An Open Letter to the Iranian People

I'm not personally in power to do anything, all I can do is write letters to my representatives and encourage the White House to not be chicken shit. I can let my voice be heard, and I fully intend to do that as much as I can. Maybe that isn't much, but it's a damn site more than sitting on my hands dreaming up excuses for why this president is too afraid to speak up for freedom!

did you listen to his press conference today? he spoke very strongly about Iran...

bottom line... you call others cowards when you yourself do nothing substantively different than they do.
"No Onzies, you don't support the protesters any further than you could throw one. You are unwilling to do anything other than SAY you support them... if it involves any real effort or risk, you aren't willing to support them at all. You support the protesters like you support our troops! You will sit here and lie through your teeth, CLAIMING you do, but your actions are to the contrary! In fact, just like our troops, you will do everything you can to undermine what they are doing. "

Are you typing this from the streets of Iran?

If not, you sound incredibly stupid. More stupid than usual, actually - and that's really saying something.

No, I am sitting my Confederate flag-waving ass right here in Montgomery, Alabama. But I have seen the YouTube of the young woman who was shot through the heart and drowned on her own blood before my eyes. I know what the hell is going on over there, and it sickens me to hear pinhead morons talk about how "it could be worse" ....yeah, they've not put the tanks in the streets to fire indiscriminately into crowds of protesters yet, or at least that we are aware of.

I think this will serve as a wonderful example of how the liberal left just doesn't give two shits about freedom or democracy. Because that is what this all comes down to! Do you want to stand up for it, or do you want to hedge your bets and play it safe, hoping to be able to negotiate with crazy people? The anti-war anti-military left, has made their choice! Let America see that for what it is!
No, I am sitting my Confederate flag-waving ass right here in Montgomery, Alabama. But I have seen the YouTube of the young woman who was shot through the heart and drowned on her own blood before my eyes. I know what the hell is going on over there, and it sickens me to hear pinhead morons talk about how "it could be worse" ....yeah, they've not put the tanks in the streets to fire indiscriminately into crowds of protesters yet, or at least that we are aware of.

I think this will serve as a wonderful example of how the liberal left just doesn't give two shits about freedom or democracy. Because that is what this all comes down to! Do you want to stand up for it, or do you want to hedge your bets and play it safe, hoping to be able to negotiate with crazy people? The anti-war anti-military left, has made their choice! Let America see that for what it is!

Pathological liar. Show me where I ever said it "could be worse."

You've done nothing but put words into my mouth. You're such a loser.
It's not about "negotiating with crazy people," you lunatic. It's about not giving the crazy people more ammo.

If I was protesting an election in America, would I want Al Qaeda to come out in vehement support of my cause?

Use your head.
It's not about "negotiating with crazy people," you lunatic. It's about not giving the crazy people more ammo.

If I was protesting an election in America, would I want Al Qaeda to come out in vehement support of my cause?

Use your head.
Would it change your mind if they did?
did you listen to his press conference today? he spoke very strongly about Iran...

bottom line... you call others cowards when you yourself do nothing substantively different than they do.

Oh really? Was he "deeply troubled" or "shocked and outraged" ...or did he say he was "moved" by what he had seen? So far, he has been a timid little liberal chicken shit, too afraid to actually CONFRONT this tyrant, for fear of messing up his agenda!

How dare you say I am doing nothing! I am doing what every American should be doing, but YOU are not! I am speaking up for liberty, freedom and democracy, and demanding the US do something besides taking a passive indifferent stance. You are being your typical chicken shit self, insulting and dwelling on the personal past of those you dislike, and avoiding the topic at hand. This comes as no surprise to any of us, because it's pretty much what you've become in your bitter old age. Some people here might actually have trouble believing you once were a fairly good debater, but something must have completely rotted your brain.
Would it change your mind if they did?

No, but it would certainly strengthen the case my opponents could make to the fence-sitters.

We've already seen that to a degree in this country, when some terrorist group or other enemy of America seems to give their support to one candidate or the other. People jump on stuff like that.
no...but it would enrage and solidify his opposition.

that's the point
I doubt that it would enrage his opposition. Would it "enrage" say Obama's opposition if he were endorsed by some outside group like Hamas? Clearly not. There might be some mention of it, but "enrage"? Didn't happen. Silly attempt and an overestimation of the reaction of his "opposition".
Oh really? Was he "deeply troubled" or "shocked and outraged" ...or did he say he was "moved" by what he had seen? So far, he has been a timid little liberal chicken shit, too afraid to actually CONFRONT this tyrant, for fear of messing up his agenda!

How dare you say I am doing nothing! I am doing what every American should be doing, but YOU are not! I am speaking up for liberty, freedom and democracy, and demanding the US do something besides taking a passive indifferent stance. You are being your typical chicken shit self, insulting and dwelling on the personal past of those you dislike, and avoiding the topic at hand. This comes as no surprise to any of us, because it's pretty much what you've become in your bitter old age. Some people here might actually have trouble believing you once were a fairly good debater, but something must have completely rotted your brain.

did you listen to the press conference or didn't you?

speaking of dwelling on the past of those who you dislike... do you really think you should be throwing stones from that glasshouse you live in?

and what forum are you using to speak up for liberty freedom and democracy? How, specifically, are you "voicing" your demand that the US do something?
No, but it would certainly strengthen the case my opponents could make to the fence-sitters.

We've already seen that to a degree in this country, when some terrorist group or other enemy of America seems to give their support to one candidate or the other. People jump on stuff like that.
Again, if that were the case the Hamas endorsement would have ended Obama. It's rubbish.
I doubt that it would enrage his opposition. Would it "enrage" say Obama's opposition if he were endorsed by some outside group like Hamas? Clearly not. There might be some mention of it, but "enrage"? Didn't happen. Silly attempt and an overestimation of the reaction of his "opposition".

was Obama's opposition PLEASED and mollified by Hamas's endorsement?
Again, if that were the case the Hamas endorsement would have ended Obama. It's rubbish.

It's not "rubbish," Damo. It's something many in the foreign policy community happen to agree on.

Obama came out more strongly today, and already, the regime is trying to jump on the comments - the "Great Satan" is on their side, blah, blah, blah. If you can't see how that helps them, I can't do much for you.

It's cost/benefit. What would Obama coming out as strongly as Dixie seems to be suggesting actually do for the protesters? Would it assist them in any tangible way, given that there is a solid case to be made that his doing so would certainly be something the current regime would use against them?

What other benefit would it provide?
It's not "rubbish," Damo. It's something many in the foreign policy community happen to agree on.

Obama came out more strongly today, and already, the regime is trying to jump on the comments - the "Great Satan" is on their side, blah, blah, blah. If you can't see how that helps them, I can't do much for you.

It's cost/benefit. What would Obama coming out as strongly as Dixie seems to be suggesting actually do for the protesters? Would it assist them in any tangible way, given that there is a solid case to be made that his doing so would certainly be something the current regime would use against them?

What other benefit would it provide?
No, your example was rubbish. I'm not saying that Obama should do other than what he is, nor do I believe that Bush would be. Much like he maintained silence on the "Axis of Evil" crap for a long, long time... I just don't think either of them would be running their mouth right now. Although I don't think Bush would invite Iranian diplomats to the WH during the current problems. Which means nothing to your analogies. Hamas did endorse Obama, nobody lost because of it, the 'outrage' was slim to non-existent.

If Al Qaeda endorsed somebody here they would be ignored, much like Hamas was. Mostly because they have no real power here unlike the US in their area. Your examples sucked.
No, your example was rubbish.

If Al Qaeda endorsed somebody here they would be ignored, much like Hamas was. Mostly because they have no real power here unlike the US in their area. Your examples sucked.

Hamas wasn't ignored on this board. It wasn't ignored on talk radio, or the internet. It didn't cost Obama the election, but no one suggested that; I'm sure it was not something that was welcomed by the Obama campaign.

Guess you were off-planet at that time.
"I'm not saying that Obama should do other than what he is, nor do I believe that Bush would be"

Then what the hell are you arguing?

Why do you jump on threads like this & make the arguments that you make, if you are essentially okay w/ what he is doing?
Pathological liar. Show me where I ever said it "could be worse."

You've done nothing but put words into my mouth. You're such a loser.

I didn't put words in your mouth, I made a statement, and it is true. You haven't said "it could be worse" but your sources of information on what you believe, have indeed made that point, I heard them! It comes just after the... we can't let them turn this around and blame us... part!

It's not about "negotiating with crazy people," you lunatic. It's about not giving the crazy people more ammo.

If I was protesting an election in America, would I want Al Qaeda to come out in vehement support of my cause?

Use your head.

LMAO... alQaeda issued statements of support for both John Kerry AND Barack Obama.... did that sway your opinion in any way? Did that hurt your cause? I think you picked a really fucking poor analogy, might want to try another!

Ooo... I got one--- Hitler! This guy is like a little Hitler wannabe, so let's imagine it's 1938, and that would make Barack Obama and the left, like Neville Chamberlain. Go study his position prior to the war, and that is the template for what you are following here! Let's not do anything to make the crazy guy mad at us... let's gesture to him that we are willing to work with him... let's avoid appearing confrontational on his political views, even if it means forsaking freedom and liberty... it's the exact same mentality Neville had, and it has been demonstrated to be the wrong side of history. Winston Churchill said it best, you want to continue to feed the alligator, in the hope that he will eat you last!
Was his support? Was it whittled away one iota? Where was the "outrage"?

Didn't happen.

of course there was outrage... I know you stop over to once in a while... I think you listen to Rush once in a while... on, RSR and his koolaid soaked republican buddies were absolutely GLEEFUL that Hamas had endorsed Obama and claimed it was PROOF that he was a muslim, and a jew hater and everything bad for America.
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