Americans nationwide burn NFL tickets, shirts in solidarity with Trump

Americans know the only racial injustice in america is affirmative action. Blacks get special treatment in everything. There is no GIANT WHITE CONSPIRACY holding them down. Blacks are failures outside of pro sports because blacks are mentally inferior, as everyone knows.
We are back to the same question, why do we need to play the anthem before a sporting event?

Hey einstein. No one says we NEED to play it. It's just a custom and a very silly one if you ask me. A time-waster.

But that doesn't excuse all these blacks disrespecting this country. It's because of america that 40 million blacks have a far far better life than they would have where they belong - in the african sewer with all the other blacks living in mud huts.
Is the anthem played in a movie theater, a concert, a broadway play, so why at only sporting events. Not that terribly long ago it wasn't.

Solidarity was on GLARING display yesterday .. solidarity against the orange clown.

Who gives a fuck about a few dummies burning jerseys? :0) Hurry .. run out and buy more jerseys and tickets so you can burn them.

you worthless piece of $hit...

the real question is who cares what a bunch of whiney athletes think they are protesting. the point is they are confused. that happens to be the comedy in all that is you too, you're confused.
So much to the point that you wake up every day and post racism on a public forum.
Fair enough. But Kaep was really the only prominent player who protested, and he wasn't even playing this year - largely because he protested. The backup QB situation in the league is horrific, and without anything else considered, he definitely should be on a roster. But he isn' why was Trump complaining? I think one other guy kneeled earlier this year, but it was hardly even a story. Trump really ginned it up again.

Now, he has created a rock/hard place decision for the NFL. I'm sure they don't want people boycotting because of this, but if they now "fire" every player who protested, the quality of play (and therefore watchability of the product) will take a nosedive.

The whole thing is really a shame, and once again, I wish Trump had stayed out of it. I love football, and can easily separate the politics from the games. I hope what he's done hasn't hurt the future of the sport - I doubt that it has, but things are pretty emotional right now.

The NFL put itself between rock and a hard place on this. They let this thing go when they should have shut it down when Kaepernick first done it. It would have been very easy to do.

Hell, Goodell was going to fine players for wearing patriotic cleats.

It is too simple just to blame Trump. He is a convenient excuse for weak minded people. I would love for politics to be separated from games, but it has been politicized for a while now. It is just coming to a head right now.
The NFL put itself between rock and a hard place on this. They let this thing go when they should have shut it down when Kaepernick first done it. It would have been very easy to do.

Hell, Goodell was going to fine players for wearing patriotic cleats.

It is too simple just to blame Trump. He is a convenient excuse for weak minded people. I would love for politics to be separated from games, but it has been politicized for a while now. It is just coming to a head right now.

I don't solely blame Trump. But yesterday wouldn't have happened without him. There would be no headlines on this issue today without him. Just like NK, he ginned it up - he made it what it is right now.

Trump likes crisis, he likes confrontation. That's who he is, which is fine - but not when he's leading a nation. We have enough problems without the guy in charge creating new ones.
I don't solely blame Trump. But yesterday wouldn't have happened without him. There would be no headlines on this issue today without him. Just like NK, he ginned it up - he made it what it is right now.

Trump likes crisis, he likes confrontation. That's who he is, which is fine - but not when he's leading a nation. We have enough problems without the guy in charge creating new ones.

Sorry, but I don't buy that. It is like saying "Oh you can't criticize islam because it makes muslimes mad". Bullshit.

Let's stipulate that Trump should have stayed out of it, why does that mean they have to react that way? Couldn't they have taken the high road? Apparently you are admitting they are petulant children. If I were an owner I would put a stop to it, but I am not an owner so...........
Yesterday was a great day of football. I'm going to start watching more, and plan to purchase some merch this week.

Get some Raiders gear:-)

We have the best uniform colors in the league.

No one can mess with the Silver and Black, it intimidates a lot of people...............just saying LOL.
what I'm saying is there are all kinds of venues for that.
Of course protests are American as apple pie.
Bu so is the Star Spangled Banner -and unlike Europe we tend to be openly patriotic.

I've seen more and more examples however where the history of America is dumbed down to some superflous PC trash..Many people don't really think we got something "exceptional" ( non-neocon meaning) going.

It's a pity we don't recognize how our country really has been a force for good both fighting international wars against totalitarianism, other worlds American values are worth preserving .worth fighting for

Which is what I think the protestors won't see with their narrow agenda damning America..

STFU! you support the racist kops killing innocent Black men because you think they deserve it.

That's the bottom line.

You nor anyone else on the right will define why Colin is protesting. He's protesting white racist kops killing innocent unarmed Black men and getting off scott free.

None of you racist mofo's will address that because you support it.