Americans nationwide burn NFL tickets, shirts in solidarity with Trump


Solidarity was on GLARING display yesterday .. solidarity against the orange clown.

Who gives a fuck about a few dummies burning jerseys? :0) Hurry .. run out and buy more jerseys and tickets so you can burn them.

Solidarity was on GLARING display yesterday .. solidarity against the orange clown.

Who gives a fuck about a few dummies burning jerseys? :0) Hurry .. run out and buy more jerseys and tickets so you can burn them.

You seem to forget that the fans provide the income for the NFL, and if the customers no longer like the product....
In protests, NFL comes together for one of its most powerful days

The scenes, and the statements, were extraordinary.*

Empty sidelines in Nashville and Chicago. Jacksonville owner Shad Khan standing arm in arm with his players. The Miami Dolphins wearing “I’m With Kap” T-shirts during warm-ups. Oakland Raiders owner Mark Davis eloquently explaining his change of heart about players protesting during the national anthem.

The NFL had one of its finest moments before the games even began Sunday, coming together from every corner – players, coaches, owners and league office – in forceful rebuke of the latest torrent of hate from President Donald Trump. Whether black, white or brown, on bended knee or with locked arms, the NFL’s rare show of unity was both a dignified condemnation of the wrongs we still must right and a reminder that, for all of our differences, America remains our common ground.

“Over the last year, though, the streets have gotten hot and there has been a lot of static in the air and recently, fuel has been added to the fire,” Davis said in a statement. “… Not only do we have to tell people there is something wrong, we have to come up with answers.

“That’s the challenge in front of us as Americans and human beings.”

The right-wing doesn't represent nor speak for America nor white people.

Solidarity was on GLARING display yesterday .. solidarity against the orange clown.

Who gives a fuck about a few dummies burning jerseys? :0) Hurry .. run out and buy more jerseys and tickets so you can burn them.

These are hood rats making millions for playing a game. They are fortunate enough to be now living in the white man's world and they're going to fuck it up for themselves.

Americans across the country are burning shirts and tickets in protest against NFL players disrespecting the national anthem and the U.S. flag.

Yeah, we told you, fuck with the people and see what happens. Bye bye to your millions, you lazy asses.

This is what real America lovers do.

Most people are hypocrites. The few that burn their tickets go home, grab a beer and watch the game on TV where they are not seen.
Would be nice if it weren't so, and money talks, but...

Americans across the country are burning shirts and tickets in protest against NFL players disrespecting the national anthem and the U.S. flag.

Yeah, we told you, fuck with the people and see what happens. Bye bye to your millions, you lazy asses.

This is what real America lovers do.

These are hood rats making millions for playing a game. They are fortunate enough to be now living in the white man's world and they're going to fuck it up for themselves.

Aww .. poor baby. Didn't make the team, huh? :0)

Don't look now, the NFL, owners and players won the day on Sunday.
The NFL rules on the National Anthem can be found on pages A62-63 of the NFLs game operations manual:

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.
During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.
Well I guess that is one rule that wont be enforced...:rofl2: Maybe the president can sue to make them follow their own rules & do as he tweets.........
gonna have to see how it shakes out..Being as the NFL is King Sports it would be unusual to see real attendance drop, but it's certainly possible..same with merchandising.

Of course this is bigger then the NFL- it's the grotesque display of anti-Americanism that is becoming more and more common. I reminds me of the fall of Rome into debauchery/divisivness.

Thankfully that's not everyone: here's the money shot from yesterday.


The news media claimed Pittsburgh Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin kept his team in the locker room rather than have them “play politics” by kneeling or sitting during the anthem.

In reality, the entire team was in the tunnel singing the “Star Spangled Banner”,
right behind Steelers offensive linebacker Alejandro Villanueva, who walked out of the tunnel and stood alone with his hand over his heart.

The 29-year-old is an Army veteran who served three tours of duty in Afghanistan.
gonna have to see how it shakes out..Being as the NFL is King Sports it would be unusual to see real attendance drop, but it's certainly possible..same with merchandising.

Of course this is bigger then the NFL- it's the grotesque display of anti-Americanism that is becoming more and more common. I reminds me of the fall of Rome into debauchery/divisivness.

Thankfully that's not everyone: here's the money shot from yesterday.

What you see as anti-American and "debauchery" I see as a magnificent celebration of our core values and those things that make us great as a nation.

Think about oppressive countries who we condemn: you can't criticize the leaders, you can't criticize the government, you can't criticize the country. You have to keep your mouth shut.

One of the most amazing things about America is that we can do all of those things, and that free expression (usually) is encouraged and exercised.
What you see as anti-American and "debauchery" I see as a magnificent celebration of our core values and those things that make us great as a nation.

Think about oppressive countries who we condemn: you can't criticize the leaders, you can't criticize the government, you can't criticize the country. You have to keep your mouth shut.

One of the most amazing things about America is that we can do all of those things, and that free expression (usually) is encouraged and exercised.

Can you do what these football players are doing at your job?