Americans Are Mistaken About Who Gets Welfare

No shit sherlock ... Perception based on race . . . :rolleyes:

. . . the word is often loaded with racial meaning. As a new HuffPost/YouGov survey shows, much of the public has a distorted view of which groups receive the bulk of assistance from government programs. Fifty-nine percent of Americans say either that most welfare recipients are black, or that welfare recipiency is about the same among black and white people.

The numbers reflect a significant overestimation of the number of black Americans benefiting from the largest programs. Medicaid had more than 70 million beneficiaries in 2016, of whom 43 percent were white, 18 percent black, and 30 percent Hispanic. Of 43 million food stamp recipients that year, 36.2 percent were white, 25.6 percent black, 17.2 percent Hispanic and 15.5 percent unknown. (Food stamps are formally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.)

In one sense, HuffPost’s survey asked an abstract question: The federal government doesn’t run a program that is actually called “welfare.” The word can describe any instance of the government helping people or businesses, though it’s most commonly used to describe programs that benefit the poor.

These days, to Republican lawmakers, welfare means Medicaid, food stamps and the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. Paul Ryan and hardline conservatives in the House of Representatives have said they want to make changes to those three programs this year under the banner of welfare reform.

Historically, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families is probably the program that has most frequently been called welfare, as it was created in the famous “welfare reform” of 1996. As a result of that reform, the program today is much smaller than its predecessor, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, and it only served 2.7 million people in 2016. Of those, 36.9 percent were Hispanic, 27.6 percent white, and 29.1 percent black ― meaning that if they had this particular program in mind, HuffPost’s survey respondents who said the number of white and black beneficiaries are “about the same” were basically right.

Survey respondents’ estimation of who receives welfare tracked closely to their estimation of who gets food stamps. Nearly two-thirds of poll respondents said the program’s recipients are mostly black or that there are as many black Americans as white Americans receiving benefits. Only 21 percent correctly said there are more white than black food stamp recipients.

Let just ignore the facts and move to the good old standby of percentages

I don’t care the color of the recipient. End it all
liberals once again showing they are mathematically challenged.

shout out to CFM for actually introducing something intellectual in this sophomoric thread
The numbers reflect a significant overestimation of the number of black Americans benefiting from the largest programs. Medicaid had more than 70 million beneficiaries in 2016, of whom 43 percent were white, 18 percent black, and 30 percent Hispanic. Of 43 million food stamp recipients that year, 36.2 percent were white, 25.6 percent black, 17.2 percent Hispanic and 15.5 percent unknown. (Food stamps are formally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.)

In one sense, HuffPost’s survey asked an abstract question: The federal government doesn’t run a program that is actually called “welfare.” The word can describe any instance of the government helping people or businesses, though it’s most commonly used to describe programs that benefit the poor.

These days, to Republican lawmakers, welfare means Medicaid, food stamps and the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. Paul Ryan and hardline conservatives in the House of Representatives have said they want to make changes to those three programs this year under the banner of welfare reform.

Historically, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families is probably the program that has most frequently been called welfare, as it was created in the famous “welfare reform” of 1996. As a result of that reform, the program today is much smaller than its predecessor, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, and it only served 2.7 million people in 2016. Of those, 36.9 percent were Hispanic, 27.6 percent white, and 29.1 percent black ― meaning that if they had this particular program in mind, HuffPost’s survey respondents who said the number of white and black beneficiaries are “about the same” were basically right.

Survey respondents’ estimation of who receives welfare tracked closely to their estimation of who gets food stamps. Nearly two-thirds of poll respondents said the program’s recipients are mostly black or that there are as many black Americans as white Americans receiving benefits. Only 21 percent correctly said there are more white than black food stamp recipients....

Only 2.7 million ppl out of 323 million... and this is a horrendous drain on the budget because..............???
close to 72% of people here are white that's about 3/4 of the population blacks represent about 12 % hispanics are about 14% then the rest
so if 10 whites and 10 blacks and 10 hispanics are on welfare...... it's not equal
close to 72% of people here are white that's about 3/4 of the population blacks represent about 12 % hispanics are about 14% then the rest
so if 10 whites and 10 blacks and 10 hispanics are on welfare...... it's not equal

That's 30 people too many. We can provide for all of our citizens better than this.
That was easy ...

It's the liberals that believe all Blacks are poor and need ... a Great White Savior. :palm:

There are twice as many Whites living in poverty ... than Blacks. :palm:

And liberal hatred for poor whites .... is a Democrat party plank :palm:
No shit sherlock ... Perception based on race . . . :rolleyes:

. . . the word is often loaded with racial meaning. As a new HuffPost/YouGov survey shows, much of the public has a distorted view of which groups receive the bulk of assistance from government programs. Fifty-nine percent of Americans say either that most welfare recipients are black, or that welfare recipiency is about the same among black and white people.

The numbers reflect a significant overestimation of the number of black Americans benefiting from the largest programs. Medicaid had more than 70 million beneficiaries in 2016, of whom 43 percent were white, 18 percent black, and 30 percent Hispanic. Of 43 million food stamp recipients that year, 36.2 percent were white, 25.6 percent black, 17.2 percent Hispanic and 15.5 percent unknown. (Food stamps are formally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.)

In one sense, HuffPost’s survey asked an abstract question: The federal government doesn’t run a program that is actually called “welfare.” The word can describe any instance of the government helping people or businesses, though it’s most commonly used to describe programs that benefit the poor.

These days, to Republican lawmakers, welfare means Medicaid, food stamps and the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. Paul Ryan and hardline conservatives in the House of Representatives have said they want to make changes to those three programs this year under the banner of welfare reform.

Historically, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families is probably the program that has most frequently been called welfare, as it was created in the famous “welfare reform” of 1996. As a result of that reform, the program today is much smaller than its predecessor, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, and it only served 2.7 million people in 2016. Of those, 36.9 percent were Hispanic, 27.6 percent white, and 29.1 percent black ― meaning that if they had this particular program in mind, HuffPost’s survey respondents who said the number of white and black beneficiaries are “about the same” were basically right.

Survey respondents’ estimation of who receives welfare tracked closely to their estimation of who gets food stamps. Nearly two-thirds of poll respondents said the program’s recipients are mostly black or that there are as many black Americans as white Americans receiving benefits. Only 21 percent correctly said there are more white than black food stamp recipients.

Let just ignore the facts and move to the good old standby of percentages

So black people are about 12% of the population but take 18% of the welfare? And whites are like 70% but take only 43%? Seems by proportion blacks do take more welfare. I don't know why you would want to point that out. That's racist.
The majority of people on welfare are children. Damn lazy kids .

More like damn lazy parents that won't support what they produced. Still doesn't mean it's the responsibility of those that didn't produce them to support them because their parents won't do their job.

If you want to support someone else's kids because they won't do it, write a check with your money. MY money goes to MY kids.
close to 72% of people here are white that's about 3/4 of the population blacks represent about 12 % hispanics are about 14% then the rest so if 10 whites and 10 blacks and 10 hispanics are on welfare...... it's not equal

I keep hearing that whites are going to be a minority in the USA before long. By some accounts they already are. Don't you care about the minority?
liberals once again showing they are mathematically challenged.

shout out to CFM for actually introducing something intellectual in this sophomoric thread

All I did was use calculations to refute the drunkard's claim. Funny part is I used his numbers to do it.
Only 2.7 million ppl out of 323 million... and this is a horrendous drain on the budget because..............???

Since the funding for the 2.7 million comes from taking money away from those that earned to give it to those that didn't earn it, if it's a penny, it's one cent too much.
Yep. The majority of Medicaid recipients are either children or elders in nursing homes who have exhausted their assets.

Looks like you have an opportunity to prove you care as much as you claim by writing a check. Appears to me you care more for owls than you do people.
close to 72% of people here are white that's about 3/4 of the population blacks represent about 12 % hispanics are about 14% then the rest
so if 10 whites and 10 blacks and 10 hispanics are on welfare...... it's not equal

Look at post #17. It explains it all using simple math.
That's 30 people too many. We can provide for all of our citizens better than this.

You can provide for any of your choosing with your own money. I'll provide for those citizens to whom I have a responsibility and it damn sure isn't the freeloaders on social welfare.