An Open Letter to the Iranian People

"Green" movement? LOL... do you use that term to make it sound like it's just a bunch of enviro-wackos, or because it's too hard for you to say "freedom" and "democratic reform" ?

So tell me... how does lending legitimacy to an illegitimate radical Islamic regime, NOT play into the hands of radical islamists? How does our lack of objection to the radical Islamic regime successfully usurping the freedom and liberty of the people, and silencing the voice of opposition, NOT help the radical Islamic movement, or play into their hands?

IF that happens, it would also be the clearest evidence to the rest of the civilized world, that we need to stand united against this ideology. You are using a speculative hypothetical here, because you don't know what would happen, or what consequence it might have.

Here is what I understand... They held supposed "free elections" in Iran... We are told (and expected to accept) that the vote was "close" and the opposition was strong, but this clown who is currently in power, won the election by a slim margin. In the wake of that.... we see, literally MILLIONS of Iranian citizens in the streets, protesting the legitimacy of the results! We see the regime booting out foreign journalists, and we are reduced to YouTube and Twitter to get information on what is going on inside the country... and it doesn't look pretty.

I don't buy that it was a "close" election at all. I bet President Leisure Suit got less than 10% of the vote, and the overwhelming majority favored the reformist movement candidate. That is the only way to explain the tremendous number of protesters following the election. I mean... look at our own election 2000... Bush lost the popular vote, and we didn't see MILLIONS of Americans protesting in the streets, and foreign media being booted out of the country! And THAT is in AMERICA, where we have freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and a media in full sympathy with the opposition, pumping out propaganda daily! So, to think that in a totalitarian country like Iran, there are MILLIONS out in the streets, risking death and injury, it tells me the vote was nowhere near "close" and Mousavi should legitimately be the leader.

In the Larger Picture, this is precisely what we have been waiting for! The planting of freedom and democracy in Iraq, has been the catalyst for reform in Iran, and it has culminated in this internal grass-roots movement. THIS is how we "change the hearts and minds" and the only way we can ultimately defeat the ideology of radical Islam. But the opportunity is going to go to waste, at the hands of idiots who don't understand the significance of the moment, and fail to take advantage of it.

Is it any wonder the radical Islamics gain traction with the arguments against us? Once again, America says it will stand with those who seek freedom and democracy, only to turn its back when it comes time to support them! It just keeps happening over and over to these people, they stick their necks out for the hope of freedom, because we tell them we will be there to help them, then pinhead anti-war liberals take over, and we abandon them! Leaving them to be slaughtered and put down, and ultimately resent the US for it!

....OMG.... THIS just in from the White House.... Obama is "moved" by what he has seen! WOW! ...I bet the illegitimate tyrants in Iran are really worried now!

I was going to post a point-by-point response, but the real question is whether you are prepared to back up your rhetorical "unified stand" with military force. Are you prepared to go to war to back the opposition forces against the current power structure?
I was going to post a point-by-point response, but the real question is whether you are prepared to back up your rhetorical "unified stand" with military force. Are you prepared to go to war to back the opposition forces against the current power structure?

I am willing to back and support freedom and democracy, regardless of how that is done or what is required. When you say you believe in something, but not enough to fight for it, you are essentially saying you don't really believe in it! And that is the problem with pinheads, you don't really believe in freedom and democracy, you believe in tyranny and state-run socialist regimes. You believe people are too stupid to know what is best for them, therefore, dictatorial regimes are needed to tell them how to live.

This whole thing dovetails with Liberalist mentality, and how you really despise American freedom and liberty, as well as democracy itself. The 'issues' of the people in the streets of Iran, are 'liberal' in nature, compared to the strict right-wing fascist government, based on radical religious edicts. It's the equivalent to if our government were being run by religious right zealots, and condemning homosexuality and non-Christian behavior, and were flagrantly stealing elections from 90% of the people! Would you propose sitting on your hands and allowing THAT to stand? Hell no! You would be fighting to the death against such a thing! Well that is what is happening in Iran, and you can't find the LIBERAL decency to stand with the people!
I am willing to back and support freedom and democracy, regardless of how that is done or what is required. When you say you believe in something, but not enough to fight for it, you are essentially saying you don't really believe in it! And that is the problem with pinheads, you don't really believe in freedom and democracy, you believe in tyranny and state-run socialist regimes. You believe people are too stupid to know what is best for them, therefore, dictatorial regimes are needed to tell them how to live.

This whole thing dovetails with Liberalist mentality, and how you really despise American freedom and liberty, as well as democracy itself. The 'issues' of the people in the streets of Iran, are 'liberal' in nature, compared to the strict right-wing fascist government, based on radical religious edicts. It's the equivalent to if our government were being run by religious right zealots, and condemning homosexuality and non-Christian behavior, and were flagrantly stealing elections from 90% of the people! Would you propose sitting on your hands and allowing THAT to stand? Hell no! You would be fighting to the death against such a thing! Well that is what is happening in Iran, and you can't find the LIBERAL decency to stand with the people!

I support the protesters.

For that reason, I am EXTREMELY grateful that Obama is not coming out more forcefully in their favor, as that would aid the existing regime immeasurably.

Get it? Probably not. It's probably too "nuanced" for you, and you'd favor the cut-off-nose-to-spite-face strategy. Other people utilize their brains more effectively...
I am willing to back and support freedom and democracy, regardless of how that is done or what is required. When you say you believe in something, but not enough to fight for it, you are essentially saying you don't really believe in it! And that is the problem with pinheads, you don't really believe in freedom and democracy, you believe in tyranny and state-run socialist regimes. You believe people are too stupid to know what is best for them, therefore, dictatorial regimes are needed to tell them how to live.

This whole thing dovetails with Liberalist mentality, and how you really despise American freedom and liberty, as well as democracy itself. The 'issues' of the people in the streets of Iran, are 'liberal' in nature, compared to the strict right-wing fascist government, based on radical religious edicts. It's the equivalent to if our government were being run by religious right zealots, and condemning homosexuality and non-Christian behavior, and were flagrantly stealing elections from 90% of the people! Would you propose sitting on your hands and allowing THAT to stand? Hell no! You would be fighting to the death against such a thing! Well that is what is happening in Iran, and you can't find the LIBERAL decency to stand with the people!

lemme are willing to go to war to back the opposition forces against the current power structure in Iran as long as it is not your cowardly, yellow blooded ass who has to go do the fighting.... have I got that right, you disgusting coward?

You could have saved yourself some time, and just posted "I don't really understand anything about the situation in Iran, but just want to criticize Obama for the sake of it."

For future reference, if you ever decide to delve into actual policy and try to grasp the situation, there is a HUGE difference between tough and dumb, and tough and smart.

Our confederate flag waving friend just says the same thing six different ways to Sunday. And when he can't BS his way out of the corner he painted himself into, he just stops responding. He has no clue as to the US history in Iran and how it tempers Obama's public statements.....and he wants to remain willfully ignorant to that. Facts and logic are light sunlight to a vampire for our resident neocon parrots.
I support the protesters.

For that reason, I am EXTREMELY grateful that Obama is not coming out more forcefully in their favor, as that would aid the existing regime immeasurably.

Get it? Probably not. It's probably too "nuanced" for you, and you'd favor the cut-off-nose-to-spite-face strategy. Other people utilize their brains more effectively...

No, you really DON'T support the protesters. You SAY you do, because that is the politically correct thing to say, but deep down, you don't give two shits about the protesters. You are a mouthpiece for left-wing spin doctors, who are all over the media today, justifying why our incompetent president can't seem to say a few nice words in the name of fucking freedom!

I am still waiting for you to explain how the US lending legitimacy and credibility to an illegitimate tyrant Islamic dictatorship, is not helping the radical Islamic movement. You keep saying this stupid shit, but you haven't explained anything, and I bet you can't.
Our confederate flag waving friend just says the same thing six different ways to Sunday. And when he can't BS his way out of the corner he painted himself into, he just stops responding. He has no clue as to the US history in Iran and how it tempers Obama's public statements.....and he wants to remain willfully ignorant to that. Facts and logic are light sunlight to a vampire for our resident neocon parrots.

Chicklet, I haven't painted anything in the corner, you must be retarded or something. I have plenty of understanding about the US/Iran relationship, from the days of Jimmy Carter, when he allowed the radical Islamists to take over and hold our people hostage, through years of radicalism and oppression, through development of nuclear weapons, through the threats against Israel, all the way to right now, is there something in particular you want to mention about the history, or was that a rhetorical statement?

And by the way, I will be flying the Confederate flag as long as I am posting on this message board, so I would suggest you get used to that, and refrain from constantly mentioning it, as if it somehow bothers me or intimidates me for you to do so. I don't give a shit whether you like it or not, in fact, that is 50% of the reason I use it in the first place, to piss you off.
Where's My Vote?!
No, you really DON'T support the protesters. You SAY you do, because that is the politically correct thing to say, but deep down, you don't give two shits about the protesters. You are a mouthpiece for left-wing spin doctors, who are all over the media today, justifying why our incompetent president can't seem to say a few nice words in the name of fucking freedom!

I am still waiting for you to explain how the US lending legitimacy and credibility to an illegitimate tyrant Islamic dictatorship, is not helping the radical Islamic movement. You keep saying this stupid shit, but you haven't explained anything, and I bet you can't.

Please. I support the protesters much more than you do. I can't stand Ahmedinajad - I really can't stand him. I think he's a total nutter. The current regime there absolutely sucks, and I couldn't possibly be more sympathetic with and supportive of the large scale movement to change things there. I hope this turns into a revolution; I really do.

I don't know why you think it's "stupid shit" to say that Obama coming out more forcefully for the protesters hurts their cause, a great deal. People with any knowledge of the Middle East whatsoever understand this. It's not complicated, and it's not hypothetical; the current regime there is hoping Obama will do just that. The fact that you don't see that speaks much more to your profound ignorance on this topic than anything else.
Please. I support the protesters much more than you do. I can't stand Ahmedinajad - I really can't stand him. I think he's a total nutter. The current regime there absolutely sucks, and I couldn't possibly be more sympathetic with and supportive of the large scale movement to change things there. I hope this turns into a revolution; I really do.

I don't know why you think it's "stupid shit" to say that Obama coming out more forcefully for the protesters hurts their cause, a great deal. People with any knowledge of the Middle East whatsoever understand this. It's not complicated, and it's not hypothetical; the current regime there is hoping Obama will do just that. The fact that you don't see that speaks much more to your profound ignorance on this topic than anything else.

No Onzies, you don't support the protesters any further than you could throw one. You are unwilling to do anything other than SAY you support them... if it involves any real effort or risk, you aren't willing to support them at all. You support the protesters like you support our troops! You will sit here and lie through your teeth, CLAIMING you do, but your actions are to the contrary! In fact, just like our troops, you will do everything you can to undermine what they are doing.

It's stupid beyond comprehension, to keep believing this is some sort of credible regime we can work with in good faith! It never has been, and it never will be! Yet, that is the EXCUSE used by pinheads to justify sitting on their hands and not being more forceful! You've heard some talking heads SAYING this is smart, SAYING this is the right approach, and you gulp it down like the koolaid fiend you've become. It's because you are just too profoundly ignorant to think for yourself, and you depend on other pinheads to tell you what you believe.

This is a moment in history where we need to have a courageous leader who isn't afraid to be bold and stand up for freedom and democracy. I've not called for the US to declare war and send boots to Iran, that is a perverted perception from people who just want to lie and distort what is said. But a little "moral support" would go a long way. At present, the Brits, Germans and French have issued tougher statements against the regime. That's sad, when the FRENCH are more forceful than US!

The whole argument against being more forceful here, is because this administration wants to be able to "work with" the regime in power on the nuclear issue... well guess fucking what, Einstein? You can't ever "work with" mad men in good faith! So essentially, we are passing on the opportunity to speak up for freedom and liberty and to speak out against tyranny and oppression, because of a silly fantasy that we can somehow "work with" this nut bag! Do you not see how completely foolish that is?
No Onzies, you don't support the protesters any further than you could throw one. You are unwilling to do anything other than SAY you support them... if it involves any real effort or risk, you aren't willing to support them at all. You support the protesters like you support our troops! You will sit here and lie through your teeth, CLAIMING you do, but your actions are to the contrary! In fact, just like our troops, you will do everything you can to undermine what they are doing.

It's stupid beyond comprehension, to keep believing this is some sort of credible regime we can work with in good faith! It never has been, and it never will be! Yet, that is the EXCUSE used by pinheads to justify sitting on their hands and not being more forceful! You've heard some talking heads SAYING this is smart, SAYING this is the right approach, and you gulp it down like the koolaid fiend you've become. It's because you are just too profoundly ignorant to think for yourself, and you depend on other pinheads to tell you what you believe.

This is a moment in history where we need to have a courageous leader who isn't afraid to be bold and stand up for freedom and democracy. I've not called for the US to declare war and send boots to Iran, that is a perverted perception from people who just want to lie and distort what is said. But a little "moral support" would go a long way. At present, the Brits, Germans and French have issued tougher statements against the regime. That's sad, when the FRENCH are more forceful than US!

The whole argument against being more forceful here, is because this administration wants to be able to "work with" the regime in power on the nuclear issue... well guess fucking what, Einstein? You can't ever "work with" mad men in good faith! So essentially, we are passing on the opportunity to speak up for freedom and liberty and to speak out against tyranny and oppression, because of a silly fantasy that we can somehow "work with" this nut bag! Do you not see how completely foolish that is?

what are YOU willing to do, Dixie, besides proclaim that YOU support the protestors?
"No Onzies, you don't support the protesters any further than you could throw one. You are unwilling to do anything other than SAY you support them... if it involves any real effort or risk, you aren't willing to support them at all. You support the protesters like you support our troops! You will sit here and lie through your teeth, CLAIMING you do, but your actions are to the contrary! In fact, just like our troops, you will do everything you can to undermine what they are doing. "

Are you typing this from the streets of Iran?

If not, you sound incredibly stupid. More stupid than usual, actually - and that's really saying something.
what are YOU willing to do, Dixie, besides proclaim that YOU support the protestors?

I'm not personally in power to do anything, all I can do is write letters to my representatives and encourage the White House to not be chicken shit. I can let my voice be heard, and I fully intend to do that as much as I can. Maybe that isn't much, but it's a damn site more than sitting on my hands dreaming up excuses for why this president is too afraid to speak up for freedom!
I'm not personally in power to do anything, all I can do is write letters to my representatives and encourage the White House to not be chicken shit. I can let my voice be heard, and I fully intend to do that as much as I can.

What a hero! You're so BRAVE, Dixie! Your efforts are clearly way beyond're really willing to put it all on the line!

I stand completely corrected. I stand in awe of your letter-writing capability (I'll bet the farm that you haven't written one letter, either, you noble keyboard warrior!)