An Open Letter to the Iranian People


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An Open Letter to the Iranian People
From a Sympathetic American by Alan Bisbort


We are all Iranians now.

We know your election was rigged. We know who was responsible, because it felt so familiar to us.

We know that the right-wing fanatics in your country are afraid of change. They are afraid of real freedom, afraid of open government.

We know you dont want Ahmadinejad as your president. We know what its like to have a president installed rather than elected.

We know the vote count was held in secret, in a back room, with no witnesses. We know that the will of the people has been thwarted. We know exactly how that feels.

We know that the right-wing fanatics in our country could not be happier with the results of your election, at least as they stand now.

They love having Ahmadinejad in power, so they can use him to demonize all Iranian people. Ahmadinejad is the answer to their prayers.

They love to hate, and who better to hate than someone who can hate back with such intensity?

For eight years, we lived without legitimate leadership in our nation, after our highest court, packed with partisan hacks, voted to suspend a fair, complete and open count of the votes and install a man who lost the election by half a million votes.

For eight years, we woke up to that bastardization of our democracy. Eight years of waking up feeling sick to our stomachs at the violations being done to our Constitution, eight years in which we lived a lie. And every day that lie was nurtured with more lies, lies from our political leaders, lies from our free press, lies from our Holy men and lecture halls and TV screens and movies screens and shopping malls and magazines.

We were terrorized with lies. But we did nothing about it. Oh sure, a few of us marched, a few of us wrote columns for weekly alternative papers in out of the way cities or we blogged about it. We vented to each other, we preached to the choir. We wrote our corporate-owned Congress people, our Representatives and Senators. And, guess what?

In fact, the illegitimate government that we allowed to remain in power actually got stronger during those long eight years,
leaving us in the end powerless to hold it accountable.

To assure that the leaders of that government would face no consequences, these illegitimate rulers looted our Treasury, compromised our Justice Department and led us into a war that should never have taken place, a war that has now lasted twice as long as our participation in World War II. And we are stuck there, paralyzed by our debt and the continuing lie that we should just move on. To where?

It is, therefore, perhaps insultingly easy for me to encourage you, the Iranian people, to do what we did not do. That is, to do something about what has happened to you in the past three days.

The illegitimate government of Ahmadinejad will respond with violence against its own people and some innocent people will no doubt be killed. But this will happen regardless of whether you do anything or not. Violence is all that an illegitimate government knows how to do, even ones like yours that profess to have the backing of religious leaders and holy writings.

We know that you love your children as much as we love ours, that you want peace and tolerance between our two nations. I hope one day when our political nightmares are over that we can meet and shake hands.

Our hopes go with you.
Good luck.
Alan Bisbort

And why did Bush & Cheney steal power?
So they could empty the Treasury, rape the Constitution
and steal trillions from Wall Street and the Housing market.

Its almost funny how similar our right-wing fanatics are to your right-wing fanatics. That is, it would be funny if it werent ultimately so tragic. For both our nations.
Good news Kenny.....

President Obama spoke for the first time today on the election, and he is "deeply troubled" by the results. There! Don't you feel 100% better now? Obama is deeply troubled! Of course, he and Vice President Foot-in-the-Mouth have said, they look forward to working with the Ahmadinejad regime.... but hey... they are deeply troubled! That counts for something, right?
Good news Kenny.....

President Obama spoke for the first time today on the election, and he is "deeply troubled" by the results. There! Don't you feel 100% better now? Obama is deeply troubled! Of course, he and Vice President Foot-in-the-Mouth have said, they look forward to working with the Ahmadinejad regime.... but hey... they are deeply troubled! That counts for something, right?


You mean he did not send another strongly worded letter to him and tell him to behave.
An Open Letter to the Iranian People
From a Sympathetic American by Alan Bisbort


We are all Iranians now.

We know your election was rigged. We know who was responsible, because it felt so familiar to us.

We know that the right-wing fanatics in your country are afraid of change. They are afraid of real freedom, afraid of open government.

We know you dont want Ahmadinejad as your president. We know what its like to have a president installed rather than elected.

We know the vote count was held in secret, in a back room, with no witnesses. We know that the will of the people has been thwarted. We know exactly how that feels.

We know that the right-wing fanatics in our country could not be happier with the results of your election, at least as they stand now.

They love having Ahmadinejad in power, so they can use him to demonize all Iranian people. Ahmadinejad is the answer to their prayers.

They love to hate, and who better to hate than someone who can hate back with such intensity?

For eight years, we lived without legitimate leadership in our nation, after our highest court, packed with partisan hacks, voted to suspend a fair, complete and open count of the votes and install a man who lost the election by half a million votes.

For eight years, we woke up to that bastardization of our democracy. Eight years of waking up feeling sick to our stomachs at the violations being done to our Constitution, eight years in which we lived a lie. And every day that lie was nurtured with more lies, lies from our political leaders, lies from our free press, lies from our Holy men and lecture halls and TV screens and movies screens and shopping malls and magazines.

We were terrorized with lies. But we did nothing about it. Oh sure, a few of us marched, a few of us wrote columns for weekly alternative papers in out of the way cities or we blogged about it. We vented to each other, we preached to the choir. We wrote our corporate-owned Congress people, our Representatives and Senators. And, guess what?

In fact, the illegitimate government that we allowed to remain in power actually got stronger during those long eight years,
leaving us in the end powerless to hold it accountable.

To assure that the leaders of that government would face no consequences, these illegitimate rulers looted our Treasury, compromised our Justice Department and led us into a war that should never have taken place, a war that has now lasted twice as long as our participation in World War II. And we are stuck there, paralyzed by our debt and the continuing lie that we should just move on. To where?

It is, therefore, perhaps insultingly easy for me to encourage you, the Iranian people, to do what we did not do. That is, to do something about what has happened to you in the past three days.

The illegitimate government of Ahmadinejad will respond with violence against its own people and some innocent people will no doubt be killed. But this will happen regardless of whether you do anything or not. Violence is all that an illegitimate government knows how to do, even ones like yours that profess to have the backing of religious leaders and holy writings.

We know that you love your children as much as we love ours, that you want peace and tolerance between our two nations. I hope one day when our political nightmares are over that we can meet and shake hands.

Our hopes go with you.
Good luck.
Alan Bisbort

And why did Bush & Cheney steal power?
So they could empty the Treasury, rape the Constitution
and steal trillions from Wall Street and the Housing market.

Its almost funny how similar our right-wing fanatics are to your right-wing fanatics. That is, it would be funny if it werent ultimately so tragic. For both our nations.

Originally Posted by Dixie
Good news Kenny.....

President Obama spoke for the first time today on the election, and he is "deeply troubled" by the results. There! Don't you feel 100% better now? Obama is deeply troubled! Of course, he and Vice President Foot-in-the-Mouth have said, they look forward to working with the Ahmadinejad regime.... but hey... they are deeply troubled! That counts for something, right?


You mean he did not send another strongly worded letter to him and tell him to behave.

And what would you have him do? Say, "Go ahead, make my day", or " Bring it on!" or "Either you are with us, or you are against us"?

Obama said he would work with Ahmadinejad towards peaceful resolutions in a sane, rational manner. If Ahmadinejad is not going to meet him half way on this, why should you blame Obama?
And what would you have him do? Say, "Go ahead, make my day", or " Bring it on!" or "Either you are with us, or you are against us"?

Obama said he would work with Ahmadinejad towards peaceful resolutions in a sane, rational manner. If Ahmadinejad is not going to meet him half way on this, why should you blame Obama?

Ohh.........and Obama had those little wrinkles in between his eyebrows, so you could tell he was really deeply troubled!
And what would you have him do? Say, "Go ahead, make my day", or " Bring it on!" or "Either you are with us, or you are against us"?

Obama said he would work with Ahmadinejad towards peaceful resolutions in a sane, rational manner. If Ahmadinejad is not going to meet him half way on this, why should you blame Obama?

Can you say pussy! But what more would I expect from the first black metro sexual president.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
And what would you have him do? Say, "Go ahead, make my day", or " Bring it on!" or "Either you are with us, or you are against us"?

Obama said he would work with Ahmadinejad towards peaceful resolutions in a sane, rational manner. If Ahmadinejad is not going to meet him half way on this, why should you blame Obama?

Ohh.........and Obama had those little wrinkles in between his eyebrows, so you could tell he was really deeply troubled!

Again, what would you have him do? Obama said he would work with Ahmadinejad towards peaceful resolutions in a sane, rational manner. If Ahmadinejad is not going to meet him half way on this, why should you blame Obama?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
And what would you have him do? Say, "Go ahead, make my day", or " Bring it on!" or "Either you are with us, or you are against us"?

Obama said he would work with Ahmadinejad towards peaceful resolutions in a sane, rational manner. If Ahmadinejad is not going to meet him half way on this, why should you blame Obama?

Can you say pussy! But what more would I expect from the first black metro sexual president.

Again, what would you have him do? Say, "Go ahead, make my day", or " Bring it on!" or "Either you are with us, or you are against us"?

Obama said he would work with Ahmadinejad towards peaceful resolutions in a sane, rational manner. If Ahmadinejad is not going to meet him half way on this, why should you blame Obama?
Again, what would you have him do? Obama said he would work with Ahmadinejad towards peaceful resolutions in a sane, rational manner. If Ahmadinejad is not going to meet him half way on this, why should you blame Obama?

Doesn't matter what I would do! I would think the smartest man in the universe would have it all figured out though! And I am sure everything will be just fine, since he is so "deeply concerned" about it. I'll just bet, as soon as Ahmadinejad hears Obama is willing to work with him in a sane manner, he'll stop slaughtering his people in the streets. Of course, it's a little backward country, may take a year or two for him to hear it. But it's no biggie, they are just Iranian people, we really don't give two fucks what happens to them, as long as Obama is "deeply concerned" about them. That's the main thing, right?

What I want to know is, why is this all happening under Obama? I mean, I know it happened under Bush because the whole world hated Bush, but Obama was supposed to have this magical power to make everything alright over there! Remember? He was willing to meet without precondition, he was going to "bring a new tone" ....and I suppose he has... he is, after all, "deeply concerned" about it. :rolleyes:
Doesn't matter what I would do! I didn't ask what YOU would do...I asked what would you have OBAMA do. Jeez, please learn to read carefully and comprehensively, will ya? I would think the smartest man in the universe would have it all figured out though! And I am sure everything will be just fine, since he is so "deeply concerned" about it. I'll just bet, as soon as Ahmadinejad hears Obama is willing to work with him in a sane manner, he'll stop slaughtering his people in the streets. Of course, it's a little backward country, may take a year or two for him to hear it. But it's no biggie, they are just Iranian people, we really don't give two fucks what happens to them, as long as Obama is "deeply concerned" about them. That's the main thing, right?

You keep repeating the same bullshit, yet you offer NOTHING in terms of what you want him to do or say in this situation. This seems to be the neocon bitch, whine and moan about ANYTHING Obama does WITHOUT any constructive criticism. In effect, neocon sour grapes.

What I want to know is, why is this all happening under Obama? I mean, I know it happened under Bush because the whole world hated Bush, but Obama was supposed to have this magical power to make everything alright over there! Remember? He was willing to meet without precondition, he was going to "bring a new tone" ....and I suppose he has... he is, after all, "deeply concerned" about it. :rolleyes:

You need to stop and elections in Iran happened under the Shrub...and those that did in other parts of the world did NOT receive any decisive announcements from that boob. Hell, given the plethora of sheer idiocy from the Shrub's speeches and public statements for those 8 years, for any neocon parrot to try and mock Obama is hypocrisy in it's highest form.
Well, it also doesn't matter what Bush would do either. You see, me and Bush aren't president. Obama ran for the office, and with that comes some responsibility, and his incompetency can't be laid off on Bush. Now we were all told, Obama had this plan to sit down and talk to these people, and he could work things out. Going by what he has said in recent days, he is still willing to sit down and talk to Ahmadinejad, regardless of how many political dissidents he has murdered in the streets of Iran, or whether he has stolen the election, or how much he threatens Israel. But it doesn't really appear Ahmadinejad wants to talk to Obama, I guess he hasn't been wooed by his charms! In any event, maybe that is why Obama says he is "deeply troubled" ....he's just not accustomed to being told to fuck off.

I don't know, but I think your boy better think of something quick, it's going to be hard to hold this world together with his "deeply troubled" thoughts. I guess it won't really matter much to us, we have more important things to deal with, like nationalized healthcare... I wonder if the government is going to pay for nuclear radiation treatments from the fallout? Probably not.
Nations, societies change from within. Time the right wing conservatives recognized that. Yelling and cursing at another nation have little effect. Invading kills the innocent, wastes resources and simply then waits for time to change from within. Russian changed from within during 50 years of pretend communism real oligarchy. America till now was changing to a social darwinist world under the fascism of right wing corporatism and religious do as I say. Let Iran work out its own history. Ideas matter but ideas need to be homegrown and accepted by the participants in history.

"Beware the leader who bangs the drum of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor. For patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and patriotism, will offer up all of their rights to the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. " Julius Caesar
Well, it also doesn't matter what Bush would do either. But I didn't ask what Bush would do, I asked YOU what YOU would have Obama do, as you are the one mocking him. You see, me and Bush aren't president. And since I didn't insinuate such, you make a moot point. Obama ran for the office, and with that comes some responsibility, and his incompetency can't be laid off on Bush. Well, I merely pointed out how jokers like you defended the Shrub's public moronic performances to the death, yet you mock Obama for virtually just making a simple, direct statement. First you mock without a specific complaint, and then you compound the problem by saying he's incompetant.....assuming you are talking about the original subject matter of this thread. So now, there is an additional is Obama's statement "incompetent" and what would YOU have him say? Now we were all told, Obama had this plan to sit down and talk to these people, and he could work things out. Going by what he has said in recent days, he is still willing to sit down and talk to Ahmadinejad, regardless of how many political dissidents he has murdered in the streets of Iran, or whether he has stolen the election, or how much he threatens Israel. Do a little homework.....American Presidents have been doing that for a LONG time. It's the nature of the beast...who do you think was in cahoots with the Shah Pahvil, or Suharto, or Pinochet, or Samoza, or Marcos, or Hussein? But Obama is talking diplomacy at the highest levels, NOT giving direct aid & support to the current Iranian regime. But it doesn't really appear Ahmadinejad wants to talk to Obama, I guess he hasn't been wooed by his charms! In any event, maybe that is why Obama says he is "deeply troubled" ....he's just not accustomed to being told to fuck off.

So it's as I said, if Ahmadinejad is at fault, why are you mocking Obama? It's not his fault, and as they said it ain't over until the fat lady sings. Hell, given the current state of affairs in Iran, I doubt if Ahmadinejad is worrying about talking to anyone outside the local mullahs for support.

I don't know, but I think your boy better think of something quick, it's going to be hard to hold this world together with his "deeply troubled" thoughts. I guess it won't really matter much to us, we have more important things to deal with, like nationalized healthcare... I wonder if the government is going to pay for nuclear radiation treatments from the fallout? Probably not.

So essentially you're just projecting the usual neocon sour grapes that's been with us since the 2008 campaign. If Obama doesn't perform an overnight miracle, you're wailing "failure". Like I said, considering the disaster in foreign diplomacy we had in the last 8 years...your pretending that we are not living with the aftermath and that all was previous well to criticize is hypocritical to say the least. Given what you are specifically complaining about is childish at best.