Americans Are Mistaken About Who Gets Welfare

A metaphor.

Feel free to replace it with Reaganomics, Bush-onomics, or any variation of the trickle down theory of voodoo economics.

But, on balance I agree that the Republican base has never been about the economic theories promoted by the GOP elite.
The base is all about bible thumping and racial resentment. That is what sells the party to it's rural, elderly, white base.

Not surprisingly I disagree with you there. But the party did have two main wings, social conservatives (more recently) and pro market people.
Quote Originally Posted by Bourbon View Post
How many Centries where Native Americans slaves ... ?

How many centuries did Blacks enslave other Blacks???
How many Centries where Native Americans slaves ... ? Take your time, no rush with your facts.

Many Native American tribes practiced some form of slavery before the European introduction of African slavery into North America.

Native American groups often enslaved war captives whom they primarily used for small-scale labor. Others however, were used in ritual sacrifice, usually involving torture as part of religious rites, and these sometimes involved ritual cannibalism.

The ways in which captives were treated differed widely between Native American groups. Captives could be enslaved for life, killed, or adopted. In some cases, captives were only adopted after a period of slavery.

Some Native Americans would cut off one foot of captives to keep them from running away.

Various tribes also practiced debt slavery or imposed slavery on tribal members who had committed crimes; full tribal status would be restored as the enslaved worked off their obligations to the tribal society. Other slave-owning tribes of North America included Comanche of Texas, the Creek of Georgia; the fishing societies, such as the Yurok, who lived in Northern California; the Pawnee, and the Klamath.

When the Europeans made contact with the Native Americans, they began to participate in the slave trade. Native Americans, in their initial encounters with the Europeans, attempted to use their captives from enemy tribes as a “method of playing one tribe against another” in an unsuccessful game of divide and conquer.

The Haida and Tlingit who lived along southeast Alaska's coast were traditionally known as fierce warriors and slave-traders, raiding as far as California. In their society, slavery was hereditary after slaves were taken as prisoners of war. Among some Pacific Northwest tribes, as many as one-fourth of the population were slaves.

Have another drink.
Here's what you said:

This is a declarative statement: "there are no factual accounts that minorities equal to whites in numbers".

I see no qualifying language such as 'I think, I believe, in my opinion' etc. in your screed.

I don't need to prove your statement is incorrect.

You need to prove it's true.

If you can't - and it looks as though you cannot - say so.

dude you are nuts if i say "there are no factual accounts" how does one produce something that has
no factual accounts of huh you are a idiot please don't post to me again on this issue I will not answer
So what is your master plan to "break" liberalism???

That's none of your concern, Big Dog. Suffice it to say that I neither seek nor require anyone's permission or approval to conduct myself as I see fit.

In my view, liberals cannot be trusted, so 'winning them over' is counterproductive.
dude you are nuts if i say "there are no factual accounts" how does one produce something that has
no factual accounts of huh you are a idiot please don't post to me again on this issue I will not answer

If you cannot prove that there are no factual accounts, why state it as a fact and take a position based on it?

Run away, now, since you have proven that you don't comprehend the basics of debating.
That's none of your concern, Big Dog. Suffice it to say that I neither seek nor require anyone's permission or approval to conduct myself as I see fit.

In my view, liberals cannot be trusted, so 'winning them over' is counterproductive.

Approval? permission? :palm:

It's Independents that decide elections :palm:
If you cannot prove that there are no factual accounts, why state it as a fact and take a position based on it?

Run away, now, since you have proven that you don't comprehend the basics of debating.

drop dead and get fuked fool ignore fuk brain