Americans Are Mistaken About Who Gets Welfare

Yep and Blacks took more shit than anyone else in America, but you can bet your ass those days are over. But wait, didn’t your Boy say last week he’s done more for Black Unemployment than anyone else ... well at least for 4 days before that BS fell apart.

So since you like percentages ... who’s better at the America’s favorite past time ... White, Blacks or Browns? Oh wait, now percentages don’t count. What percentage of trailer parks of welfare? Oh wait ... that doesn’t count either. What percentage ethnicity Fucks Little Boys ... oh wait, that’s not fair.

Go read 12b and familiarize yourself with it before you get into trouble.
Go read 12b and familiarize yourself with it before you get into trouble.

So I went and read it

So I can't mention documented, verifiable, known, criminal facts about Catholic Church ... but I can crap on other form members, their heritage and their shit-hole birthplace?

Reaganomics worked. It would have worked better if liberals did not insist on buying foreign made goods ... instead of supporting the American Union workers they claimed to support. :palm:

It trickled down ... and went right overseas to China ... thanks Liberals :palm:
Damn. Just when I thought you and your six fingers couldn't type anything more moronic than your past posts.

Reaganomics crashed the Savings and Loan industry.
Looks to me like that's what going on when I hit people with the truth :laugh:

Not when the truth you claim to have posted is refuted.

It's easy. Line up 100 blacks and 100 whites. By the time you get to the first white, 4 blacks have already been shown to use food stamps.

If you want to compare apples to apples, you have to use proportions. If you can't understand that, it proves you think on the same low level as the average 85 IQ blacks. Perhaps that's why such a large portion of their group uses them. Too dumb to do any better.
Not when the truth you claim to have posted is refuted.

It's easy. Line up 100 blacks and 100 whites. By the time you get to the first white, 4 blacks have already been shown to use food stamps.

If you want to compare apples to apples, you have to use proportions. If you can't understand that, it proves you think on the same low level as the average 85 IQ blacks. Perhaps that's why such a large portion of their group uses them. Too dumb to do any better.

Why are on internet forums whining like a little bitch everyday, log off and go take your food stamps back.
Our welfare system is broken, regardless of which race is "benefiting" the most. Can we all at least agree on that? We waste a good deal of money on welfare and it's largely lost in the bureaucratic mess of red tape and corruption, which both parties are responsible for. Most of our social spending doesn't even make it to the people that actually need it. That's a problem.
Why are on internet forums whining like a little bitch everyday, log off and go take your food stamps back.

Not my fault you're too stupid to understand simple concepts.

My characterization stands as stated as it has been proven.
Our welfare system is broken, regardless of which race is "benefiting" the most. Can we all at least agree on that? We waste a good deal of money on welfare and it's largely lost in the bureaucratic mess of red tape and corruption, which both parties are responsible for. Most of our social spending doesn't even make it to the people that actually need it. That's a problem.

$22 trillion wasted in just over 50 years.

The waste doesn't come from red tape and corruption. It comes from spending it on things for which the taxpayers have no business being forced to fund. If you don't do something you shouldn't be doing, the red tap and corruption can't exist. It's not a cause of the problem. It's a result.

If someone you know needs something they don't have, why shouldn't you be the one to help them instead of the government forcing the taxpayers?

If someone chooses to have kids they can't support, it's not the taxpayers responsibility to fund the results a choice we were told is none of our business when it's made.

If someone quits high school and can't get a job making but $7.25/hour, it's not the government's place to require a business pay a higher wage than the skills the person offers are worth because of a choice he/she made.

If parent(s) won't pay for the college education of THEIR children, it's not the taxpayers responsibility to do for those kids what their own parents won't do.

And the list goes on.
Yea. OK. Who do you think was borrowing/building all of those time shares, corporate parks, and malls that were never finished? The Chinese?

And GDP was negative. OOOOh riiiight, that was under Carter :palm:

It trickled down ... and went right out the door and overseas.

"Buy American".
Not my fault you're too stupid to understand simple concepts.

My characterization stands as stated as it has been proven.

Do you really think anyone gives a shit about your characterizations or stance on an internet forum ... banjo boy,

Americans are mistaken about a lot of things especially supporting anything that comes from the right.

The republican, conservative party is a sham that has brainwashed a lot of Americans.

All one needs to do is research the roots of every issue they support and you will find it's racism and greed at the helm.

From smaller government to tax's all a sham.

Actually I've used the ignorance of racist to my advantage for most of my life.

While they think they know me and tend to place me in their generalization of ignorance, in the end they never see me coming or going. So I say, think of me what you want, after all it's the internet ... where all your fantasies can come true.

But, that's not where I live, it's just where I play.
