a few times on these boards.

Race is a protected class which means no discrimination on the basis of race, whether the target is white, black or other.

I haven't thought this comment all the way through but off the top of my head if all races are protected classes how can Universities use a point system based on race for admissions? (maybe you can't and that's why some Asian students are suing Harvard I believe)

(and I'm not asking that question in the context of 'whoa is white people' I'm asking from a legal perspective)
I haven't thought this comment all the way through but off the top of my head if all races are protected classes how can Universities use a point system based on race for admissions? (maybe you can't and that's why some Asian students are suing Harvard I believe)

(and I'm not asking that question in the context of 'whoa is white people' I'm asking from a legal perspective)

You can't give points for being a minority because that excludes non-minorities (although you can for being a varsity athlete). But they can use subjective methods such as cultural diversity, overcoming adversity, etc. One student wrote an essay in which she said she ate lunch at the table with the black students and that showed sensitivity to other cultures.

In the Michigan undergraduate admission case (Gratz v. Bollinger) there was a 150 point admissions scale with 100 needed for admission.
20 points=underrepresented minority (Asians are not underrepresented)
12 points=perfect SAT score

Race can be a factor in admissions but cannot exclude others. Before Prop 209 the University of California at San Diego added 300 points to the SAT score of minority students (even if those students were children of upper income parents).
Are you one of grind's socks? Hard to believe youre really this ignorant and I have been over this a few times on these boards.

Race is a protected class which means no discrimination on the basis of race, whether the target is white, black or other.

Certain races have protected status and white isn't one of them. If you can't understand that, you're an idiot.

Sounds like you're one of those that believes because you say it that it's true. If so, you really are that stupid.
I haven't thought this comment all the way through but off the top of my head if all races are protected classes how can Universities use a point system based on race for admissions? (maybe you can't and that's why some Asian students are suing Harvard I believe)

(and I'm not asking that question in the context of 'whoa is white people' I'm asking from a legal perspective)

It's easy. All races don't have protected class status. Only certain ones.
Certain races have protected status and white isn't one of them. If you can't understand that, you're an idiot.

Sounds like you're one of those that believes because you say it that it's true. If so, you really are that stupid.

Nope. Race is a protected class. All races are protected under that class. The same is true with gender (protects male or female), religion (protects Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindu, etc... various sects within those as well), national origin (protects those from China, Mexico, Canada, France, etc... even Massholes).

United States Supreme Court
No. 75-260
Argued: April 20, 1976 Decided: June 25, 1976

Petitioners, both white employees of respondent transportation company, were discharged for misappropriating cargo from one of the company's shipments, but a Negro employee, who was also charged with the same offense, was not discharged. After subsequent grievance proceedings pursuant to a collective-bargaining agreement between the company and respondent union and complaints filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) secured no relief, petitioners brought an action against respondents, alleging that in discharging petitioners, while retaining the Negro employee, respondent company had discriminated against petitioners on the basis of race, and that respondent union had acquiesced in this discrimination by failing properly to represent one of the petitioners in the grievance proceeding, all in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits the discharge of "any individual" because of "such individual's race," and of 42 U.S.C. 1981, which provides that "[a]ll persons . . . shall have the same right . . . to make and enforce contracts . . . as is enjoyed by white citizens . . . ." The District Court dismissed the complaint on the pleadings, holding, inter alia, that 1981 is inapplicable to racial discrimination against whites, and that the facts alleged by petitioners failed to state a claim under Title VII. The Court of Appeals affirmed.


1. Title VII, whose terms are not limited to discrimination against members of any particular race, prohibits racial discrimination in private employment against white persons upon the same standards as racial discrimination against nonwhites. Pp. 278-285.

(a) Title VII has been so interpreted by the EEOC, whose interpretations are entitled to great deference, and its conclusion accords with uncontradicted legislative history. Pp. 279-280.
(b) That petitioners' dismissal was based upon the commission of a criminal offense does not preclude them from seeking relief under Title VII. McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. [427 U.S. 273, 274] Green, 411 U.S. 792 . While respondent employer may decide that participation in a theft of cargo may warrant not retaining a person in its employment, this criterion must be "applied alike to members of all races," or Title VII is violated. Crime or other misconduct may be a legitimate basis for discharge, but it is not a basis for racial discrimination. Pp. 281-284.
(c) Respondent union, as well as respondent company, is subject to liability under Title VII, since the same reasons that prohibit an employer from discriminating on the basis of race among culpable employees apply equally to the union, regardless of whether the union, under the circumstances, may find it necessary to compromise in securing retention of some of the affected employees. Whatever factors such a compromise may legitimately take into account in mitigating discipline of some employees, under Title VII race may not be included. Pp. 284-285.
2. Section 1981 prohibits racial discrimination in private employment against white persons as well as nonwhites, and this conclusion is supported both by the statute's language, which explicitly applies to "all persons," and by its legislative history. While the phrase "as is enjoyed by white persons" would seem to lend some support to the argument that the statute is limited to the protection of nonwhite persons against racial discrimination, the legislative history is clear that the addition of the phrase to the statute as finally enacted was not intended to eliminate the prohibition of racial discrimination against whites. Pp. 285-296.
I haven't thought this comment all the way through but off the top of my head if all races are protected classes how can Universities use a point system based on race for admissions? (maybe you can't and that's why some Asian students are suing Harvard I believe)

(and I'm not asking that question in the context of 'whoa is white people' I'm asking from a legal perspective)

They can't use quotas based on race/national origin (or others) as a single factors. They are allowed to use a variety of factors that include protected characteristics because the courts have reasoned that the goal of achieving a diverse student body or overcoming substantial, chronic minority underrepresentation in [a specific] profession is sufficiently compelling. That is, if the goal is diversity and not discrimination it may be allowed. But the courts have limited these programs and there may be more limits on them since the CRA of 64 protects all races.
Nope. Race is a protected class. All races are protected under that class. The same is true with gender (protects male or female), religion (protects Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindu, etc... various sects within those as well), national origin (protects those from China, Mexico, Canada, France, etc... even Massholes).

United States Supreme Court
No. 75-260
Argued: April 20, 1976 Decided: June 25, 1976

Petitioners, both white employees of respondent transportation company, were discharged for misappropriating cargo from one of the company's shipments, but a Negro employee, who was also charged with the same offense, was not discharged. After subsequent grievance proceedings pursuant to a collective-bargaining agreement between the company and respondent union and complaints filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) secured no relief, petitioners brought an action against respondents, alleging that in discharging petitioners, while retaining the Negro employee, respondent company had discriminated against petitioners on the basis of race, and that respondent union had acquiesced in this discrimination by failing properly to represent one of the petitioners in the grievance proceeding, all in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits the discharge of "any individual" because of "such individual's race," and of 42 U.S.C. 1981, which provides that "[a]ll persons . . . shall have the same right . . . to make and enforce contracts . . . as is enjoyed by white citizens . . . ." The District Court dismissed the complaint on the pleadings, holding, inter alia, that 1981 is inapplicable to racial discrimination against whites, and that the facts alleged by petitioners failed to state a claim under Title VII. The Court of Appeals affirmed.


1. Title VII, whose terms are not limited to discrimination against members of any particular race, prohibits racial discrimination in private employment against white persons upon the same standards as racial discrimination against nonwhites. Pp. 278-285.

(a) Title VII has been so interpreted by the EEOC, whose interpretations are entitled to great deference, and its conclusion accords with uncontradicted legislative history. Pp. 279-280.
(b) That petitioners' dismissal was based upon the commission of a criminal offense does not preclude them from seeking relief under Title VII. McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. [427 U.S. 273, 274] Green, 411 U.S. 792 . While respondent employer may decide that participation in a theft of cargo may warrant not retaining a person in its employment, this criterion must be "applied alike to members of all races," or Title VII is violated. Crime or other misconduct may be a legitimate basis for discharge, but it is not a basis for racial discrimination. Pp. 281-284.
(c) Respondent union, as well as respondent company, is subject to liability under Title VII, since the same reasons that prohibit an employer from discriminating on the basis of race among culpable employees apply equally to the union, regardless of whether the union, under the circumstances, may find it necessary to compromise in securing retention of some of the affected employees. Whatever factors such a compromise may legitimately take into account in mitigating discipline of some employees, under Title VII race may not be included. Pp. 284-285.
2. Section 1981 prohibits racial discrimination in private employment against white persons as well as nonwhites, and this conclusion is supported both by the statute's language, which explicitly applies to "all persons," and by its legislative history. While the phrase "as is enjoyed by white persons" would seem to lend some support to the argument that the statute is limited to the protection of nonwhite persons against racial discrimination, the legislative history is clear that the addition of the phrase to the statute as finally enacted was not intended to eliminate the prohibition of racial discrimination against whites. Pp. 285-296.

If what you said were true, things like affirmative action wouldn't exist. Simple as that, boy.
These figures are worthless if they are not compared to and accompanied with the data that shows what percent of the entire population each group is.

So why does it even matter to you what race a person on public assistance is and why the double standard Republicans have that it’s ok to give public assistance to business interests and not an individual?
I haven't thought this comment all the way through but off the top of my head if all races are protected classes how can Universities use a point system based on race for admissions? (maybe you can't and that's why some Asian students are suing Harvard I believe)

(and I'm not asking that question in the context of 'whoa is white people' I'm asking from a legal perspective)
Why don’t these Universities do what great Universities like The Ohio State University does? Accept everyone who meet the objective entrance requirements and flunk out the non hackers?
Certain races have protected status and white isn't one of them. If you can't understand that, you're an idiot.

Sounds like you're one of those that believes because you say it that it's true. If so, you really are that stupid.
Awww listen to the poor little bigot who is afraid his poor oppressed 70% majority might have to compete against people who don’t look exactly like him.

God I get tired of hearing you pussies whine. Man fucking up dude.
Why don’t these Universities do what great Universities like The Ohio State University does? Accept everyone who meet the objective entrance requirements and flunk out the non hackers?

What about those that don't meet the objective standards but can run a football. Do they get an exception?
Awww listen to the poor little bigot who is afraid his poor oppressed 70% majority might have to compete against people who don’t look exactly like him.

God I get tired of hearing you pussies whine. Man fucking up dude.

If someone is benefiting from affirmative action it's because he/she can't compete. If they could, they wouldn't rely on something having nothing to do with qualifications to get hired, admitted, etc.

Perhaps those that can't compete on qualifications should stop whining when their sub par skills don't produce a favorable result.

As a white MAN, I have done what you say. I don't expect nor do I get benefits based on being white. That's what white people do.
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Awww listen to the poor little bigot who is afraid his poor oppressed 70% majority might have to compete against people who don’t look exactly like him.

God I get tired of hearing you pussies whine. Man fucking up dude.
He's a mega arsehole, and a coward.

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Yet I called you out about taking the guns you claim I shouldn't own and you refused. By your standards, that makes you a coward.

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If what you said were true, things like affirmative action wouldn't exist. Simple as that, boy.

So you are saying this case did not happen?

Affirmative action does not exist as you believe it to or as you present it. But the courts are not as dumb as you are and recognize that there is a distinction between policies intended to discriminate against these classes and those intended to reduce that discrimination or promote diversity.

It is easy. You're a stupid motherfucking NL. There are others like you.

That's nice, but you failed to offer a counter argument. It won't matter the facts prove your claims false.
So you are saying this case did not happen?

Affirmative action does not exist as you believe it to or as you present it. But the courts are not as dumb as you are and recognize that there is a distinction between policies intended to discriminate against these classes and those intended to reduce that discrimination or promote diversity.

That's nice, but you failed to offer a counter argument. It won't matter the facts prove your claims false.

Affirmative action exists exactly the way I presented it. When promoting diversity uses the race of certain groups (in AA's case anyone but white) to create a diverse environment that hiring, etc. solely on qualifications would never producebecause those benefiting from it otherwise wouldn't get hired, etc., it's discriminatory. In other words, if a black gets hired because his/her race is considered and they wouldn't get hired if based solely on qualifications, that discriminatory.