An Open Letter to the Iranian People

Nations, societies change from within. Time the right wing conservatives recognized that. Yelling and cursing at another nation have little effect. Invading kills the innocent, wastes resources and simply then waits for time to change from within. Russian changed from within during 50 years of pretend communism real oligarchy. America till now was changing to a social darwinist world under the fascism of right wing corporatism and religious do as I say. Let Iran work out its own history. Ideas matter but ideas need to be homegrown and accepted by the participants in history.

Uh, you do realize that an internal revolution will also cost innocent lives, right? The reason why its good is because we don't have to waste our blood and money by invading yet another country. LOL at the pretend communism whine.
Iran lets American expert to certify election legitimacy?!

So it's as I said, if Ahmadinejad is at fault, why are you mocking Obama? It's not his fault...

Here's the deal, when you get elected president, and you are the leader of the free world, and you refuse to stand up for freedom and democracy, WHATEVER the hell happens as a result, IS YOUR FAULT! Sorry, but there is no cop out, there is no way to blame it off on someone else.

I think Rush is right, maybe we should start referring to the "Iranian Regime" as "Fox News!" Because, if that were the case, Obama would have no problem publicly denouncing them!

You keep asking what I would have Obama do, and I've already said, it doesn't matter what I would have him do, it only matters what he decides to do. As far as I am concerned, he can take his shirt off and run on the beach, maybe he can shoot some hoops, or hold another empty-meaning press conference full of wonderful sounding bumper stickers and platitudes? Maybe he can wave his magic wand of hope and change? You know, all of those things he did to mesmerize pinheads and make them think he's so brilliant-- If he could just work his charm and charisma on the Iranian regime, maybe they would do as pinheads and fall in love with him, and just go along with whatever bullshit he had to say? It's hard for me to say what I would have Obama do, because he has the superpowers and knows how to use them! Alls I know is he is doing nothing, and has chosen to suck his thumb instead. His lap dogs are here yapping about it not being his fault. But that goes with the territory dude, whether you and Obama think it is his fault or not, everything has ramifications.

It's the same ignorant thinking Carter had, and the same inept approach which caused the Iranian hostage crisis on his watch. Only, this time it's not going to be hostages, it's going to be millions of radioactive dead jews, I do believe. But that won't be Obama's fault either when it happens, will it? And I'm not sure which one Obama will be then... Deeply Troubled... or Shocked and Outraged... but I am sure he will eventually issue a statement on the vaporizing of Israel...maybe.
Here's the deal, when you get elected president, and you are the leader of the free world, and you refuse to stand up for freedom and democracy, WHATEVER the hell happens as a result, IS YOUR FAULT! Sorry, but there is no cop out, there is no way to blame it off on someone else.

I think Rush is right, maybe we should start referring to the "Iranian Regime" as "Fox News!" Because, if that were the case, Obama would have no problem publicly denouncing them!

You keep asking what I would have Obama do, and I've already said, it doesn't matter what I would have him do, it only matters what he decides to do. As far as I am concerned, he can take his shirt off and run on the beach, maybe he can shoot some hoops, or hold another empty-meaning press conference full of wonderful sounding bumper stickers and platitudes? Maybe he can wave his magic wand of hope and change? You know, all of those things he did to mesmerize pinheads and make them think he's so brilliant-- If he could just work his charm and charisma on the Iranian regime, maybe they would do as pinheads and fall in love with him, and just go along with whatever bullshit he had to say? It's hard for me to say what I would have Obama do, because he has the superpowers and knows how to use them! Alls I know is he is doing nothing, and has chosen to suck his thumb instead. His lap dogs are here yapping about it not being his fault. But that goes with the territory dude, whether you and Obama think it is his fault or not, everything has ramifications.

It's the same ignorant thinking Carter had, and the same inept approach which caused the Iranian hostage crisis on his watch. Only, this time it's not going to be hostages, it's going to be millions of radioactive dead jews, I do believe. But that won't be Obama's fault either when it happens, will it? And I'm not sure which one Obama will be then... Deeply Troubled... or Shocked and Outraged... but I am sure he will eventually issue a statement on the vaporizing of Israel...maybe.

My first question is always what do you want Obama to do. You punt on that question so I guess I'll just ask you what you want Obama to accomplish with respect to the happenings in Iran? Then we can discuss how best to achieve that objective.
Wow; it's a real shocker that Dixie can't offer up a suggestion of what he would do in this situation.

It's the same ol', same ol'..."Obama has to act! He must do something!" But they've got nothing in the quiver.

Fact is, Obama is responding as he should.
My first question is always what do you want Obama to do. You punt on that question so I guess I'll just ask you what you want Obama to accomplish with respect to the happenings in Iran? Then we can discuss how best to achieve that objective.

The people in the streets of Iran are protesting for freedom and democracy, and the illegitimate regime in power, is slowly stifling and strangling their voices. This is a rare moment in history, where America could encourage and back democratic political reform and freedom for the people of Iran, but the Administration is doing nothing to move in such a direction, or give the appearance they support such a direction! In fact, they are gesturing to the other side, that it's perfectly okay to steal the election and remain illegitimately in power, while silencing your dissent who only want freedom and democracy.

What would I have Obama do? How about a complete 180?
The people in the streets of Iran are protesting for freedom and democracy, and the illegitimate regime in power, is slowly stifling and strangling their voices. This is a rare moment in history, where America could encourage and back democratic political reform and freedom for the people of Iran, but the Administration is doing nothing to move in such a direction, or give the appearance they support such a direction! In fact, they are gesturing to the other side, that it's perfectly okay to steal the election and remain illegitimately in power, while silencing your dissent who only want freedom and democracy.

What would I have Obama do? How about a complete 180?

Why do you want to help our enemies?

This is EXACTLY what the current regime in Iran is hoping the U.S. will do. This will strengthen their position, both internally and in the Middle East.

How are you not aware of this? Do you know anything about the Middle East?
Why do you want to help our enemies?

This is EXACTLY what the current regime in Iran is hoping the U.S. will do. This will strengthen their position, both internally and in the Middle East.

How are you not aware of this? Do you know anything about the Middle East?

exactly. the rest of the middle east is just waiting to see if we'll stomp on into Iraq with a Bushian hamfisted neocon approach... finesse is clearly beyond the scope of Dixie's understanding.
Help our enemies? You mean Freedom and Democracy? Good point! I hadn't thought of that! :rolleyes:

Since the Carter-era policies of the late 70s, I have seen what the middle east has become. It's just bizarre as hell to me, liberals are so supportive and endorsing of radical religious fanatics of Islam, and so unwilling to support freedom, liberty, and democracy of the people. It just seems you would be the other way around, that is how you are in America, you attack radical religious fanatics of Christianity, and support freedom of same sex marriage and liberty to kill your babies with abortion, while harping about how every vote must count. It's just really weird that this principle doesn't apply in the middle east.
Help our enemies? You mean Freedom and Democracy? Good point! I hadn't thought of that! :rolleyes:

Since the Carter-era policies of the late 70s, I have seen what the middle east has become. It's just bizarre as hell to me, liberals are so supportive and endorsing of radical religious fanatics of Islam, and so unwilling to support freedom, liberty, and democracy of the people. It just seems you would be the other way around, that is how you are in America, you attack radical religious fanatics of Christianity, and support freedom of same sex marriage and liberty to kill your babies with abortion, while harping about how every vote must count. It's just really weird that this principle doesn't apply in the middle east. can't comprehend the fact that speaking out forcefully on Iran will strengthen the current regime?
Obama is already stomping 17,000 more boots on into Iraq, did you mean IRAN?

yes...I did mean Iran...

didn't YOU mean Afghanistan??? oh, and most folks in the military wear two boots, so the 17K troop deployment to AFGHANISTAN would entail 34K more boots.

and it seems to me that we just pulled our troops out of Iraqi cities... you would like them to head on east to Tehran, I'd imagine.
Last edited: can't comprehend the fact that speaking out forcefully on Iran will strengthen the current regime?

No, and I think that is a major fucked up cop out. You and your pinhead contingent, are still of the mindset that you can negotiate with people who are insane. You are still stuck on stupid! You think there is no way for us to change the hearts and minds of these people, and we should just accept that and try to appease them in some way. You're still blaming America for everything, and trying to find some way we can make amends for all the horrible things we have done in the past. From THAT perspective, you can justify sitting in abject SILENCE while the voice of freedom and democracy is extinguished by an illegitimate tyrant regime.

You can't comprehend the fact that you people don't know what the fuck you're talking about, or what the fuck you are doing. This was true with Carter, it was true with Clinton, and it's true now! You are absolutely CLUELESS on foreign policy, and all you've ever done is create horrific consequence! Then you shrug and claim it's not your fault!

Perhaps Obama could give a speech? He seems to be good at that... like the one he gave in Egypt, except... instead of 'talking to the Islamic world' he could 'talk to those in the region who desire freedom and democracy'? Maybe he could do this from inside Iraq?

...No, he won't do this, I think it's already been done, hasn't it?

How about demanding the regime submit to independent audit of the elections by the international community? How about demanding they hold another election under the scrutiny of independent observers? How about just simply denouncing these results as the fraud they are? ANY FUCKING THING from the Obama Administration, would be better than the sounds of crickets chirping! can't comprehend the fact that speaking out forcefully on Iran will strengthen the current regime?
No he REALLY cannot comprehend that by speaking in support of the Green movement in Iran plays right into the hands of the radical islamists. He does not understand that the minute President Obama endorses the opposition that the Revolutionary guard will be used to smash it. He does not understand that Mousavi will be called a western puppet and the opposition destroyed before he has a chance to strengthen. Dixie really doesn't understand much about that part of the world at all.
neocons honestly believe that they could remake the world in their image if they only would be allowed to use a little MORE force.
No, and I think that is a major fucked up cop out. You and your pinhead contingent, are still of the mindset that you can negotiate with people who are insane. You are still stuck on stupid! You think there is no way for us to change the hearts and minds of these people, and we should just accept that and try to appease them in some way. You're still blaming America for everything, and trying to find some way we can make amends for all the horrible things we have done in the past. From THAT perspective, you can justify sitting in abject SILENCE while the voice of freedom and democracy is extinguished by an illegitimate tyrant regime.

You can't comprehend the fact that you people don't know what the fuck you're talking about, or what the fuck you are doing. This was true with Carter, it was true with Clinton, and it's true now! You are absolutely CLUELESS on foreign policy, and all you've ever done is create horrific consequence! Then you shrug and claim it's not your fault!

Perhaps Obama could give a speech? He seems to be good at that... like the one he gave in Egypt, except... instead of 'talking to the Islamic world' he could 'talk to those in the region who desire freedom and democracy'? Maybe he could do this from inside Iraq?

...No, he won't do this, I think it's already been done, hasn't it?

How about demanding the regime submit to independent audit of the elections by the international community? How about demanding they hold another election under the scrutiny of independent observers? How about just simply denouncing these results as the fraud they are? ANY FUCKING THING from the Obama Administration, would be better than the sounds of crickets chirping!


You could have saved yourself some time, and just posted "I don't really understand anything about the situation in Iran, but just want to criticize Obama for the sake of it."

For future reference, if you ever decide to delve into actual policy and try to grasp the situation, there is a HUGE difference between tough and dumb, and tough and smart.
No he REALLY cannot comprehend that by speaking in support of the Green movement in Iran plays right into the hands of the radical islamists.

"Green" movement? LOL... do you use that term to make it sound like it's just a bunch of enviro-wackos, or because it's too hard for you to say "freedom" and "democratic reform" ?

So tell me... how does lending legitimacy to an illegitimate radical Islamic regime, NOT play into the hands of radical islamists? How does our lack of objection to the radical Islamic regime successfully usurping the freedom and liberty of the people, and silencing the voice of opposition, NOT help the radical Islamic movement, or play into their hands?

He does not understand that the minute President Obama endorses the opposition that the Revolutionary guard will be used to smash it.

IF that happens, it would also be the clearest evidence to the rest of the civilized world, that we need to stand united against this ideology. You are using a speculative hypothetical here, because you don't know what would happen, or what consequence it might have.

He does not understand that Mousavi will be called a western puppet and the opposition destroyed before he has a chance to strengthen. Dixie really doesn't understand much about that part of the world at all.

Here is what I understand... They held supposed "free elections" in Iran... We are told (and expected to accept) that the vote was "close" and the opposition was strong, but this clown who is currently in power, won the election by a slim margin. In the wake of that.... we see, literally MILLIONS of Iranian citizens in the streets, protesting the legitimacy of the results! We see the regime booting out foreign journalists, and we are reduced to YouTube and Twitter to get information on what is going on inside the country... and it doesn't look pretty.

I don't buy that it was a "close" election at all. I bet President Leisure Suit got less than 10% of the vote, and the overwhelming majority favored the reformist movement candidate. That is the only way to explain the tremendous number of protesters following the election. I mean... look at our own election 2000... Bush lost the popular vote, and we didn't see MILLIONS of Americans protesting in the streets, and foreign media being booted out of the country! And THAT is in AMERICA, where we have freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and a media in full sympathy with the opposition, pumping out propaganda daily! So, to think that in a totalitarian country like Iran, there are MILLIONS out in the streets, risking death and injury, it tells me the vote was nowhere near "close" and Mousavi should legitimately be the leader.

In the Larger Picture, this is precisely what we have been waiting for! The planting of freedom and democracy in Iraq, has been the catalyst for reform in Iran, and it has culminated in this internal grass-roots movement. THIS is how we "change the hearts and minds" and the only way we can ultimately defeat the ideology of radical Islam. But the opportunity is going to go to waste, at the hands of idiots who don't understand the significance of the moment, and fail to take advantage of it.

Is it any wonder the radical Islamics gain traction with the arguments against us? Once again, America says it will stand with those who seek freedom and democracy, only to turn its back when it comes time to support them! It just keeps happening over and over to these people, they stick their necks out for the hope of freedom, because we tell them we will be there to help them, then pinhead anti-war liberals take over, and we abandon them! Leaving them to be slaughtered and put down, and ultimately resent the US for it!

....OMG.... THIS just in from the White House.... Obama is "moved" by what he has seen! WOW! ...I bet the illegitimate tyrants in Iran are really worried now!