Americans nationwide burn NFL tickets, shirts in solidarity with Trump

They are trying to take down the system. This is the leftist/marxist playbook. Create strife, create faux outrages, divide divide divide. Demanize those in power. Demonize the police, so you can take down the law and order and judicial system.

What happens when you have no law and order? You can remake/transform society into your socialist utopian paradise. This is all part of the plan people. Shame on NFL players for falling for it.
I just ordered me a brand new Von Miller jersey to show solidarity with the NFL in the face of Trump's whiny snowflakes.

Probably a good investment. When the NFL goes bankrupt you might be able to ebay it for a good return. Or, someone can use it for a tent or parachute.
Fair enough. But Kaep was really the only prominent player who protested, and he wasn't even playing this year - largely because he protested. The backup QB situation in the league is horrific, and without anything else considered, he definitely should be on a roster. But he isn' why was Trump complaining? I think one other guy kneeled earlier this year, but it was hardly even a story. Trump really ginned it up again.

Now, he has created a rock/hard place decision for the NFL. I'm sure they don't want people boycotting because of this, but if they now "fire" every player who protested, the quality of play (and therefore watchability of the product) will take a nosedive.

The whole thing is really a shame, and once again, I wish Trump had stayed out of it. I love football, and can easily separate the politics from the games. I hope what he's done hasn't hurt the future of the sport - I doubt that it has, but things are pretty emotional right now.

He is intentionally devisive...... He hasn't been fucking things up for a year yet......... Imagine the what & who he will screw up next, & again, & again..

You got important issues all over the world & here the SOB is attacking Americans & their 1st amed rights.........:mad:
Americans know the only racial injustice in america is affirmative action. Blacks get special treatment in everything. There is no GIANT WHITE CONSPIRACY holding them down. Blacks are failures outside of pro sports because blacks are mentally inferior, as everyone knows.

Why don't you try out for the Raiders next year?? Some of us will scrape together the bus fare for yea.. & only one way as we have that much confidence in your abilities....
Sorry, but I don't buy that. It is like saying "Oh you can't criticize islam because it makes muslimes mad". Bullshit.

Let's stipulate that Trump should have stayed out of it, why does that mean they have to react that way? Couldn't they have taken the high road? Apparently you are admitting they are petulant children. If I were an owner I would put a stop to it, but I am not an owner so...........

Why couldn't that man we are all paying take the high road??trump_in_the_gutter.jpg
The NFL rules on the National Anthem can be found on pages A62-63 of the NFLs game operations manual:

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.
During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.

Better get Jeff Sessions on it immediately, make it compulsory in the name of freedumb. :palm:
Why don't you try out for the Raiders next year?? Some of us will scrape together the bus fare for yea.. & only one way as we have that much confidence in your abilities....

We don't want that racist piece of trash over here.

Let him stay where he is with the rest of racist pieces of shits IN TEXAS!
I told you already sweetie pie, that prior to the 70's I don't believe that the anthem was ever played before a professional sporting event.

Well ain't you special, Bless Your Heart; so you don't agree with the following article:

The History of the National Anthem at Sporting Games

"The tradition of performing the National Anthem before every baseball game began during World War II."

Maybe you don't include Baseball as a "professional sporting event" or is it possible that you were taught that WW II happened in the 70's?
Had to look it up. In the urban dictionary it has the usual bullshit definition but does say it is derived from the actual word "cuckold":

Definition of cuckold

:a man whose wife is unfaithful

I don't know how you missed it. Cuck was the number one fan favorite of insults for Trumptards early on in the primary, and has remained so ever since. They would denounce real conservatives as "cuckservatives."
I don't know how you missed it. Cuck was the number one fan favorite of insults for Trumptards early on in the primary, and has remained so ever since. They would denounce real conservatives as "cuckservatives."

Apparently I need to get out more.
Why don't you try out for the Raiders next year?? Some of us will scrape together the bus fare for yea.. & only one way as we have that much confidence in your abilities....
They probably won't let him out of his padded room for that long.
my "side" is respect and contemplation for American values..taken as a whole
also do not count your chikens before they hatch -boycotts take a bit of organizing, and this was just the first day

Oddly enough I can't recall you ever saying that, but then there are many things you now claim to feel & believe that you haven't before, but then I guess in the past you didn't need to either.:dunno:
That Steelers player has the highest selling jersey over the past 24 hours. More to the culture war fires

LOL, real Americans showing their patriotism by buying a football jersey... :rofl2: Prob mostly the same phony asses that got five deferments, & never served their country except wearing a flag lapel pin on occasion & perhaps a confederate treason flag on the bumper....

Gotta love this country.....:palm:
Fair enough. But Kaep was really the only prominent player who protested, and he wasn't even playing this year - largely because he protested. The backup QB situation in the league is horrific, and without anything else considered, he definitely should be on a roster. But he isn' why was Trump complaining? I think one other guy kneeled earlier this year, but it was hardly even a story. Trump really ginned it up again.

Now, he has created a rock/hard place decision for the NFL. I'm sure they don't want people boycotting because of this, but if they now "fire" every player who protested, the quality of play (and therefore watchability of the product) will take a nosedive.

The whole thing is really a shame, and once again, I wish Trump had stayed out of it. I love football, and can easily separate the politics from the games. I hope what he's done hasn't hurt the future of the sport - I doubt that it has, but things are pretty emotional right now.

Yea, I really wish he’d keep his mouth shut...or at least his fingers off of the Twitter app. I know several life long fans who won’t watch. Some are seeking refunds from their Sunday Ticket subscription and I saw this morning on HLN where DirectTV might give it to them.