Americans nationwide burn NFL tickets, shirts in solidarity with Trump

the complete and unabridged book of US history -good and bad.

Back in the 50's we were only taught the "good"
Now PC teaches only the "bad"

or people don't even know their own country -another problem

I think it is funny that BAC Panther thinks his side is winning this battle. It reminds of me when he hitched his wagon to Antifa. That isn't working out so good for him. Or maybe he thinks it does.

As this kind of shit goes on, it is going to create an uphill battle for the democrat party in 2018.
my "side" is respect and contemplation for American values..taken as a whole
also do not count your chikens before they hatch -boycotts take a bit of organizing, and this was just the first day

No, your side is Trump .. and don't give me that bullshit about American values when you're the main cheerleader for no investigations into Russian meddling in our elections.

Owners stood with their players so fuck your boycott.

You Trumpettes don't speak for America, don't speak for white people.

How about starting your own league full of 'patriotic' white Americans who hate rich black athletes.

That's actually been tried before ..

New basketball league open to whites only, to get away from the ‘street-ball’ played by ‘people of*color.’
That Steelers player has the highest selling jersey over the past 24 hours. More to the culture war fires
I don't solely blame Trump. But yesterday wouldn't have happened without him. There would be no headlines on this issue today without him.

Thus speaks the High Oracle of Situational Selectivity, who knows all things that are hidden from the eyes of mortals.

He knoweth all things that were; he knoweth all things that are to be.

He even knoweth things that would not have been, had not the evil golem Trump uttered his curses! :eek2:

All hail the all-wise High Oracle of Situational Selectivity!

Let us all take a knee and marvel at his omnipotent infallibility!

Hail the HOSS!
Yesterday was a great day of football. I'm going to start watching more, and plan to purchase some merch this week.

Plus, if all the precious Trumpkin snowflakes give up their seats, that will mean more seats available for walkup purchase from here on out!
No, your side is Trump .. and don't give me that bullshit about American values when you're the main cheerleader for no investigations into Russian meddling in our elections.

Owners stood with their players so fuck your boycott.

You Trumpettes don't speak for America, don't speak for white people.

How about starting your own league full of 'patriotic' white Americans who hate rich black athletes.

That's actually been tried before ..

New basketball league open to whites only, to get away from the ‘street-ball’ played by ‘people of*color.’

hey angry black, suppose you tell us what Russian meddling even means?

and I thought I told you to shut up if you didn't have anything intelligent to say

Solidarity was on GLARING display yesterday .. solidarity against the orange clown.

Who gives a fuck about a few dummies burning jerseys? :0) Hurry .. run out and buy more jerseys and tickets so you can burn them.

I just ordered me a brand new Von Miller jersey to show solidarity with the NFL in the face of Trump's whiny snowflakes.
No, your side is Trump .. and don't give me that bullshit about American values when you're the main cheerleader for no investigations into Russian meddling in our elections.

Owners stood with their players so fuck your boycott.

You Trumpettes don't speak for America, don't speak for white people.

How about starting your own league full of 'patriotic' white Americans who hate rich black athletes.

That's actually been tried before ..

New basketball league open to whites only, to get away from the ‘street-ball’ played by ‘people of*color.’

We are the silent majority and we own you, BAC Panther.

Suck it up, buttercup.
Is the anthem played in a movie theater, a concert, a broadway play, so why at only sporting events. Not that terribly long ago it wasn't.

You've made similar comments before; but you always seem to chickenshit to respond to the resulting question(s).

How long ago is this "not that terribly long ago"?
No, your side is Trump .. and don't give me that bullshit about American values when you're the main cheerleader for no investigations into Russian meddling in our elections.

Owners stood with their players so fuck your boycott.

You Trumpettes don't speak for America, don't speak for white people.

How about starting your own league full of 'patriotic' white Americans who hate rich black athletes.

That's actually been tried before ..

New basketball league open to whites only, to get away from the ‘street-ball’ played by ‘people of*color.’
I missed this little gem.

If you had a clue or a bit of intellectual honesty left in you- you'd figure out why the "Russian collusion" investigation is bogus and extremely bad for US/Russian relations, our Defense budget, and world peace.

But you haven't so you don't
I told you already sweetie pie, that prior to the 70's I don't believe that the anthem was ever played before a professional sporting event.

Solidarity was on GLARING display yesterday .. solidarity against the orange clown.

Who gives a fuck about a few dummies burning jerseys? :0) Hurry .. run out and buy more jerseys and tickets so you can burn them.

In protests, NFL comes together for one of its most powerful days

The scenes, and the statements, were extraordinary.*

Empty sidelines in Nashville and Chicago. Jacksonville owner Shad Khan standing arm in arm with his players. The Miami Dolphins wearing “I’m With Kap” T-shirts during warm-ups. Oakland Raiders owner Mark Davis eloquently explaining his change of heart about players protesting during the national anthem.

The NFL had one of its finest moments before the games even began Sunday, coming together from every corner – players, coaches, owners and league office – in forceful rebuke of the latest torrent of hate from President Donald Trump. Whether black, white or brown, on bended knee or with locked arms, the NFL’s rare show of unity was both a dignified condemnation of the wrongs we still must right and a reminder that, for all of our differences, America remains our common ground.

“Over the last year, though, the streets have gotten hot and there has been a lot of static in the air and recently, fuel has been added to the fire,” Davis said in a statement. “… Not only do we have to tell people there is something wrong, we have to come up with answers.

“That’s the challenge in front of us as Americans and human beings.”

The right-wing doesn't represent nor speak for America nor white people.
