Americans Are Mistaken About Who Gets Welfare

So black people are about 12% of the population but take 18% of the welfare? And whites are like 70% but take only 43%? Seems by proportion blacks do take more welfare. I don't know why you would want to point that out. That's racist.

You are so dumb. Control for poverty. Medicaid is a program for those with limited income. Once you control for poverty there is little difference in usage between blacks and whites or any other demographic, except immigrants who are far less likely to receive benefits.
You are so dumb. Control for poverty. Medicaid is a program for those with limited income. Once you control for poverty there is little difference in usage between blacks and whites or any other demographic, except immigrants who are far less likely to receive benefits.

Social welfare doesn't control poverty. It enables it to continue by giving people something they didn't earn at a level higher than what they could earn based on their skill set. Just over 50 years ago, programs were put into place that were, in the words of those putting them in place designed "not only to relieve the symptom of poverty, but to cure it and, above all, to prevent it". $22 trillion dollars wasted.

Do the math. 1 in every 3 1/2 blacks uses food stamps while only 1 in every 14 or so whites use it. That's a big difference. If you lined up 100 blacks and 100 whites then started counting, by the time you reached the first white, you would have already counted 4 blacks. By the time you got through all 100 of each, there would be enough blacks to field an offense, defense, and kicker positions without anyone playing both ways. By the time you got through all 100 whites, they'd have to forfeit because there wouldn't be enough to play one side of the ball.

Edit: Out of the 28 blacks, statistically, 20 - 21 would be bastards. Still enough to field a team although some would have to play both ways and do the kicking For whites, statistically, there would be 2, enough to play a round of golf with a buddy or have a singles tennis match.
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Social welfare doesn't control poverty. It enables it to continue by giving people something they didn't earn at a level higher than what they could earn based on their skill set. Just over 50 years ago, programs were put into place that were, in the words of those putting them in place designed "not only to relieve the symptom of poverty, but to cure it and, above all, to prevent it". $22 trillion dollars wasted.

Welfare programs were in place much longer than 50 years ago. The welfare program known as slavery allowed the majority to steal the product of a slave's labor. It allowed that majority to build wealth that they were then able to pass on to their future generations. The slaves, of course, were not able to build much wealth or benefit from intergenerational transfers.

Then there were federal housing programs, starting with the New Deal, that were not open to minority populations or did not allow them the same benefits, though they were taxed to support the benefits that primarily accrued to whites.

Then there were Jim Crow laws and a penal system that was used to rob minorities for the benefit of the majority's welfare.

After that came the drug war, through which the state has continued to disable minorities at a disproportionate level but has also harmed poor peoples among the majority.

Do the math. 1 in every 3 1/2 blacks uses food stamps while only 1 in every 14 or so whites use it. That's a big difference.

Yeah, again you are not controlling for poverty.

If you lined up 100 blacks and 100 whites then started counting, by the time you reached the first white, you would have already counted 4 blacks.

LOL, no now you've really made a mess. There are more whites on welfare and more in the population in general. It would make no sense to do 100 to 100 or count them one to one.

Statistics are not you're thing. That's okay, many "conservatives" have trouble with fractions.
On my first read I missed the intent of this first line.

Social welfare doesn't control poverty.

No, I said "control for poverty." That does not mean that "social welfare controls poverty." smh

You need various control groups to determine what factors are having the biggest impact. It's not race. If you compare welfare usage among the impoverished the usage by race evens out. This is relevant because welfare is for the impoverished, of course. So welfare use is higher in aa because they are more impoverished.

Why they are poor has far more to do with the past welfare programs, like slavery, that were biased against them and setup to favor white Americans. There is no proof that it is due to current neutral systems, as you suggest, and they are neutral.

Income inequality among the races was built before LBJ's war on poverty and it HAS decreased since. Personally, I think that decrease is due more to equal opportunities, elimination of Jim Crow and the CRA of 64 than welfare, but, the data clearly contradicts your narrative.
On my first read I missed the intent of this first line.

No, I said "control for poverty." That does not mean that "social welfare controls poverty." smh

You need various control groups to determine what factors are having the biggest impact. It's not race. If you compare welfare usage among the impoverished the usage by race evens out. This is relevant because welfare is for the impoverished, of course. So welfare use is higher in aa because they are more impoverished.

Why they are poor has far more to do with the past welfare programs, like slavery, that were biased against them and setup to favor white Americans. There is no proof that it is due to current neutral systems, as you suggest, and they are neutral.

Income inequality among the races was built before LBJ's war on poverty and it HAS decreased since. Personally, I think that decrease is due more to equal opportunities, elimination of Jim Crow and the CRA of 64 than welfare, but, the data clearly contradicts your narrative.

(not a rhetorical question) Has income inequality between the races decreased?
Welfare programs were in place much longer than 50 years ago. The welfare program known as slavery allowed the majority to steal the product of a slave's labor. It allowed that majority to build wealth that they were then able to pass on to their future generations. The slaves, of course, were not able to build much wealth or benefit from intergenerational transfers.

Then there were federal housing programs, starting with the New Deal, that were not open to minority populations or did not allow them the same benefits, though they were taxed to support the benefits that primarily accrued to whites.

Then there were Jim Crow laws and a penal system that was used to rob minorities for the benefit of the majority's welfare.

After that came the drug war, through which the state has continued to disable minorities at a disproportionate level but has also harmed poor peoples among the majority.

Yeah, again you are not controlling for poverty.

LOL, no now you've really made a mess. There are more whites on welfare and more in the population in general. It would make no sense to do 100 to 100 or count them one to one.

Statistics are not you're thing. That's okay, many "conservatives" have trouble with fractions.

Those for which the quote I posted have been in place for just over 50 years. They've failed miserably.

Quit blaming the failure of blacks on slavery. There was a time after slavery when the numbers for blacks were far better than they are today.

The penal system didn't rob blacks of anything. Blacks that commit crimes on a far greater proportional level robbed themselves and now try to use it to blame white people.

The drug war doesn't disable anyone. Their choice to use drugs does. Stop blaming white people for black drug use.

Putting things in proportions make it easy to compare in an apples/apples basis. Failure to understand prove you're as dumb as the blacks that want to blame whites for thier failed lives.
On my first read I missed the intent of this first line.

No, I said "control for poverty." That does not mean that "social welfare controls poverty." smh

You need various control groups to determine what factors are having the biggest impact. It's not race. If you compare welfare usage among the impoverished the usage by race evens out. This is relevant because welfare is for the impoverished, of course. So welfare use is higher in aa because they are more impoverished.

Why they are poor has far more to do with the past welfare programs, like slavery, that were biased against them and setup to favor white Americans. There is no proof that it is due to current neutral systems, as you suggest, and they are neutral.

Income inequality among the races was built before LBJ's war on poverty and it HAS decreased since. Personally, I think that decrease is due more to equal opportunities, elimination of Jim Crow and the CRA of 64 than welfare, but, the data clearly contradicts your narrative.

You keep making excuses for blacks and wonder why they stay behind everyone else. Those that good at making excuses are good for nothing else and you've prove you're good for nothing.
"Americans Are Mistaken About Who Gets Welfare"

The article refutes the title. It says Americans are correct about who receives TANF (cash assistance). An American who believes this can hardly be called a racist for believing a simple fact. It was not a fact before welfare reform.
"Americans Are Mistaken About Who Gets Welfare"

The article refutes the title. It says Americans are correct about who receives TANF (cash assistance). An American who believes this can hardly be called a racist for believing a simple fact. It was not a fact before welfare reform.

The simple fact is 1 in 3 1/2 blacks get food stamps
Those for which the quote I posted have been in place for just over 50 years. They've failed miserably.

Quit blaming the failure of blacks on slavery. There was a time after slavery when the numbers for blacks were far better than they are today.

The penal system didn't rob blacks of anything. Blacks that commit crimes on a far greater proportional level robbed themselves and now try to use it to blame white people.

The drug war doesn't disable anyone. Their choice to use drugs does. Stop blaming white people for black drug use.

Putting things in proportions make it easy to compare in an apples/apples basis. Failure to understand prove you're as dumb as the blacks that want to blame whites for thier failed lives.

What failure?

They face greater levels of poverty because the majority stole their labor from them for several generations, treated them as chattel and then as second class citizens who were not eligible for the same benefits as white Americans. Intergenerational transfers of wealth and educational benefits have long lasting effects on the wealth/earning capacity of future generations. Because they face greater levels of poverty they disproportionately use welfare.
You keep making excuses for blacks and wonder why they stay behind everyone else. Those that good at making excuses are good for nothing else and you've prove you're good for nothing.

Uh huh, quit making excuses for your failure to understand how to properly analyze the data and for the need to create control groups to determine the reasons for the disproportionate use of current programs, race realist.
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No shit sherlock ... Perception based on race . . . :rolleyes:

. . . the word is often loaded with racial meaning. As a new HuffPost/YouGov survey shows, much of the public has a distorted view of which groups receive the bulk of assistance from government programs. Fifty-nine percent of Americans say either that most welfare recipients are black, or that welfare recipiency is about the same among black and white people.

The numbers reflect a significant overestimation of the number of black Americans benefiting from the largest programs. Medicaid had more than 70 million beneficiaries in 2016, of whom 43 percent were white, 18 percent black, and 30 percent Hispanic. Of 43 million food stamp recipients that year, 36.2 percent were white, 25.6 percent black, 17.2 percent Hispanic and 15.5 percent unknown. (Food stamps are formally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.)

In one sense, HuffPost’s survey asked an abstract question: The federal government doesn’t run a program that is actually called “welfare.” The word can describe any instance of the government helping people or businesses, though it’s most commonly used to describe programs that benefit the poor.

These days, to Republican lawmakers, welfare means Medicaid, food stamps and the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. Paul Ryan and hardline conservatives in the House of Representatives have said they want to make changes to those three programs this year under the banner of welfare reform.

Historically, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families is probably the program that has most frequently been called welfare, as it was created in the famous “welfare reform” of 1996. As a result of that reform, the program today is much smaller than its predecessor, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, and it only served 2.7 million people in 2016. Of those, 36.9 percent were Hispanic, 27.6 percent white, and 29.1 percent black ― meaning that if they had this particular program in mind, HuffPost’s survey respondents who said the number of white and black beneficiaries are “about the same” were basically right.

Survey respondents’ estimation of who receives welfare tracked closely to their estimation of who gets food stamps. Nearly two-thirds of poll respondents said the program’s recipients are mostly black or that there are as many black Americans as white Americans receiving benefits. Only 21 percent correctly said there are more white than black food stamp recipients.

Let just ignore the facts and move to the good old standby of percentages

What percentage of the population are blacks and Hispanics? You really are too stupid for words. NO wonder you gobble up the stupidity dished out by the Huffington Puffington Post.
Only 2.7 million ppl out of 323 million... and this is a horrendous drain on the budget because..............???

You have to use the working adult population dumbfuck. By the way, only dishonest morons think that keeping people Government welfare is good for them.

Liberals are the most dishonest morons on the planet; the worst urban sewers on the planet are in Blue welfare states and to hear the left, this is a great idea. We spent decades blowing up housing projects that began rat and drug infested criminal sewers; and these same morons think we need MORE of it. Stunning.
That's 30 people too many. We can provide for all of our citizens better than this.

Dear moron; you aren't providing for them and they shouldn't need you. You are empowering willful dependency that never does anyone any good.

Nothing says dishonest and repugnant more than leftist politicians who know that by promising low information fools something, they can keep getting elected.