Americans nationwide burn NFL tickets, shirts in solidarity with Trump

Yea, I really wish he’d keep his mouth shut...or at least his fingers off of the Twitter app. I know several life long fans who won’t watch. Some are seeking refunds from their Sunday Ticket subscription and I saw this morning on HLN where DirectTV might give it to them.

I read that all they have to do is say that it's because of the NFL protests and Direct TV will allow it, with no penalties.
Oddly enough I can't recall you ever saying that, but then there are many things you now claim to feel & believe that you haven't before, but then I guess in the past you didn't need to either.:dunno:
like any nationalist I espouse American exceptionalism.
Just because the neocons bastardized that term doesn't mean I don't value it
like any nationalist I espouse American exceptionalism.
Just because the neocons bastardized that term doesn't mean I don't value it
That's the problem though, isn't it, it has been bastardized and no longer means what it once did. You can try to take it back, good luck, I've never been a " my country right or wrong type" or "white is right", what once made us great is dying with Trump.
That's the problem though, isn't it, it has been bastardized and no longer means what it once did. You can try to take it back, good luck, I've never been a " my country right or wrong type" or "white is right", what once made us great is dying with Trump.
the term "American exceptionalism" way proceeds the neocons bastardization.
de Tocqueville was the first to describe the country as "exceptional"
like any nationalist I espouse American exceptionalism.
Just because the neocons bastardized that term doesn't mean I don't value it

I don't think we are any more, or less exceptional than Canadians, Mexicans etc etc etc....

One day you should start a thread on how exceptional you are....
I don't think we are any more, or less exceptional than Canadians, Mexicans etc etc etc....

One day you should start a thread on how exceptional you are....
we are not completely corrupt like Mexico's la mordida.

Our government used to be at least functional - so you might be onto something there