Americans Are Mistaken About Who Gets Welfare

With the Obama deficit out of control, all types of welfare need to be on the chopping block. Welfare programs like Wic an Medicare need to go.
So black people are about 12% of the population but take 18% of the welfare? And whites are like 70% but take only 43%? Seems by proportion blacks do take more welfare. I don't know why you would want to point that out. That's racist.

According to the numbers in the OP, blacks, although they constitute only 12.5% of the population, get 25.6% of the food stamps. Whites, while making up 70% of the population only get 36.2% of the food stamps.

Read post #17. It does the calculations.
More like damn lazy parents that won't support what they produced. Still doesn't mean it's the responsibility of those that didn't produce them to support them because their parents won't do their job.

If you want to support someone else's kids because they won't do it, write a check with your money. MY money goes to MY kids.

Do you believe that? Scary. If you get killed in an accident, we will all help support your family. That is what happened to Ryan. His dad died and government help made it possible for him to go to school. Some of us have compassion and want to help others. The rest are Republicans.
I keep hearing that whites are going to be a minority in the USA before long. By some accounts they already are. Don't you care about the minority?

there are no factual accounts that minorities equal to whites in numbers there 325 million people here with 105 million of all minorities thats 220 million whites it will take a very long time for minorities to catch up it's as simple as that
Do you believe that? Scary. If you get killed in an accident, we will all help support your family. That is what happened to Ryan. His dad died and government help made it possible for him to go to school. Some of us have compassion and want to help others. The rest are Republicans.

Since the parents that produced those kids are the only ones that have a responsibility to support them, if you don't, you're an idiot.

"If you get killed in an accident, we will all help support your family". What makes you think that is the case? Trust me. I've prepared for that type of situation. Not my fault other didn't nor my responsibility because they didn't do so. If you think the taxpayers would be doing that, please inform me what they'd be paying for.

You don't have compassion unless you personally pay for the things you believe someone else should have they can't afford. Compassion doesn't come from supporting others being forced to fund what you believe in.
Some of us have compassion and want to help others. The rest are Republicans.

Not liberals. They wont' sacrifice their luxurious lifestyles. Just look at Meryl Streep ... $90 million networth ... Jet setter Nancy Pelosi $90 million networth. :palm:

Tons of filfty rich libs ... that demand everyone else make personal sacrifices. Fuckers.
So black people are about 12% of the population but take 18% of the welfare? And whites are like 70% but take only 43%? Seems by proportion blacks do take more welfare. I don't know why you would want to point that out. That's racist.

Yep and Blacks took more shit than anyone else in America, but you can bet your ass those days are over. But wait, didn’t your Boy say last week he’s done more for Black Unemployment than anyone else ... well at least for 4 days before that BS fell apart.

So since you like percentages ... who’s better at the America’s favorite past time ... White, Blacks or Browns? Oh wait, now percentages don’t count. What percentage of trailer parks of welfare? Oh wait ... that doesn’t count either. What percentage ethnicity Fucks Little Boys ... oh wait, that’s not fair.
Just thought I'd save some of CFM's tainted electrons and leave this here.

there are no factual accounts that minorities equal to whites in numbers there 325 million people here with 105 million of all minorities thats 220 million whites it will take a very long time for minorities to catch up it's as simple as that

Cite your statistics and provide your source.
I'm not aware of anything that prevents liberals from helping all the poor out of poverty with their own funds. Are you?

Yes ... their own GREED. Liberals are the greediest, most selfish people on the planet.
Yes ... their own GREED. Liberals are the greediest, most selfish people on the planet.

I don't know about that, Big Dog, but it sure seems like they feel their alleged "generosity" entitles them to spend tax dollars on things like the War on Poverty. How's that going?
Yep and Blacks took more shit than anyone else in America,

Liar ... the Native Americans did. And that's without including the sacrificial victims of the Aztecs.

And you're talking about people that are looooong dead, you pathetic virtue signaling pos. :palm:
I don't know about that, Big Dog, but it sure seems like they feel their alleged "generosity" entitles them to spend tax dollars on things like the War on Poverty. How's that going?

Other peoples' money. :palm: