Americans nationwide burn NFL tickets, shirts in solidarity with Trump

WOW has BAC Panther jumped the shark comparing Muhammed Ali to Colin Kaepernick


That is like comparing Antifa to WWII vets
What you see as anti-American and "debauchery" I see as a magnificent celebration of our core values and those things that make us great as a nation.

Think about oppressive countries who we condemn: you can't criticize the leaders, you can't criticize the government, you can't criticize the country. You have to keep your mouth shut.

One of the most amazing things about America is that we can do all of those things, and that free expression (usually) is encouraged and exercised.
what I'm saying is there are all kinds of venues for that.
Of course protests are American as apple pie.
Bu so is the Star Spangled Banner -and unlike Europe we tend to be openly patriotic.

I've seen more and more examples however where the history of America is dumbed down to some superflous PC trash..Many people don't really think we got something "exceptional" ( non-neocon meaning) going.

It's a pity we don't recognize how our country really has been a force for good both fighting international wars against totalitarianism, other worlds American values are worth preserving .worth fighting for

Which is what I think the protestors won't see with their narrow agenda damning America..
Can you do what these football players are doing at your job?

At my job, I probably could; at other jobs, no. But what difference does that make? If the NFL decided to act against the players on this of their own accord, it's their right. It's not really my business either way.
That's just silly, Watermark.

Cue a liberal laughing about InfoWars in 3, 2, 1.


what I'm saying is there are all kinds of venues for that.
Of course protests are American as apple pie.
Bu so is the Star Spangled Banner -and unlike Europe we tend to be openly patriotic.

I've seen more and more examples however where the history of America is dumbed down to some superflous PC trash..Many people don't really think we got something "exceptional" ( non-neocon meaning) going.

It's a pity we don't recognize how our country really has been a force for good both fighting international wars against totalitarianism, other worlds American values are worth preserving .worth fighting for

Which is what I think the protestors won't see with their narrow agenda damning America..

Oh, you'd like a venue that wouldn't get that much attention then? Because that's what you're talking about. Why would someone who cares deeply about an issue and who has a high-profile platform to get a conversation started choose to make it low key instead of prominent?

And what you call a "narrow agenda of damning America" I see as people who love the country but see an immense flaw or flaws with it, that they want to improve and are doing what they can toward that end. Can you imagine where we'd be if people throughout history hadn't felt that way, and kept their protest & expression as quiet as they could?
Trump hates the NFL. We all remember the '80's and the USFL. Trump is reveling in the NFL's troubles right now.
There is a great 30 for 30 on that.

Trump destroyed the USFL.

I know they did one but I don't think I've watched it. I really want to. I remember watching the USFL as a kid. I actually went to an Oakland Invader game once.
Oh, you'd like a venue that wouldn't get that much attention then? Because that's what you're talking about. Why would someone who cares deeply about an issue and who has a high-profile platform to get a conversation started choose to make it low key instead of prominent?

And what you call a "narrow agenda of damning America" I see as people who love the country but see an immense flaw or flaws with it, that they want to improve and are doing what they can toward that end. Can you imagine where we'd be if people throughout history hadn't felt that way, and kept their protest & expression as quiet as they could?
do it at half time/ do it prior to the anthem- it gets plenty of coverage, and doesn't sully the anthem.

Of course there are flaws, the problem is SOLEY FOCUSING on the flaws and missing all the good we do.
Yes we've had the neocons in Iraq and Libya, and there have been instances of cops murdering blacks-
but that is far from the norm. you don't hide it - but you have to keep it in perspective, and that is NOT what the kneeling does.
The kneeling is blatant disrespect for America at large, and that is why the blowback

as to our history -take a look at the crap being peddled these days- apologensia , hatred of whites, and generalized PC stupidity passing for historical review
At my job, I probably could; at other jobs, no. But what difference does that make? If the NFL decided to act against the players on this of their own accord, it's their right. It's not really my business either way.

Well that is the point many people are making, including myself. Personally, this should have been shut down last year. Now they have let it go on too long.

Do I think Trump should have weighed in? No. As I said, I don't think President's should weigh in on everything. But then I didn't think Trump should have weighed in on the many things he weighed in on either. You and I will just have to agree to disagree on whether Trump "demanded".
do it at half time/ do it prior to the anthem- it gets plenty of coverage, and doesn't sully the anthem.

Of course there are flaws, the problem is SOLEY FOCUSING on the flaws and missing all the good we do.
Yes we've had the neocons in Iraq and Libya, and there have been instances of cops murdering blacks-
but that is far from the norm. you don't hide it - but you have to keep it in perspective, and that is NOT what the kneeling does.
The kneeling is blatant disrespect for America at large, and that is why the blowback

as to our history -take a look at the crap being peddled these days- apologensia , hatred of whites, and generalized PC stupidity passing for historical review

No one cares about the 'blowback' but Trumpettes.

The NFL, owners, and players clearly won the day on Sunday.

NOBODY got fired but Trump's rhetoric.
Well that is the point many people are making, including myself. Personally, this should have been shut down last year. Now they have let it go on too long.

Do I think Trump should have weighed in? No. As I said, I don't think President's should weigh in on everything. But then I didn't think Trump should have weighed in on the many things he weighed in on either. You and I will just have to agree to disagree on whether Trump "demanded".

Fair enough. But Kaep was really the only prominent player who protested, and he wasn't even playing this year - largely because he protested. The backup QB situation in the league is horrific, and without anything else considered, he definitely should be on a roster. But he isn' why was Trump complaining? I think one other guy kneeled earlier this year, but it was hardly even a story. Trump really ginned it up again.

Now, he has created a rock/hard place decision for the NFL. I'm sure they don't want people boycotting because of this, but if they now "fire" every player who protested, the quality of play (and therefore watchability of the product) will take a nosedive.

The whole thing is really a shame, and once again, I wish Trump had stayed out of it. I love football, and can easily separate the politics from the games. I hope what he's done hasn't hurt the future of the sport - I doubt that it has, but things are pretty emotional right now.